Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Intelligence in two psychological journals written by Thorndike and Hagopian
Intelligence in two psychological journals written by Thorndike and Hagopian Description of the papers The psychological concept under analysis is intelligence as seen through the operant conditioning lens. In 1898 one of the pioneers of operant conditioning – Edward Thorndike – wrote an article called â€Å"Animal intelligence: an experimental study of the associate processes in animals.†Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Intelligence in two psychological journals written by Thorndike and Hagopian specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In the article, the author carried out an experimental analysis of cats. He placed them in enclosures when they were hungry, and added basic escape mechanisms to the boxes. Thorndike (1898) placed food outside the enclosures. Some of the boxes had platforms that the cats could step on when they needed to get out; others had levers that would open when the cats wanted to escape. In other instances, he placed cords that the cats could pull when nece ssary. He recorded the time it took the cats to leave the enclosures successfully. He took out the cats that failed to open the enclosures but never fed them. He found out that successful cats kept repeating the acts needed to open the enclosures, and they did this in remarkably short timeframes. However, the cats that failed never attempted again. Thorndike came up with the law of cause and effect by affirming that responses (methods of escape used by the cats) that came immediately before satisfactory outcomes (food and less loneliness) became strongly associated to the situation, and were more likely to recur. However, inadequate association with the situation occurred when negative responses followed certain responses; these responses were less likely to occur.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Hagopian et al. (2000) wanted to determine the effects of non contingent reinf orcement on engagement with stimuli and problem behavior. Their analysis involved four mentally retarded participants who all had problem behaviors. They provided them with positive rewards such as toys and soft music under different conditions and observed them. They found that if they provided the subjects with positive stimuli regardless of participants’ behavior (non contingent reinforcement), the subjects continued to engage with it. They also realized that the stimuli almost reduced problem behavior to zero in these cases. They explained that non contingent reinforcement created reductions of destructive behavior. They also found that reduced response to the readily available stimuli (satiation) was a factor when the subjects had long access times. Extinction providing no consequence for behavior – did not lead to reductions in problem behavior. Comparison In both analyses, the researchers are trying to understand how one reinforces behavior in intelligent organ isms. It can also be stated that the analyses focus on how learning occurs. They both use experimental analyses to come up with theories that explain these relationships. Furthermore, basic concepts of operant conditioning are the basis of these two researches; they all involve responses or behavior, rewards, and stimuli (something that alters behavior). Both studies also support the law of cause and effect; Thorndike (1898) explains that when a satisfactory effect comes immediately after a cat’s behavior (response), then the response is likely to be repeated.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Intelligence in two psychological journals written by Thorndike and Hagopian specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, when negative outcomes come immediately after certain behaviors, then the responses are less likely to occur. To Thorndike (1898), it is not possible to experience behavior reinforcement when one changes environments inconsistently. Similarly, Hagopian et al. (2000) explain that when one provides subjects with stimuli consistently; that is throughout the experiment, then targeted responses are likely to emanate from the study. In their case, they wanted to subvert problem behavior, so that was their targeted response. The subjects needed to form a link between the incentives and the consequences in order to achieve this outcome. Through consistent delivery, the researchers illustrated that there was a law of cause and effect. Continuities and discontinuities These researches are all based on operant conditioning. However, the recent paper is significantly different from the older article because it deals with the concept of non contingent reinforcement. Non contingent reinforcement refers to the provision of stimuli irrespective of a subject’s behavior. Scientists do this in order to show the subject that his or her negative behavior is not necessary in order to achieve a des ired outcome. In their research, the subjects’ desired outcome was getting attention. The actions that they used to achieve this were tantrums, biting, kicking and self harm – all cases of problem behavior. The researchers provided toys and music as stimuli. Continually providing these stimuli caused the participants to reduce their undesired behavior.