Monday, May 27, 2019
International and Domestic Marketing Comparison Essay
In todays world, business is commonly acknowledged as international and the general expectation is for this to continue into the foreseeable future. As the world continues to venture into global food markets, not limiting business transactions to internal markets, it is consequential to understand the similarities and differences of conducting business in those markets. The success of businesses in domestic and international markets is dependent on the accuracy and thoroughness of the marketing indoors the respective markets. With that in mind, this written report will compargon and contrast international and domestic marketing with the use of selected international rustic, Germany, versus the United States.Domestic versus International marketAnalyzing domestic and international businesses within the private and public sectors, the most common objective is successfully to function in order to continue operations. Although they share the same ultimate goals, international and d omestic marketing are quite dissimilar. Generally, nation-states differ in the following areasUnique governing systemsLaws and regulationsCurrenciesTaxes and dutiesCultureBusinesses venturing into the international market must understand such differences along with recognizing similarities in buyer behaviors as they differ from country to country. Specific to Germany, a successful business venture must fully comprehend the contradictory environment in order to effectively market a product or service.German vs. U.S. CultureOne of the most important factors that have a major intrusion on marketing in Germany is gardening. Germanys culture includes a long history of musical talent and interest which has continued even in advance(a) culture (ThinkQuest, 1999). Germany ranks as the 5th largest market globally in music record sales and is heavily influenced by telly (ThinkQuest, 1999). Germanys television market encompasses over 34 million households and is by far the largest market in Europe (ThinkQuest, 1999). Television viewers have options for cable or satellite and gouge choose from a variety of free-to-view public and commercial channels (ThinkQuest, 1999). Another major aspect of German culture is sports two of the most popular macrocosm unalike types of motor racing and soccer (ThinkQuest, 1999). Practicalityis a very common characteristic of most Germans that would lead marketers to focus on introducing products and services with a gain purpose and value (ThinkQuest, 1999).U.S. culture, on the other hand, is quite diametric from German culture. Inspired by a combination of European ideals combined with domestic originality, U.S. culture encompasses traditions, ideals, beliefs, customs, arts, and innovation (USA Study Guide, 2007). Much of U.S. culture was not uniquely derived, but imported through colonization and immigration (USA Study Guide, 2007). America has a cockeyed focus centered on civil liberties, national holidays, U.S. sports, and in novation of arts and frolic. National holidays such as Memorial Day, turn over Day, Independence Day, Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New years are celebrated across the country and many different businesses take advantage of such generation to offer sale prices on products and services provoke customer purchases. Some of the most favorite sports include American football, basketball, and baseball, and Americans are known to spend lost of money during these events.The U.S. is an enormous exporter of entertainment including news, movie, and music. Different types of entertainment are communicated through a variety of venues including television which ranks as on of the top mass media of the U.S. (USA Study Guide, 2007). Statistics show that 97% of Americans own at to the lowest degree 1 television and most have at least three in their household (USA Study Guide, 2007). advert in America is much different from Germany, rather than the focus being on practicality, successfu l marketing in the U.S. highlights the trendiest fashions and creates an image that one just has to have a certain product. U.S. culture is changing it is not static, as the country is known as the largest melting pot in the world, and as new cultures migrate into the U.S. accepted by the majority, the culture continues to evolve.German vs. U.S Laws and RegulationsIn order to tap into the German international market, it is essential for a business to have a clarified understanding of the laws and regulations that govern marketing and advertizing. Marketing and advertising in Germany is governed by very strict laws. In Germany advertising is defined by different typesincludingProduct PlacementPermanent Advertising ProgramsTeleshopping/radio receiver shopping(Zitierung, 1996)For example, in Germany, the most popular television displace are Anstalten ffentlichen Rechts, which means that they are not allowed to receive a profit (Zitierung, 1996). Such television stations are independe nt therefore, government officials cannot directly influence their decisions (Zitierung, 1996).The top managers are appointed by councils who represent major groups within their society including popular semipolitical parties, churches, specific businesses, and unions (Zitierung, 1996). In this case, laws in place prescribe their purpose and internal structure (Zitierung, 1996). Operations are financed through monthly fees acquired from individuals who own either a radio or television (Zitierung, 1996). Financing through television or radio license fee is not permitted. Advertising is restricted to certain times of the day and never interrupts movies or news shows (Zitierung, 1996). Advertising on public television channels may not exceed 20 minutes during the workday, and on private channels may not exceed 20% of daily transmission time (Zitierung, 1996).Marketing and advertising in the U.S., although it is governed by laws and regulations, is much easier than advertising in Germa ny. Although much of the communication to Americans is monitored by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), laws and regulations are more specific to content of ads, fair laws, and intellectual property including copyrights and trademarks (, 2009). In comparison to governing laws in Germany, advertising on television, for example, is done more freely and frequently in the U.S. There are no strict guidelines that dedicate a small portion of time throughout the day for advertising, thus movies, news programs, and television shows are frequently disrupt for the sole purpose of advertising (, 2009). In fact, many advertising campaigns purchase prime time spots to run commercials for their product during the most popular television shows and sports games such as during NFL games and American Idol to name a few.German vs. U.S. EconomyGermanys economy is one that is heavily export-oriented, the country is the worlds leading exporter of merchandise,and thus this is a key element in German macroeconomic expansion (ThinkQuest, 1999). Germanys currency is the Euro and its monetary policy is set by the European Central Bank in Frankfurt Germany (ThinkQuest, 1999). Germanys financial system is not driven by the stock market in fact, it is a financial system that is bank oriented. Employment is deregulated in Germany the unemployment rate is a continuous problem, along with bureaucracy regulations that cause burdens on new and incumbent businesses (ThinkQuest, 1999). agribusiness is extremely productive in Germany the country domestically produces over 90% of its needed nutrition and is known for its high level of industrialization (ThinkQuest, 1999).The U.S. economy differs greatly from the structure of the German economy. It is the largest national economy in the world maintaining a stable GDP growth rate and continued low unemployment rate (United States surgical incision of Labor, 2009). The U.S. is one of the mo st significant nations in the world of international trade the country leads the world in exports year over year while simultaneously remaining one of the top three exporters of goods (United States Department of Labor, 2009). U.S. currency is the American dollar and its banking system relies heavily on the stock market. The U.S. has major economic concerns as it related to external debt because as baby boomers are beginning to retire and collect Social Security, monies are running low (United States Department of Labor, 2009).ConclusionIn conclusion, Germany is quite different from the United States in terms of how the country operates including the government of marketing and advertising. An individual traveling from his home country to do business in a foreign country must conduct extensive market research prior to developing a marketing and advertising plan. It is essential to understand the different aspects of the country in order to effectively position and market a product o r service. Doing business in a foreign country involves many different variables and more complexity than doing business at home. Success is dependent on the accuracy of market research and the companys ability to manage from a local perspective with the absolute correct marketing (2009). Advertising, Marketing & Promotion Law Guide toAdvertising, Marketing & Promotion Law. Retrieved June 16, 2009 from http// (1999). German Culture. Retrieved June 15, 2009, from http// States Department of Labor (2009). Economy at a Glance. Retrieved June 16, 2009 from http// Study Guide (2007). The international student guide to education and study in the USA. Retrieved June 15, 2009 from http//, Autor (1996). German Broadcast Advertising Law. Online Journal Recht. Retrieved June 16, 2009, from http// html?/1996/36.htm.
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