Thursday, December 26, 2019
Adolescent Cognitive Development Within The Breakfast Club...
Adolescent Cognitive Development Within The Breakfast Club Five teens, five different cliques, one eight-hour Saturday detention. These is the basics of The Breakfast Club. Through spending the day with one another Allison, Andrew, Brian, Claire and John realize there isn’t much difference between them, and the differences that are between them aren’t too important. Watching The Breakfast Club is a great way to learn about adolescents. You have five, very different -yet very similar- adolescents to observe along with what they do together. In observing them you can understand how they’re beginning to cognitively develop from children to adults Piaget says that within the cognitive development, there are stages. During adolescence, people hit the point where they are ending the concrete operational stage and are beginning the final stage: the formal operational stage. This means they start solving problems more rationally with increased logic, thinking more abstractly, and begin to use deductive reasoning (meaning they think about one or more statements to reach their conclusion with logic). There is also the information processing perspective which says it is more of a gradual thing than a step by step approach. The teens show they are beginning to flow into the adolescent stage of their life with their inferred thoughts, actions and words throughout the whole movie. One thing that puts an adolescent in the formal operational stage is the ability to think abstractly aboutShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Movie The Breakfast Club Essay1727 Words  | 7 PagesThe iconic coming-of-age movie The Breakfast Club, focuses on the development of five, seemingly very different high school students. In the movie we are presented with the five main characters all with stereotypes that they identify with. 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The characters consists of five teens from different stereotyped groups within the schoolRead MoreEssay on Child Care Observation2227 Words  | 9 PagesChild Care Observation I observed children at ABC Child Development Center in the 3 year old classroom on March 1, 2010 from 8am until 11am. The classroom had a very diverse composition in the classroom, Hispanic, African American, Caucasian, Native American, and Asian (Vietnamese). In addition to diversity the ABC child development focus on maintaining a child centered environment that allows children to learn at their own pace. The classroom had 2 teachers and 24 children in attendance duringRead MoreInflence of Parental Monitoring on Adolescent Decision Making9466 Words  | 38 PagesABSTRACT Adolescents, who are neither children nor adults, stand with a foot in each world (childhood and adulthood). Their intellectual and emotional development is greater than that of young children, yet they are not fully mature. 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Professor Stephen Ackroyd, Lancaster University, UK This new textbook usefully situates organization theory within the scholarly debates on modernism and postmodernism, and provides an advanced introduction to the heterogeneous study of organizations, including chapters on phenomenology, critical theory and psychoanalysis. Like all good textbooks, the book isRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesPrinter/Binder: Courier/Kendallville Cov er Printer: Courier/Kendalville Text Font: 10.5/12 ITC New Baskerville Std Credits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on the appropriate page within text. Copyright  © 2013, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. This publication is protected by Copyright, and permission should be obtained
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Jackie Robinson African American Civil Rights Activist
Jackie Robinson. Jackie Robinson Appears Before HUAC Hearings Regarding Communist Infiltration of Minority Groups–Part 1, Hearings Before the Committee on Un-American Activities, House of Representatives, Eighty First Congress, First Session. 18 July. 1949. This is a transcript from 1949, when Jackie Robinson was summoned before the HUAC to discuss communism to Black America. He reminds the court that he is coming from a view of being a colored American, â€Å"with 30 years of experience†. Jackie follows to explain that democracy will only work for those who are willing to fight for it (addressed Negro Americans). Du Bois, W.E.B. The Talented Tenth. N.p., Sept. 1903. Print. This is a letter from African-American civil rights activist, W.E.B. Du Bois, explaining what the Talented Tenth is and their goal. Du Bois, W.E.B. Criteria of Negro Art. The Crisis Oct. 1926: n. pag. Print. A newspaper article about what William Edward Burghard, a civil rights activist, thinks about the current state that black people are in. It entails ways of how art should be used to raise the status of black people in America. W.E.B. Du Bois helped others understand the thinking of people, especially African intellectuals, during the Harlem Renaissance. Hatch, James V. Hamalian, Leo. â€Å"Lost Plays of the Harlem Renaissance†. 