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Thorndike (1898) had not considered a situation where the researcher continuously delivers the positive stimuli without regard to behavior. His experiment was contingent on the subjects’ responses. Therefore, his method was heavily reliant on interruptive removal or provision of stimuli; i.e., rewards and punishments. He did not focus on non interruptive patterns. The studies are quite different from each other because of the methods employed and the analytical techniques. The recent paper relied heavily on theoretical reviews of similar work. The authors quote other scientists’ explanations on extinction and satiation before making their conclusions. However, Thorndike (1898) was the first of his kind, so he did not rely on other authors’ previous work. He needed to justify his choice of methods because they were not common. Hagopian et al. (2000) used accepted methods of scientific research like baseline conditions and investigational conditions. Furthermore, the papers focused on different participants; Thorndike (1898) dealt with animals, so he could not use neurological explanations for his work; subsequent studies on operant conditioning have dwelt on human subjects. Lastly, Hagopian et al. (2000) distinguished between the factors that contributed to the effectiveness of the consequences such as contingency and satiation while Thorndike (1898) did not know about any of these terms. References Hagopian, L., Crockett, J., Van Stone, M., Deleon, I. Bowman, L. (2000). Effects of non contingent reinforcement on problem behavior and stimulus engagement: the role of satiation, extinction and alternative reinforcement. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 33 (4), 433-449 Thorndike, E. (1898). Animal Intelligence: An experimental study of the associate processes in animals. Psychological review monograph supplement, 2(4), 1-8
Saturday, November 23, 2019
How to Hone Your Process Avoid Errors with Grammarlys Celesta Mora
How to Hone Your Process Avoid Errors with Grammarlys Celesta Mora Chances are good that you’ve made a grammar mistake at some point on your social media or blog. You might have even been trolled about it, which is embarrassing and, in some cases, can mess with your branding. Using simple processes can actually help you prevent grammar errors so you can avoid the whole ordeal. Today we are talking to Celeste Mora, the social media manager at Grammarly. Celeste has helped Grammarly grow its social media following tremendously by effectively sharing engaging content that reflects the company’s core values. Tune in today so you can learn how to avoid grammar mistakes, hone your processes, and boost your social media following. Information about Grammarly and what Celeste does there as the social media manager. Some of the most common grammar fails that tend to come up time and again, no matter who the person is or what the industry is. The social media strategy that Celeste focuses on for Grammarly, including efficiency and tone. Some of Celeste’s favorite social media mistakes that she’s seen. How Celeste puts out engaging and effective social media messages. Some of the top things that Celeste has done to influence social media growth for Grammarly. How Celeste was able to grow Grammarly’s Instagram followers at an exponential rate. The process that Celeste will be using to make the National Grammar Day celebration a success this year. The core values of Grammarly and how they are implemented. Celeste’s best advice for marketers who want to build their presence on social media. Links: Grammarly Celeste on LinkedIn If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play. Quotes by Celeste: â€Å"Efficiency, to me, comes down to what’s the minimum viable social media effort that will get the most engagement.†â€Å"Everyone from Grammarly has Grammarly turned on at all times. It’s a branding issue for us if anything is incorrect.†â€Å"When you are first getting started on social media, you really need to do your research dont just choose a channel because Facebook owns the world or because everyone’s doing Twitter.â€
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Conflict and Its Resolution Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Conflict and Its Resolution - Research Paper Example  Understanding the complexity and types of conflicts that may arise on the college campus is essential for dealing with such situations and resolving the conflicts in a systematic and professional manner. College life has become more challenging and mindboggling than ever witnessed historically due to certain reasons including rapid globalization and interconnectivity that has increased the diversity at campuses, awareness pertaining to the rights of the individuals including faculty, students, or other employees, and the legal repercussions associated with these rights have all led to the hike in conflicts emerging at college campuses, thus changing their overall environment (Volpe & Chandler, 1999, p. 3). Simultaneously, the awareness and realization regarding the need to resolve these conflicts have also increased dramatically. Institutions are putting in great effort to devise resolution plans. In order to devise these training programs and mediation services, it must be d uly noted that there exist various types of conflicts, which span over all spheres of work life at a college campus including faculty, students, and administration. The dynamics of the conflicting parties can vary, and this report would focus on the resolution of conflicts in the following spheres: Residence Halls Student/Faculty Faculty/Faculty and Faculty/Administration The classification of conflicting parties in the aforementioned categories does not at all entail that these are the only conflicting bodies and the range can be diverse and never be ending. However, these are the most important dynamics and so this report would incorporate these only. a) Residence Halls i) What kinds of problems occur in residence halls? According to the classification of conflicts mentioned earlier, the most common type is the conflicts that