Thursday, May 14, 2020

Hamlet, By William Shakespeare - 1753 Words

Multiple characters in Hamlet that are at least somewhat relevant end up tragically dying in the play. Each of the character’s death is caused by the same evil that had spread to each character at some point in the play. Claudius starts this spread of evil by murdering Hamlet the First with poison that Claudius put in Hamlet the First’s ear. This evil spreads first to Hamlet the prince, who plots his revenge on Claudius. The same evil further spreads to every other relevant character at some point in the play, but since the play is set in the late middle ages, this evil takes a long time to affect and eventually kill some of the characters. The world has advanced remarkably since the time of Hamlet, and there is still the same evil around†¦show more content†¦We first see Hamlet the prince become infected with the evil when he seeks revenge on Claudius after learning from Hamlet the First’s ghost that Claudius was the one who murdered Hamlet the First. A fter learning what has occurred Hamlet the prince writes, So, uncle, there you are. Now to my word; It is Adieu, adieu! remember me. I have sworn t.† (Shakespeare Act 1, Scene 5) Here Hamlet isn’t just speaking his intentions, but writing them down, so that they can physically last and he can remind himself about what he was sent out by his father to do. This is how the evil is starting to be passed through the ears of the characters, either physically like with Hamlet the First, or by hearing the evil like with Hamlet the Prince. Claudius murdering his brother and then Hamlet the Prince wanting and plotting to kill his uncle Claudius tells us how much of an awfully large amount of evil Claudius has inside of him, and how the same evil has infected Hamlet the Prince. In modern times we don’t have a Claudius to spread the hate and evil, but the radical group ISIS is a very similar alternative. We can say that the times Hamlet was set in and times now are unexpl ainably different, for that they are separated by at least half a century. However the major similarity between Claudius back then and ISIS right now is that the amount of evil they each possess is equal to one

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