1920-1940. Detroit. This book holds scenes from 16 individual plays during the Harlem Renaissance. It holds scripts from playwright and social activist, Langston Hughes. ThisShow MoreRelatedThe Man Who Broke The Color Barrier, Jackie Robinson Essay854 Words  | 4 Pages29 November 2016 English 2 Block 1 Living Wax Museum Jackie Robinson Biography The man who broke the color barrier, Jackie Robinson. Robinson was the first African-American to play in the MLB. Robinson overcame many obstacles in his career the main ones being racism and segregation. Robinson had a 10 year career with the Dodgers. Robinson became a civil rights activist being involved in the NAACP after his retirement from baseball. Jackie has received numerous awards not only for his physicalRead MoreA Lesson Before Dying By Ernest Gaines869 Words  | 4 Pagesto Joe Louis and Jackie Robinson. Beside these two, Mamie Till also stepped up and was audacious. They were all fearless and gave hope to many other people because of what they were doing. These heroes took a stand against society and changed the world for everyone. A hero isn’t just Superman but someone who stands up for what they believe in and is a sense of hope for everyone. Jackie Robinson was the first African American Major League Baseball player. In the article, Robinson was calm and knewRead More Jackie Robinson and The Integration Of The United States Essay1697 Words  | 7 PagesJackie Robinson: athlete, social activist, hero. These are just some of the words people use to describe Jackie. Robinson was the first person to break the color barrier in Major League Baseball, at the time officially designated a white man’s sport. The blacks and whites played in separate leagues but Branch Rickey, vice president of the Brooklyn Dodgers, wanted to integrate Major League Baseball. At this time in the 1940s the Unites States was still segregated and the Jim Crow Laws still reignedRead MoreJackie Robinson Broke Baseball s Color Barrier1197 Words  | 5 PagesJackie Robinson During the 1940 s, the African Americans were segregated from the Whites in America. White people in America had a lot more advantages or opportunities. Up until when Jackie Robinson potentially brought the two races together, many signs of hatred were shown on the African Americans. They had separate schools, restaurants, and transportation systems. Nobody ever thought that the two races would be integrated one day. Predictably, life at this time was not very easy for AfricanRead MoreJackie Robinson as a Civil Rights Activist1986 Words  | 8 PagesJackie Roosevelt Robinson was born on January 31st 1919. In 1947, at the age of 28, Jackie became the first African American to break the â€Å"color line†of Major League Baseball when he debuted with the Brooklyn Dodgers. During his tenure with the Dodgers, Jackie was not simply an average player. Among various other accolades, Mr. Robinson was a starter on six World Series teams as well as being named the National Leag ue Rookie of The Year in 1947. His advantageous career was then capped in 1962Read MoreAmerica s Favorite Pastime And Jackie Robinson Essay1661 Words  | 7 PagesAmerica’s Favorite Pastime and Jackie Robinson The game of baseball has been intertwined in our history. It has been there through the wars and the civil rights movements. The game has seen it all. 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Jackie Robinson is a person who fits all these qualities.Jackie Robinson is a true hero. He has done many things no ordinary person would have done. Some examples of things he has done is that he has broke the color barrier, he fought for integration for major leagues, he was a very influential player. He never gave up. He kept on trying. Jackie Robinson was born in Cairo, Georgia in 1919 to a family of sharecroppers. His mother raised Jackie and his 4 other brothers. TheyRead MoreShort Term Effects Of Jackie Robinson Essay887 Words  | 4 PagesIn the NFL, African Americans are 68 percent of players, and they are 10 percent in Major League Baseball. Jackie Robinson Back in the 1940s, when African Americans faced discrimination and racism in baseball and everywhere else, there was man who took a stand and proved that he could play ball, no matter the color of his skin. This man’s name was none other than, Jackie Robinson. Jackie Robinson was a greatRead MoreHow did Jackie Robinson Overcome Racial Discrimination in Sports1119 Words  | 5 Pagesprotested and demonstrated against? Jackie Robinson felt the outcry of America during his baseball career. Fighting not only for his future, but also for the overall well-being of his sport, Robinson received death threats for his efforts. On a daily basis, this disciplined African man fought the pressures of hatred toward his entire race. As a segregated country, America saw major league baseball as a white man’s sport. Robinson was the outlier in an otherwise American â€Å"tradition.†Society observed Robinson’s