arise between students associated with the residence halls (McCorkle & Mason, 2009). When a large number of students, belonging to diverse backgrounds, e thnicities, class, race, and culture come together under one roof, they are expected to show tolerance and respect towards people nurturing diametrically opposite opinions or beliefs. In such situations, it is not necessary that every individual would be capable of suppressing their disagreement and respecting others’ opinions thus, resulting in conflicts. Issues such as alcoholism, bulimia, drug usage, hacking, computer pornography, suicide, violence, and even petty issues such as differences in sleeping patterns, intolerable habits, and other interpersonal conflicts can be major problems for a college campus. In the following, ways of handling and resolving these issues are discussed. ii) How to solve these problems? It is important to avoid problems at college campuses, however, if such issues arise then they should be resolved with care. Therefore, as a preliminary step, the administrators must focus on assigning students who have the same preferences and lifestyle patter ns to the same rooms.Â
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Gerontology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Gerontology - Essay Example It means that, that reliance becomes a way of finessing ethical decision making among professionals and therefore excusing what might a violation of ethics by asserting that there is no definitive standard that has been violated. In gerontology, ethical decision-making, mentoring relationships and ethical behavior is clearly more than just following of minimal law and ethical codes (Hooyman & Kiyak, 2008). It means that, for an instant; in mentoring relationships, one has to be continuously aware that some actions done by a gerontologist may be wrong irrespective of whether the law was broken or code violated. However, it is of much value that one considers professional code of ethics since they might apply during the mentoring of a gerontologist. Codes of ethics for professional gerontologists are the principles and ethical standards that depict the responsibilities and professional conduct of gerontologists. The principles are used to guide a gerontologist while performing their everyday activities and in case issues arise in their professional work. Professional competence is one key principle that gerontologists should observe while working (Wiersman & Dupuis, 2007). A gerontologist should distinguish the limitations that exist in their multidisciplinary expertise and should, therefore, undertake tasks that they are qualified in relation to their training, education and experience. In order to maintain competence at work, gerontologist will continue with their education. Competencies include skill, attitude, knowledge, behavior and judgment of a gerontologist. It is vital for a professional to recognize that most behaviors have cultural meaning; therefore, one needs to view the behavior within contextual issues of the pat ient (Hinrichsen, 2006). One should be able to recognize the communication changes that affect older adults in their care and formulate strategies that will meet the need of the patient for optimum communication
Sunday, November 17, 2019
In Cold Blood by Truman Capote Essay Example for Free
In Cold Blood by Truman Capote Essay In Cold Blood: A True Account of Multiple Murder and Its Consequences by Truman Capote details the social arena that molded Dick Hickock and Perry Smith into criminals and killers.  The author wrote of how Hickock was brought up in a loving home with a stable family but suffered from mental illness. Perry on the other hand, had alcoholic parents in a very unloving atmosphere, uneducated and suffered from depression. Each was influenced by society differently but the result was the same.  The author details their stories from the beginning of their criminal history up to their execution for the murder of the Clutter family. The question is, was Perry a â€Å"natural born killer†. In an article in Psychology Today there is evidence that activity or lack of in the prefrontal cortex of the brain region are associated with acts of murder. This prefrontal cortex activity is also associated with a wide range of behaviors such as risk taking, rule breaking, aggression and impulsivity that can lead to violence. This evidence has a great value in maybe creating a way for society to possibly point out problem individuals and possible treatment or prevention of criminal activity such as murder. The article goes on to say that perhaps this is a way to point to biological differences or the possibility of natural born killers (Raine 10). In some ways Truman Capote could relate to Perry because both had terrible experiences growing up. The author was intrigued as to why Perry would go on to kill and he didn’t. Capote wrote that possible social consequences made the difference possibly grooming Perry to be a killer and some professionals agree sociologist are not satisfied with the explanations that are rooted in biology and personality. They point to the perspective of symbolic interaction that each of us interprets life through symbols that we learn (Henslin 133). Sociologist Edwin Sutherland stressed that people learn deviance. He uses the term differential association to indicate that we learn to deviate or to conform to society’s norms mostly by the people we associate with. But if this is correct then why does some with the same interaction kill and others do not?  