Friday, February 21, 2020

Marketing Plan on Counterfeit Protection Company Essay

Marketing Plan on Counterfeit Protection Company - Essay Example s of Difference 9 1.11 Positioning 10 Marketing Program Strategy and Tactics 11 1.12Product Line 11 1.13Promotion 12 1.14Price 12 1.15Place 12 2.Implementation Plan 13 1. Introduction (The Challenge) 1.1. Organization and Services Counterfeit Shield’s main focus will be on prevention and locating sources of counterfeit items. This business to business services main goal is to seek out counterfeit items for a company that desires to do so. This in turn will increase their profit potential. Agents that work for the company will operate for fee, throughout the country and local area. As reported by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development it was said that over 400 Billion US was lost worldwide due to pirated goods and counterfeit items. This represents a huge market for some form of protection of designer goods for companies. A basic example for how the company will operate will be a company seeking to stop the counterfeiting of there products. They will come to us and report the problem. After the problem is logged and payment is received for the service or a planned commission is setup, an investigator will search out all the areas and online sources in which that product existences in a potential for counterfeiting. A comprehensive analysis will be done. After that, sources of onsite locations will be verified with logging all important information. A report will be drawn up from all this and will be either handed over to in house attorney for prosecution or given to the company for their handling of the matter. Situational Analysis This section of the marketing plan tries to examine the context and the developments in any company. The three major elements such as customers, companies and competitors will be analyzed in this section. Company... From this research it is clear that Counterfeit Shield’s main focus will be on prevention and locating sources of counterfeit items. This business to business services main goal is to seek out counterfeit items for a company that desires to do so. This in turn will increase their profit potential. Agents that work for the company will operate for fee, throughout the country and local area. As reported by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development it was said that over 400 Billion US was lost worldwide due to pirated goods and counterfeit items. This represents a huge market for some form of protection of designer goods for companies. A basic example for how the company will operate will be a company seeking to stop the counterfeiting of there products. They will come to us and report the problem. After the problem is logged and payment is received for the service or a planned commission is setup, an investigator will search out all the areas and online sources in which that product existences in a potential for counterfeiting. A comprehensive analysis will be done. After that, sources of onsite locations will be verified with logging all important information. A report will be drawn up from all this and will be either handed over to in house attorney for prosecution or given to the company for their handling of the matter. The main goal of Counterfeit Shield is to search for and attract those companies that want to protect their products from counterfeiting. The company’s sole objective will be to combat counterfeiting of the products for the companies approaching Counterfeit Shield.

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