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Financing Through Capitalization Structure â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Financing Through Capitalization Structure? Answer: Introduction Investment decision-making is very crucial for an investor willing to invest in feasible investment. This entails conducting an investment analysis in order to determine whether a given investment is worthwhile the financing through capitalization structure. Further, identifying or making investment decisions is imperative and calls for better analysis techniques that would assist in attaining organizations management strategic business objective (Rebiasz 2007). There are numerous investment opportunities in which an organization could invest in, but due to limited time and resources, organizations management needs to select an investment opportunity that would match their economic and business objectives. In addition, investment cash flows are usually at risk and might not at times be equal to estimates utilized in computing the NPV or forecasts made by human beings could either be too pessimistic or optimistic while making cash flow forecasts (De Kok, Van Donselaar van Woensel 200 8). Hence, there is need to conduct risk analysis to guard against such type of biases while making investment decisions. Further, it is at times reasonable in assuming that actual cash flows is equal expected cash flows utilised in estimating investments NPV since there are numerous possible cash flow results for any investments. Thus, a better risk or feasibility analysis is a crucial party in investment decision-making since it provide actionable info regarding particular investment opportunities as well as knowledge that the management could exploit towards noteworthy decision-making facets. The key feasibility aspects that requited to be evaluated or analysed is the economic feasibility which is assessed through various capital budgeting techniques or through different financial techniques like break-even analysis, simulation analysis, scenario analysis as well as sensitivity analysis. With these considerations, this paper would present description of the four different techniq ues of risk analysis that could be used by the management in making their investment decisions. This would also be accompanied by some of the relevant impacts these techniques could have on the capital budgeting techniques such as NPV and IRR. Sensitivity analysis Sensitivity analysis is a common component of investment assessment utilized in determining how dissimilar values of a given variable affect definite dependent variable. It computes consequences of erroneously estimating the variables in an investment NPV analysis. In addition, sensitivity analysis forces the management to identify variables underlying their analysis and to focus on how variations to such variables could affect expected NPV (Rebiasz 2007). It is the approach that measures impact of change in specific variables; for instance, variation in revenues as well as relative effect on the NPV. Therefore, in performing sensitivity analysis all variables has to be fixed up to projected values and the variable that would remain unaltered would be adjusted by particular percentages and resulting impact of that on the NPV would be noted. Basically, sensitivity analysis is forms part of initial risk analysis ain an investment appraisal. It comprises of assessment of impacts of disparities in costs, sales on a given project. For instance, assuming that the sale manager wishes to understand effect of client traffic on sales, she determines that the total sales are the function of transaction volume and price. Price of the widget is around $1,000 while managers sold around 100 units for about $100,000. In addition, managers determines that 10% rise in the client traffic increases the transaction volume by around 5% that permits him to form the financial models and the sensitivity analysis within such equality based on the what-if notion. With these, it means that with transaction of 100 today, 10%, 50% or the 100% rises in client traffic could equates to the rise in the number of transactions by around 5, 25 or 50. In this case, sensitivity analysis shows that sales are greatly sensitive to variation in the client traffi c. To be more specific, sensitivity analysis is used in analysing impact certain variables could have on given result. In essence, sensitivity analysis gives better understanding of uncertainties of the future cash flow as well as it consequently present better understanding of the reliability of NPV and IRR estimates (De Kok, Van Donselaar van Woensel 2008). Given all the type of uncertainties and risks associated with different capital investment project, it is more likely that organizations management or decision-makers best make estimate