In my opinion there are people who are born natural killers. It is something that is innate within some individuals and is nurtured by society to its final display. In my belief some individuals will be born a killer and some will not. Society takes this innate trait and shapes them even more, or even less, towards the direction of their innate features. The degree of their actions is my proof. Take hunting some individuals can hunt and some cannot. This is an example of the innate trait for killing expressed in killing for food rather than killing another human. Degree is how society grooms each killer, the hunter and the murderer, to their final â€Å"ends†. Because traits are passed from parent to child that is why some societies are prone to have more killers than others and what degree the acts are committed is influenced by each of the societies they live in.  The degree of the trait is what society uses for determining how wrong the act is and how that individual will be punished. Evil is solely influenced and decided by the society one lives in. Killing is inevitable for some individuals; it is to what degree that makes the difference. Reference: Capote, Truman. In Cold Blood: A True Account of a Multiple Murder and Its  Consequences. New York: Signet Books, 1965. Henslin, James M. Essentials of Sociology: A Down to Earth Approach. Boston:         Allyn and Bacon, 2000. Raine, A.  Natural born Killers?  Psychology Today 28(1), p.10, 1995 Jan/Feb.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Implications of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder for War Veterans Essay
Implications of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder for War Veterans War is a complex concept that is increasingly difficult to understand, particularly in an age that allows for live images of combat to be beamed around the world. Many war films depict the brutalities of war and affects war has on participants, but it seems that these representations merely skim the surface. The 20th century is an era that saw a significant amount of military action: World Wars I and II, the Cold War, Vietnam, and the Gulf War - millions of men fought, some survived and live among us today. Unfortunately, the war experience for many veterans is traumatizing and as a result, many have been diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This disorder is often quite mentally debilitating; this, then, begs the question of the social implications of the disorder as well as whether this has any bearing on the necessity of war. At the minimum, PTSD is a branch of emotion that stems from stress or anxiety. Stress is not uncommon among humans as it can be caused by something as simple as gridlock or an argument. When we feel stressed, our body is attuned to exhibit the fight-or-flight response during which "the body releases chemicals that make it tense, alert, and ready for action" (1). PTSD, however, is a sector of stress that is very specialized for it occurs after traumatic events; these may include car accidents, earthquakes, rape, or military combat. People suffering from PTSD experience paranoia, flashbacks and generally have difficulty engaging in normal daily activities (2). One Vietnam veteran diagnosed with the disorder explains that he often has extreme emotional outbursts: " 'I developed a nasty temper, became very nervous... ...does occur between countries, it is carried out by people, by fellow humans beings who should never have to bear witness to such extreme horrors. Works Cited: 1) Stress info 2) American Psychiatric Association 3)Kulka, Richard A., et al. Trauma and the Vietnam War Generation. New York: Brunner/Mazel Publishers, 1990. 4) Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, Wars, and Terrorism 5)Wilson, John P., et al, eds. Human Adaptation to Extreme Stress. New York: Plenum Press, 1988. 6)The Invisible Epidemic: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Memory and the Brain 7) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Understanding the Pain
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Astromnomy Lab Questions Essay
1. Why do some scientists believe that there might have been life on Mars? Some scientists believe there was life on Mars due to a number of factors. For one we know there was at one point a substantial amount of liquid water when the planet was much younger. We also know Mars’s electromagnetic field has dampened, making it more susceptible to interstellar heat and radiation, thus eliminating the life that could have existed. There are also other several factors including volcanic activity and evidence of salt oceans. 2. Why are scientists interested in whether water was or is on Mars? What do their tests and observations suggest about the possibility of water on Mars? Scientists are interested in whether water was or is on mars because this is the most direct clue to the signature of life. Scientist’s tests indicate most if not all water is frozen on Mars, but it was not in the distant past during which life could have existed. 3. Why do some scientists believe that life may not have ever existed on Mars? Some scientists believe this because they say it is too far on back in the goldilocks zone. Others note the mineral composition and lack of a strong atmosphere containing proper gas elements. 4. What may have happened to the water on Mars? The atmosphere may have been blown away over time due to the damping of its magnetic fields and thus creating frigid surface conditions freezing all liquid water. 5. What do scientists believe may have happened to leave Mars vulnerable to the solar winds? Scientists hypothesize that the degradation of Mars’s inter core which produces its electromagnetic field that protects the planet from interstellar winds and storms. 6. Do you think life existed or exists on Mars? Why or why not? Use information from the video and unit to provide support for your reasoning. Mars Up Close
