Thursday, June 6, 2019

The Loneliest Character Essay Example for Free

The Loneliest Character EssayThe loneliest character in Of Mice and Men is Crooks. Crooks is the loneliest character because he lives all alone and has no one to endue him company. He is not allowed in the bunk house because he is black. In the depression era, blacks were segregated, keeping Crooks isolated and friendless. Crooks is lonely because of his race. He gets treated differently than others for warning Spose you didnt have nobody. Spose you couldnt go into the bunk house and play rummy cause you was black. Howd you like that? Spose you had to sit out here an read books. Sure you could play outfit till it got dark, barely then you got to read books (Steinbeck 80). Crooks is treated differently in the smallest of ways. Many ways seem too small to affect just about multitude, but they affect Crooks because of his isolation. Maybe you guys better go. I aint sure I want you in here no more. A colored man got to have some decents even if he dont like em (Steinbeck 90) .Crooks has few rights as a colored person and he desperately wants more rights. During the depression colored people were often isolated because of their race. Crooks never gets any company creating a feeling of loneliness. He even feels that he should not receive any company, for example, You got no right to come in my room. This heres my room. Nobody got no right in here but me (Steinbeck 66). Crooks pushes people away creating even more loneliness. Because of this he gets bored and finally lets Lenny in. Come on in and sit awhile (Steinbeck 68). When Crooks lets Lenny in he feels relieved that he has someone to talk to. It is a diddle lived feeling. As soon as Lenny leaves he is lonely again. The seclusion created by Crooks fuels his feelings of loneliness. Crooks has inadequate social relationships, some of which is caused by his race. He is also lonely because he has no family or friends on the ranch like George and Lennie do. Crooks is defiantly the loneliest character in Of Mice and Men.

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