of decision-criteria that would be more accurate. This calls for them to understand how sensitive their decision criteria would be in variations in some of the chief variables. In such case, sensitivity analysis gives some crucial insight or information into numerous aspects that could influence eventual results of an investment opportunity (Rebiasz 2007). Furthermore, it is employed in ascertaining resemblance of different model and in ascertaining different elements that could greatly contribute to disparity in given output and in ascertaining domain of the input components where disparity is highest. This technique is utilised in ascertaining mutual happening between diverse components or in establishing ideal and unbalanced domains. Further, sensitivity analysis demonstrates the model output disparities in line with the model input fluctuations as in Figure 1. Here, the model referred to as the sensitive model modifies the model output. Figure 1: sensitivity analysis of the output variables Source: Rebiasz (2007) In essence, the technique is viewed as that means of analysing disparity in an investments IRR or NPV for specific disparities in a particular variable. This shows how sensitive the NPV of a given project would be to discrepancy in variables (Rebiasz 2007). It shows the impacts of disparities in assumptions. The technique utilizes a wide range of scenario probabilities in modelling in assessing substitute business decisions. While conducting sensitivity analysis, following procedures has to be followed; first, the management has to determine some of the variables which are likely to diverge from estimated values. Secondly, the management has to select some of the probable increment and range of changes for every variable. Further, one has to compute as well as plot values of decision criteria resulting from varying above variables in their possible ranges. Through assessment of the decision criteria that is said to emerge from variations in variables, decision-makers would be in a position to identify variables to which decision criteria is more sensitive (Rebiasz 2007). With such understanding, decision-makers or the management has a general know how of the type of variables they would concentrate on in a given investment project and in the management of such investment once they commence. For instance, in an electric scooter project, a sensitivity analysis examining how sensitive NPV would be to variat ions in initial investment, that is, variable sales volume and manufacturing cost per unit, following can be observed (De Kok, Van Donselaar van Woensel 2008). Figure 2: sensitivity analysis of the electric scooter project Source: De Kok, Van Donselaar van Woensel (2008). In this graph horizontal axis shows the percentage change in particular variables and vertical axis represents the projects NPV. It can be seen from this graph that a 20 per cent decrease in initial investment would leads to a 60 per cent increase in the projects NPV from its original amount (De Kok, Van Donselaar van Woensel 2008). In addition, it can be viewed that a 20 per cent increase in the sales volume would leads to 120 per cent increase in NPV from its original amount. This graph shows that NPV is more sensitive to variations in variable cost per unit. With such hint, organizations management could now evaluate what likelihood of such and this could result in reconsideration on whether to invest in a given project or no. In spite of it being more reliable in investment decision, it is very cumbersome in case one is analysing large number of the variables. In addition, whereas it provide good signal of the effect of particular variables, it fails to provide clear signs of the investments overall risk in a manner that one could explicitly utilise it in the decision-making (Swedberg 2008). Scenario analysis This is a basic tool that is implemented in evaluating uncertainty and risk about future forecasts of a given investment opportunity. The technique comprises of changing numerous variables at once in the NPV forecast (Shapiro 2009). The approach helps in assessing influence of numerous alternatives on the projects development. In addition, scenario analysis is a technique of evaluating possible future events by taking in consideration of alternative probable scenarios or consequences. It enables quality decision-making through adoption of a more inclusive condition or scenario of the outcomes. For example, in finance, companies try to calculate frequent probable results in respect to economy. The approach also tries to predict or estimate the financial market yields for the stocks, in varied scenarios (Bock Trck 2011). This is an extension of sensitivity analysis and provides numerous probable results through an assessment of a wide range of probable situations like the best case, the most likely case as well as worst case (Terry 2010). To be more specific, scenario analysis is that analysis technique that assesses numerous probable