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Biochem Ppt 56
| BARRY UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES COURSE SYLLABUS SPRING 2013| COURSE NUMBER:BMS 528 SEC 01 COURSE NAME:BIOCHEMISTRY II TERM/YEAR:Spring 2013 (Jan. 9th, 2013 – May 3rd, 2013) LECTURE ROOM:Hollywood Rm 2 LECTURE SCHEDULE:Friday, 9:00 – 12:00 p. m. INSTRUCTOR NAME:Graham Shaw, Ph. D. Professor OFFICE ADDRESS: Wiegand 229 OFFICE TELEPHONE: 305-899-3264 EMAIL: [email protected] barry. edu OFFICE HOURS:Tuesday, 12. 30 – 3 p. m. Thursday, 12. 30 – 3 p. m. All other times by appointment COURSE DESCRIPTION:Biochemistry at Barry University is taught over two semesters, Biochemistry I in the Fall and Biochemistry II in the Spring. These courses have been designed so that when integrated they provide the necessary biochemical knowledge for those in the medical and health related professions. The structure, function and metabolism of biologically important molecules were reviewed in biochemistry I. Biochemistry II serves to build on this material whilst considering the application of biochemistry to disease etiology, diagnosis and treatment.Biochemistry II starts with a review of two areas crucial to normal, healthy cellular functioning. The structure and function of biological membranes, in particular the variety of cell signal transduction paradigms and the biochemistry of hormones. The structure, function and replication of the cell’s genetic material. This information is reviewed in a series of lectures on DNA, the genetic code, protein synthesis and aspects of molecular biology. The digestion and absorption of biomolecules is reviewed and the consequences of malfunction considered.A number of disease states are used to illustrate selected principles including the relationship between nutrition and disease; atherosclerosis, hyperlipidemia, obesity and diabetes. The application of clinical biochemistry techniques to disease diagnosis is described and the biochemistry of exercise and aging visited. ARTICULATION TO MISSION OF THE UNIVERSITY: This course is offered by the College of Health Sciences, which is grounded in the liberal arts tradition and is a part of Barry University’s scholarly community, committed to the highest academic standards in graduate education.This Biochemistry course addresses both the university mission statement as well as the strategic plan adapted by the College of Health Sciences. This is accomplished by offering a high quality student-centered curriculum in an environment, that encourages Christian and ethical values and promotes intellectual growth and curiosity. Throughout the semester students will be encouraged to visit with faculty and demonstrate their critical thinking skills by offering opinions on current scientific theories and research reviews as they relate to Biochemistry.Case studies will be incorporated into lecture material and used to encourage student pursuit of knowledge and truth. Students in this course will develop an awareness of health issu es that impact those living within and outside of our community as they analyze nutrient deficiency diseases. The course will also stimulate awareness for the wellbeing of others as the prevalence and etiology of metabolic disorders is addressed. COURSE GOALS: At the end of this course, students should be able recall and apply biochemical principles to other courses throughout the curriculum, e. g. Pharmacology, Physiology. Students should be able to rationalize the significance of biochemistry in health and disease. COURSE OBJECTIVES: At the end of the course, the student will be able to: [1] Evaluate the structure and function of the plasma membrane. [2] Discriminate between the variety of signal transduction mechanisms. [3]Explain the principles of DNA transcription and translation and evaluate the mechanisms by which protein synthesis is regulated. [4]Discuss the digestion and absorption of biomolecules. [5]Summarize the principles of clinical biochemistry and organ function tes ts. 6]Appraise the importance of biochemistry to disease etiology and diagnosis. TEACHING METHODS: Each lecture will be presented using Powerpoint. Topical material not covered in the text may be addressed in class as appropriate, and is examinable. Where possible, time will be allowed for informal discussion of clinical scenarios and questions at the end of each class. Additional class materials, including case studies, and e-learning materials may also be posted to the Blackboard learning environment as the course progresses, and students are also responsible for this material.An atmosphere of mutual respect will be reflected in all teaching/learning experiences COURSE TEXTS: REQUIRED TEXT(S) Shaw, G. P. Biochemistry for Health Professionals. Third Edition, John Wiley. New York. 2011. EVALUATION CRITERIA: There will be three (3) quizzes and two (2) unit tests, a mid-term and a final. QUIZ I Jan 18th 10% QUIZ II: Feb 22nd 10% QUIZ III April 12th 10%MID-TERM TEST (Lecs 1 – 7)Mar 1st 35% FINAL EXAM (Lecs 8 – 14)May 3rd 35% TOTAL 100% DETERMINATION OF GRADE: Biochemistry II will be assessed by 3 quizzes, a mid-term examination and a final non-cumulative examination as indicated in the course schedule. Tests will be of one hour duration, and may contain material from class discussion, the Blackboard learning environment (including case studies) as well as the course text. Any questions you wish to challenge either from a quiz or a test, MUST BE IN WRITING and documented within 1 week of the key being posted.Tests and quizzes will not be returned and grades will not be rounded. GRADING SCALE: 100 – 90%A 89. 9 – 80%B 79. 9 – 70%C less than 70%F Grades will be posted on Blackboard. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY POLICY: Cheating or plagiarism will not be tolerated. A student who is caught either giving or receiving information or assistance during a testing session, quiz or examination will automatically receive the F grade and 0% on either the quiz or examination. The same consequence will apply to any proven case of plagiarism or communicating material on an examination to students in another section of the course.Furthermore, that individual[s] will be referred to the Dean for appropriate disciplinary action. DISABILITY STATEMENT: Students with documented special learning needs may want to inform the instructor so that accommodations may be made, or contact Barry Office of Services for students with Disabilities (305) 899-3489. STUDENT BEHAVIOR: All Barry students are expected to behave according to accepted norms that ensure a climate wherein all can exercise their right to learn. Disruptive behavior is not acceptable in the classroom.Students engaging in such behavior may be asked to leave or may be removed from the class by security personnel. Actions such as violence, shouting, use of cell phones and/or beepers, using profanity, interrupting, and any other behavior that the instructor believes creates an unplea sant environment in the classroom will be grounds for withdrawal from the course, judicial proceedings and/or failure in the course. FOOD/BEVERAGES: Barry University has a policy of prohibiting eating and drinking within classroom space. PUNCTUALITY: Students are expected to be on time for class. If you arrive later than 10 inutes after class has started, there is a possibility that the door will be locked. COURSE-SPECIFIC POLICIES: Attendance: Students are expected to attend all lectures and to take all tests and quizzes at the regularly scheduled time. Students should have completed the assigned reading in advance of class, and be prepared to discuss this at class time. Only by participating in class can the student gain a complete understanding of the concepts presented in the course objectives, course text and recommended readings. Attire for all lectures and examinations should be professional. Academic Assistance:After the first exam those students receiving a grade below a C must make an appointment with Dr. Shaw within one week of grade posting, for academic counseling. Excused absences from exams: If any student is unable to attend an exam due to illness (or other circumstances) he/she should notify Dr Shaw prior to the examination (or shortly after) if at all possible. The student is responsible for submitting a physician's excuse. An excuse may be refused for chronic absentees. Once the absence has been excused, the student is also responsible for contacting the Dr Shaw to arrange a date and time to take the make-up exam.NOTE: FAILURE TO OBTAIN AN EXCUSE WILL RESULT IN A GRADE OF 0% FOR THE EXAM. LACK OF PREPARATION IS NOT CONSIDERED A VALID EXCUSE FOR MISSING AN EXAM. CHALLENGE POLICY: Faculty will review all examinations in class with students, usually within 1 week of the grades being posted. This will not be a discussion session and any questions you wish to challenge either from a quiz or a test, MUST BE IN WRITING and documented within 1 week of the key being posted; verbal challenges will not be accepted at any time. In the case of a challenge the final authority for accuracy will be the course text.Tests and quizzes will not be returned though they may be viewed by students with faculty approval. Make-Up Exam Policy: Make-up exams can be of many types at the discretion of the instructor. Make-up exams will be given after (not before) the regularly scheduled exam. If more than one person misses an exam, the make- up exams will be given simultaneously. Videotape: Video and audiotape of Biochemistry classes is not permitted unless approved by faculty and the Office of Disability Services. Online lectures and e-learning materials will be available for review from the Blackboard website.COURSE SCHEDULE Lecture No. | Date Friday| TOPIC| READING(Shaw) Chapter| 1| 11th Jan| Membrane structure and functionCystic fibrosisG proteins, Signal transduction| 34 – 36| 2| 18thJan| Quiz I (Lecture 1 plus e-learning materials) (10 %)Deoxyribonucleic acidPreparation for DNA replicationDNA replication| 37 – 39| 3| 25th Jan| Mutations and DNA repairRNA and transcriptionThe genetic code| 40 – 42| 4| 1st Feb| Protein synthesisRegulation of protein synthesis in prokaryotesRegulation of protein synthesis in eukaryotes| 43 – 45| 5| 8th Feb| CancerInvestigating DNA| 46 – 47| | 15th Feb| Principles of nutritionCalcium and osteoporosis| 48| 7| 22nd Feb| Fed, fasting & starvingIntegration of metabolism Digestion of dietary fatQUIZ II Lecture 6 plus e-learning materials) (10%)| 49 – 51| 8| 1st Mar| MID-TERM EXAMINATION (35%) (Lectures 1 – 7)Obesity Lipoproteins| 52 – 53| SPRING BREAK MARCH 4th – 8th| 9| 15th Mar| Atherosclerosis and hypercholesterolemiaDigestion of carbohydratesDiabetes mellitusDiabetic complications| 54 – 57| 10| 22nd Mar| Protein digestion and absorptionIron metabolismHeme metabolism & Jaundice| 58 – 60| | 29th Mar| Easter No Class| | 1| 5th Apr| Collagen Growth factors and wound healingBlood clotting & Clot dissolutionBlood tests and clinical scenario| 61 – 64| 12| 12th Apr| Plasma proteinsOrgan function testsQUIZ III (Lecture 11 plus e-learning materials) (10%)| 65 – 66| 13| 19thApr| Enzyme diagnosticsAlcohol metabolism| 67 – 68| 14| 26th Apr| Exercise metabolismAging| 69 – 70| | May 3rd| FINAL EXAMINATION(Lectures 8 – 15) 35 %3:00 pm| | â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. Subject to change in extenuating circumstances
Friday, November 8, 2019
Online Bingo.
