Tuesday, June 11, 2019

ACCOUNTING Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

ACCOUNTING - Article ExampleThis all contributed to the collapse of domains largest and most powerful economies of the world. The paper, in general, tries to identify the divers(a) factors in the field of accounting investigate that contributed to the fall of financial system in the USA. It also talks about how weak laws and financial reporting requirements as a result of insufficient accounting research have contributed to the crisis apart from irresponsible behavior of the bankers and the banks. This article is written in this time because the entire world is going through a turbulent phase of global financial crisis which has not only paralysed the US stinting system, but also the world economic system.The main point that the article discusses is the financial reporting requirements and in particular the valuation regulations. The article uses the secondary research methodology when analyzing the role of accounting research in its attempt to curb or stop the looming crisis. It talks about the fair value accounting and how it contributed to the fall in the accounting system. It pays particular anxiety to the manipulation that many companies did in order to window-dress their financial statements and use it as a tool to justify money laundering, over-valued SIVs etc. However, at the aforesaid(prenominal) time, it criticizes the role of accounting research by using the observational secondary research. It says that even when the fair-value accounting was at its peak, the researchers were unable to publish any data or any empirical data about the problems that it could cause. Instead, during the years preceding crisis, there was no research done on the issue, and it was after the crisis had been fully operational that accountants start paying heed to the issue and starting researching the topic. This again is used by the writer, as an evidence to signify the gap between accounting in workout and accounting research through observation and secondary resear ch as a methodology. The article then comes down to the third argument that is used a factor showing the gap between accounting research and accounting

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