scenarios which include worst case, most likely case as well as best case scenario. Therefore, in scenario analysis, only three probable outcomes are considered. In essence, scenario analysis could be used in determining or displaying some reasonable scenarios for decision-making procedure like optimistic, the expected as well as the pessimistic (Brzakovic, Brzakovic Petrovic, 2016).. Further, this technique comprises of modelling of possible elective conducts of social or political atmosphere as well as latent diplomatic risks. Under scenario analysis, numerous NPV values for an investment project based on diverse scenarios are computed. In scenario analysis, the NPV and IRR of the company under different cash flow are said to behave differently. For instance, under best case scenario, the NPV looks at high revenues and low costs while at worst case scenario it looks at high costs and low revenues. Further, scenario analysis considers sub-sets of each and every probability (De Kok, Van Donselaar van Woensel 2008). Basically, scenario analysis usually permits organization management to assign various probabilities to base case, the worst case as well as to best case and to establish expected values as well as standard deviation of investments NPV in order to getter better concept of the investments risk. In essence, scenario analysis usually extends the risk analysis of a given investment in two means; first it permits the management to change over one variable at a given time and therefore see combined impacts of the variations in numerous variables on the NPV and it permits the management in bringing in probabilities of variations in chief variables (De Kok, Van Donselaar van Woensel 2008). Under scenario analysis the management are able to modify numerous inputs to worse or better than expected and they can also select as many scenarios as possible. Furthermore, scenario analysis would assist in assigning probabilities to best case, worst case and base case scenarios where after this expect ed value of an investments NPV is determined. Break-even analysis Break-even analysis is viewed to some extent as just the extent of the sensitivity analysis since it help in establishing some of the parameter value at which level a given investment project become unattractive (Kew Watson 2010). For instance, in case decision gauge is NPV, the parameters break-even point would be that the value where NPV become nil and elsewhere which the investment project becomes undesirable. It is a popular as well as commonly used technique for analysing the relationship that exists in between profitability and sales volume. It is usually founded on time series of the cash outflows and inflows. In essence, break-even analysis is the time needed for discounted cash flows to generate back the investment. Furthermore, it is used not just in the investment selection, but in managerial accounting like cost-volume-profit analysis (Bierman Smidt 2012) . In essence, break-even analysis is usually the relations in between profits and cost volume at numerous stages of the production, with some emphasis on break-even point (Tough Nickel 2016). Here, the break-even point is that point at which an organisation receives neither loss nor profit, where the total money from sales is equivalent to total expenditures as shown in Figure 3 below. Figure 3: demonstration of break-even analysis Source: Bierman Smidt (2012) The technique is useful in looking at the relationship that exists in between income, profit and costs. Further, break-even analysis is that technique utilised in determining point at which sales equals costs of production (Bock Trck 2011). It takes closer look at relevant profits as well as at the total fixed costs of the project. Simulation technique It is an expanded scenario and sensitivity analysis. The technique can be used to estimates a large number of probable outcomes on the basis of conditional probability distributions as well as constraints for every variable (Kew Watson 2010). Here, output is the probability circulation for the NPV with approximation of the probabilities of getting optimistic NPV. Furthermore, it comprises of estimation of dissemination of various outcomes. In addition, simulation analysis is viewed as the statistically based behavioural tactic that relates the prearranged probability circulations and the random numbers in valuing hazardous outcomes (Bock Trck 2011). This is the kind of the scenario analysis which employs relatively prevailing financial planning software such as the interactive financial planning system. Basically, simulation analysis is employed in enabling the management to formulate probability examination for decision criterion of merit through the assistance of random unificati on of the variable (Bierman Smidt 2012). Conclusion In conclusion, it is evident that in evaluating a certain investment opportunity or in making an investment decision, sensitivity, simulation, break-even and scenario analysis play an