Online Bingo. Bingo can be traced back to the year 1530 in which a state run a lottery game. Lo Giuco de Lotto was originated in Italy where the game is still held every Saturday. 'Le Lotto' migrated to France in the late 1700s in a form similar to the bingo we know today, with a playing card, tokens and numbers read aloud.Through the 1800's these lottery style games spread quickly throughout Europe and many offshoots of the game were created. One popular form of game, similar to that we play today had a player's card divided into 3 horizontal rows and 9 vertical ones. The first vertical row contained the numbers from 1 to 10, the second from 11 to 20, and so on until 81-90 on the ninth vertical row. The 3 horizontal rows each contained five squares with numbers in them and 4 blank ones. The caller would then draw from a bag of wooden chips numbered from 1 to 90.Sailors and Marines play bingo in the Carlson Cafe...The object of the game was to be the first to completely cover one of the 3 horizont al rows. The blank squares were considered free squares much like the free square in the bingo cards of today.In 1929, a game called 'Beano' was played at a carnival near Atlanta, Georgia. The beano game's tools consisted of dried beans, a rubber number stamp and some cardboard. A New York toy salesman named Edwin Lowe, observed the game where players exclaimed 'BEANO!' if they filled a line of numbers on their card. Lowe introduced the game to his friends in New York where one of them mistakenly yelled 'BINGO!' in her excitement. 'Lowe's Bingo' was soon very popular and Lowe asked competitors to pay him $1 per year to allow them to call their games bingo as...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Quotes From PW Botha, Prime Minister of South Africa
Quotes From PW Botha, Prime Minister of South Africa I never have the nagging doubt of wondering whether perhaps I am wrong. President P. W. Botha, who served as the Prime Minister of South Africa from 1978 to 1984 and executive State President from 1984 to 1989, gave many memorable remarks about leading South Africa under the policies of apartheid that kept races segregated. On Apartheid I am one of those who believe that there is no permanent home for even a section of the Bantu in the white area of South Africa, and the destiny of South Africa depends on this essential point. If the principle of permanent residence for the black man in the area of the white is accepted, then it is the beginning of the end of civilization as we know it in this country. The people who are opposing the policy of apartheid have not the courage of their convictions. They do not marry non-Europeans. Because you could not translate the word apartheid into the more universal language of English, the wrong connotation was given to it. I am sick and tired of the hollow parrot-cry of apartheid! Ive said many times that the word apartheid means good neighborliness. On Race Relations You could not claim for yourself that which you were not prepared to grant others. The security and happiness of all minority groups in South Africa depends on the Afrikaner. Most blacks are happy, except those who have had other ideas pushed into their ears. If the principle of permanent residence for the black man in the area of the white is accepted, then it is the beginning of the end of civilization as we know it in this country. I am not against the provision of the necessary medical assistance to colored and natives, because unless they receive that medical aid, they become a source of danger to the European community. The white people who came here lived at a very much higher standard than the indigenous peoples and with a very rich tradition, which they brought with them from Europe. Our history is responsible for the differences in the South African way of life. Botha Quotes On Leading South Africa The free world wants to feed South Africa to the Red Crocodile [communism] to appease its hunger. The idea of an Afrikaner people as a cultural entity and religious group with a special language will be retained in South Africa as long as civilization stands. Half a century ago in this court, I was sworn in as the member of Parliament for George. And here I am today...I am not better than General De Wet. I am not better than President Steyn. Like them, I stand firm in my principles. I can do no different. So help me God. Adapt or die. I believe we are today crossing the Rubicon, Mr. Chairman. In South Africa, there can be no turning back. I have a manifesto for the future of our country and we must engage in positive action in the months and years that lie ahead.From his National Party Congress Speech, 15 August 1985. Sources Crwys-Williams, Jennifer. Penguin Dictionary of South African Quotations. Paperback, Penguin Global, August 12, 2009. Krog, Antjie. Country of My Skull. Hardcover, Crown, First Edition edition, February 22, 1999. Lennox-Short, Alan. A treasury of quotations. AD. Donker, 1991. McGreal, Chris. Brothers in arms - Israels secret pact with Pretoria. The Guardian, February 7, 2006. PW Botha. South Africa Travel Online, 2017. Van der Vat, Dan. PW Botha. The Guardian, November 2006.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The use of DNA to exonerate an individual under the post-conviction Essay
