Monday, May 25, 2020

Essay on Smoking in Public Spaces Should be Banned

Imagine you and your family are at a nice restaurant, waiting to enjoy a great meal, or so you think. As you lean in to take that first bite, a puff of smoke surrounds you, your family, and your food. How pleasant is this? A big topic being brought to attention these days is whether or not smoking should be banned from all restaurants and other public areas. Smoking in public areas should be taken into close consideration. There are many reasons of why this is brought to attention. These include the harmful effects it can have on all people, smokers and non-smokers, as well as the environment, which most people would not consider. Ever since earlier years, when cigarettes came into market, people have had the right to make†¦show more content†¦Smoking around other people is impolite, inconsiderate, and maybe even cause others to have health problems. A person who is say, allergic, to smoke or have some other problems with smoke may start losing breath, coughing, and may have to be taken to a hospital. It is also unfair to babies or children who can?t help that people are smoking around them. Many restaurants have tried solving this problem by having two designated areas: one smoking, one non-smoking. This way people can have a choice as to whether or not they wish to be around smokers or not. But what exactly separates these designated areas? A four-foot high wall with plants and flowers as decoration on top does. Who are they trying to kid? Anyone who knows anything knows that a four-foot wall is not going to stop the spread of smoke throughout all of the air in the restaurant. And for that matter, some people walk around the whole restaurant carrying a lit cigarette or cigar. Even though trying to enable the non-smoking section to eat without being disturbed by contaminated air is a good thought, it?s not working sufficiently. 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