integral role. Furthermore, it can be concluded that sensitivity analysis stands as the most common component of investment assessment utilized in determining how dissimilar values of a given variable affect definite dependent variable since it computes consequences of erroneously estimating the variables in an investment NPV analysis. In addition, it can be recommended that in conducting an investment appraisal or in making investment decision, sensitivity analysis stands as the best technique since it provides better understanding of uncertainties of the future cash flow as well as it consequently present better understanding of the reliability of NPV and IRR estimates. On the other hand, it can be concluded that break-even, scenario and simulation analysis also helps in making investment decisions si nce they helps assessing influence of numerous alternatives on the projects development and assisting in evaluating possible future events by taking in consideration of alternative probable scenarios or consequences. References Bierman Jr, H Smidt, S 2012,The capital budgeting decision: economic analysis of investment projects. Routledge. Bock, K Trck, S 2011, Assessing uncertainty and risk in public sector investment projects, Technology and Investment, 2(02), 105. Brzakovic, T, Brzakovic, A Petrovic, J 2016, Application of scenario analysis in the investment projects evaluation,Ekonomika Poljoprivrede,63(2), 501. Bujoreanu, IN 2011, What if (sensitivity analysis), Journal of Defense Resources Management, 2(1), 45. De Kok, AG, Van Donselaar, KH van Woensel, T 2008, A break-even analysis of RFID technology for inventory sensitive to shrinkage, International Journal of Production Economics,112(2), 521-531. Kew, J Watson, A 2010, Financial Accounting: An Introduction 3e.OUP Catalogue. Rebiasz, B 2007, Fuzziness and randomness in investment project risk appraisal,Computers Operations Research,34(1), 199-210. Shapiro, AC 2009,Capital budgeting and investment analysis. Prentice Hall. Swedberg, J 2008, The Decision Point. Credit Union Management. May 2008. Terry, E 2010, The impact of scenario presentation on capital budgeting decisions, InProceedings of Annual American Business Research Conference. Las Vegas: World Business Institute. Tough Nickel 2016, What Is Break-Even Analysis?: Viewed at 12th September 2017 from;
Monday, December 2, 2019
Stars And Space Essays - Military Strategy, Subterranea,
Stars And Space Death for Your Country Is it glorious to die for your country?.... This question has been posed to many young people about to embark on war although the answer has usually been 'yes' in response to their country due mainly to the fact that the government instills it in the people of the country to support one's country and one way is to send young abled bodied men into the army. If you were one individual that was not in favour of fighting for your country you would surely become an outcast by the countries people. To avoid ridicule and becoming outcasted by the people living around you, you would join the army just in the thought that you were obligated to for the sole sake of your country. Such thoughts were reinforced by the government promotion of propaganda. Glorifying death is not needed to be taught and should be up to the sole individual. School systems should teach an unbiased point of view of war to enable the child to make their own decision to fight for one's country. Within the education system it was instructed to the teachers to teach the children at a young age during the brink of war to instill that their the life of the country and for them to defend their country against the enemy. Teachers showed being in a army was representing honour and the pride of the country. Guilt was laid on the students who showed rebellion by the teacher. Many times the teacher would try to show a soldier that looks happy and content trying to represent being a soldier makes you happy and content. Many young inexperienced soldiers were sent to training camps near the battle fields that they would soon be sent to fight, for their country and their life. The training camps were situated on similar enviroments that resembled the battle fields of where the fighting would take place. Reinforced displine to the young and ignorant men. Trench warfare is when many soldiers of opposing countries fight against each other across a vast desolate, dirt covered land, and the only sense of cover was to crouch in a usually water logged trench. The sense of death engulfed your very soul, the conezt bombardment of shells echo in your mind long after it had ceased. On the Western front conditions were horrible to say the least, stench of death remained coneztly in the air, bodies riddled with bullet wounds lay across the bottoms of the trenches, dismembered bodies scattered across the landscape and the sounds of agonizing and dying men echo across the battle grounds. Very limited rations Astronomy
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