The use of DNA to exonerate an individual under the post-conviction use of DNA evidence or the evaluation of blood-alcohol level - Essay Example Generally, to be admissible the scientific evidence must have probative value. To add, the evidence has to be shown to have sufficient basis to produce uniform and reasonably consistent results that influence materially to the ascertainment of truth. Like all other criminal cases, the prosecution in DUI offences, have the duty to prove beyond the reasonable doubt that, at the time of the offence, the accused blood alcohol concentration was beyond the statutory limits (levinson D 2002). In most jurisdictions, the statutory limit range from 0.08% to 1%. Consequently, it is crucial for the prosecution to obtain biological samples, for example, blood, urine or expired air that would conclusively prove that the accused blood alcohol level was beyond the statutory limit. Therefore, forensic evidence is paramount, to show that the real blood level concentration, that it exceeded the limit. To obtain the blood alcohol concentration, police extracts body substances of the suspect which they s ubject to testing. However, in the field, it is impractical to obtain and test blood and urine sample due to the expertise and time required. Therefore, police rely on the use of breath testing devices, (of which breathalyzer is one the various types.), since they are easy to operate, precise and reliable in the field. The breathalyzer operates through testing of the suspect’s expired breath or the alveolar air. It operates on henry’s law that states that at, a constant temperature and pressure, the concentration of a gas that has dissolved in a liquid is proportional to the concentration of the air that is directly above it. Therefore, the alveolar air expired is usually at equilibrium with blood. Consequently, the breathalyzer works on the assumption that the alcohol concentration in the alveolar air has a direct relationship with the blood alcohol concentration, BAC. Upon consumption, alcohol is neither digested nor chemically altered in the circulation. While the b lood passing through the lungs, some of the alcohol passes through the membrane and into the air sacs (alveoli) in the lungs, and it evaporates since it is volatile. Therefore, it mixes with the alveoli air, which is subsequently exhaled. Hence, the concentration of alcohol in the air sacs is equivalent to that in that, in the blood. The exhaled air is the one that is detected by the breathalyzer. The alcohol concentration in the alveolar air exhaled is then augmented by a factor referred to as the partition ratio. This is done to relate the reading to BAC, through conversion of the concentration measured in the breath to the matching alcohol concentration in the blood. The breathalyzer works on the assumption that the ratio of the ratio of breath alcohol to blood alcohol is 2100:1. This means that the concentration in every 2100 ml alveolar air is equivalent to that in 1Ml of blood (Begleiter H, Kissin B 1996). The breathalyzer has a mouth piece through which the suspect blows the exhaled air and a sample of the same goes to the sample chamber. What follows is a series of chemical reactions. The breathalyzer contains a system to sample the breath of the suspect, 2 glass vials that contain chemical reaction mixtures, and a series of photocells joined to a meter to that measures the color change that results from the chemical reaction. For effectiveness, the breathalyzer must be administered by a qualified operator and
Friday, November 1, 2019
Marxist tradition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Marxist tradition - Essay Example In fact, Karl Marx presented this new logic of political economy in a statement: â€Å"An increase in the productivity of labour means nothing more than that the same capital creates the same value with less labour, or that less labour creates the same product with more capital†(Marx, 1863-1883, p. 271). In other words, industrial development neglected the value of working class, as capitalists had put their incomes on the pedestal of social relations. In short, the dialectical type of antagonist relations that showed up after capitalist change was the main object of Marxist critique.On the one hand, Marx clearly understood the key trends of his time based on the prevalence of economic relations in all social spheres. In this context, Marxism proposed the pioneer theoretical framework; it stated that working hard means nothing in the new society. In contrast, classical liberalism that believed in market self-regulatory power to human prosperity (Smith, 2007) could not overcom e this new type of social inequality. Moreover, Marxism served as a good base to further investigation of capitalist transformations in the society. For instance, modern ‘theory of oppressed†shows that Marx was convincing and predicted the main challenges of capitalist social order. In general, Marxism noticed the main danger of the twentieth century that led to huge transformations of the world order; in this context, Marx and Engels (1848) widely discussed the position of proletariat as neglected by revolutionary class, whose voice is important but not heard.
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