Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Criminal Justice System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Criminal Justice System - Essay Example One of the issues facing the justice system is the existence of a gap in terms of punishment to adolescent offenders, especially for extreme crimes such as murder. Scott and Steinberg argue that the adolescent cannot be punished as a juvenile delinquent as for this may be too lenient while punishing the adolescent as an adult maybe also be too harsh. The justice system is then faced with a difficult decision as both of these punishments is seems inappropriate. For example, in a recent case of Graham versus Florida, Graham, 16 years old was found to have violated his probation terms by committing other crime. In the hearing, the court found Graham culpable of the previous charges, revoked his probation and sentenced him to life imprisonment without an option of parole. In this case, the first ruling seems quite lenient in that the offender does not reform or cease to engage in criminal behavior but in fact seems to increase his engagement in crime. The second ruling of life imprisonme nt without parole seems to be too severe considering his was a non-homicidal crime and regarding his age, he would spend most of his life in prison. The fact that there is no national consensus on the punishment of criminal offenders between the ages of 14 and 18 years presents another challenge to the justice system in the US. For example, in the case of Roper versus Simmons, Simmons had planned and committed a murder at the age of seventeen. Such a violent crime cannot go unpunished. At the age of eighteen, he was sentenced to death which is the punishment for adults. Whilst the evidence presented was overwhelming, the fact that he committed the crime while he was still seventeen did influence the reduction of his sentence from a death penalty to life imprisonment.Â
Monday, October 28, 2019
The Impact of Racial and Ethnic Bias in Criminal Sentencing Decisions Essay Example for Free
The Impact of Racial and Ethnic Bias in Criminal Sentencing Decisions Essay Judicial bias pertaining to race and ethnicity is a controversial phenomenon that has been researched historically, and continues in contemporary society. One of the first criminologists to analyse this was Beccaria (1764) in Dei delitti e delle penne (an essay on crime and punishments), he argued that judicial process favoured the wealthy and powerful to the detriment of the less fortunate, his research had a profound impact on historical judicial process and reformation of criminal law. Since that time numerous researchers have methodically reviewed, dissected and reframed theory on judicial bias in relation to race and ethnicity in sentencing decisions. Empirical data demonstrates vast disparity and reveals a juxtaposition of conflicting theories pertaining to race, ethnicity, and sentencing outcomes. For many years, people of different racial and ethnic backgrounds have been over-represented throughout the criminal justice system. Walker (2003), Spohn (2000, 2002), Kault (2002) and DeLone (2000, 2003) have researched extensively on this topic and theorise that there are several facets of what they refer to as a â€Å"discrimination-disparity continuum. †They argue that discrimination is ‘systemic’ and experienced at each stage of the criminal justice system. For example, ‘institutionalised discrimination’ is due to the impact of policies and procedures that are implemented without discriminatory intent, and yet adversely affect minorities. Further to this is the over-policing of targeted racial and ethnic communities, Walker, Spohn, and DeLone (2003) refer to this as ‘contextual discrimination’ this then sees an exponential increase in entry into the criminal justice system and impacts on higher incarceration rates. Further research by Taxman and Byrne (2005) theorised that racial and ethnic disparity is a cumulative process prior to sentencing. They argued that this occurs due to differential rates of involvement in criminal behaviours and the racial and ethnic characteristics of the offenders, whereby the race effect is confounded by procedural and extralegal variables. Thereby, those of racial and ethnic minority groups of lower socio-economic status are unable to obtain appropriate legal representation, which leads to longer sentencing, and higher incarceration rates overall. Ehlers and Lotke (2004); Miller (1996) and Schiraldi (1994, 2004) state that research demonstrates pervasive racism, and systemic discrimination, throughout the criminal justice system, that by design contributes to the recycling of individuals. Zatz (1987) also demonstrated the continuity of contributing factors throughout the criminal justice system in the churning of individuals and rates of recidivism among racial and ethnic minority groups in a research study. Zatz’s research study demonstrated significant variations in sentencing outcomes pertaining to racial and ethnic background. Zatz referred to this as ‘cumulative disadvantage’, Zatz argued that throughout the various stages of the criminal justice system minor differences eventually compound and become measurable and significant in the overall outcome. Moreover, Erez (1991) states that sentences for comparable crimes are based predominantly on the characteristics of the victims and not the offences committed, whereby if a black person of lower socio-economic status perpetrated a criminal act on a white person the penalty would be far more severe, however if the scenario is reversed the penalty would be less severe. Further research entitled â€Å"Effect of Race on Sentencing: A Re-examination of an unsettled question†by Spohn, Gruhl, and Welch (1982) replicated and extended Uhlman’s (1977) research into racial disparity in sentencing outcomes in ‘Metro city.’ Uhlman’s analysis of 50,000 felony cases between 1968 and 1969 demonstrated no direct correlation between race and ethnicity when the analysis controlled two dependent variables pertaining to prior criminal convictions and severity of charges. However, Uhlman (1977); Spohn, Gruhl, and Welch (1982) established that when independent variables pertaining to prior criminal convictions, race, bail amount, pre-trial status, type of plea and type of legal representation were introduced it was apparent that black males received harsher sentencing outcomes than White males. The decision to incarcerate, or not to incarcerate was measured by introducing a dichotomous prison/no prison variable. Furthermore, Spohn, Gruhl, and Welch (1982); and Uhlman’s (1977) analysis of statistical data demonstrated that black males who could not afford adequate legal representation suffered from what they referred to as ‘wealth discrimination’ which then adversely impacted on black offenders with harsher sentencing. Further data demonstrated that even when controlling legal and extra-legal factors vast disparity was apparent in the sentencing outcomes of black offenders and white offenders, demonstrating an increase of black imprisonment at the rate of 5 percent was noted, which when compounded resulted in a 20 percent higher rate than white offenders. It is obvious when researching the impacts of race and ethnicity on sentencing outcomes that there are innumerable variables required to measure the outcomes that are necessary to obtain evidentiary validity. Moreover, the plethora of complexities involved in this type and scale of measurement are confounded and in some cases contradictory. Numerous scholars oppose these various hypothesis on racial and ethnic disparity and discrimination within the criminal justice system, for example Hindelang (1969), Kleck (1981); Whitney (1999); and Willbanks (1987) concluded through their various research that the criminal justice system in most instances favours minority racial and ethnic groups at the expense of disadvantaging whites. In Summary It is obvious that the measurement of the impact of racial and ethnic disparity in sentencing, and discrimination throughout all tiers of the criminal justice system is fraught with difficulties due to the reflexive nature of the cause and effect of the outcomes. Numerous researches expound that prior criminal convictions and severity of criminal offences are the reason for the demonstrated disparity in outcomes. However, due to the institutional structures and design of the criminal justice system, racial and ethnic minority groups are targeted by police wielding extensive powers of discretion. Therefore, influencing the rates of charging of individuals within specific racial and ethnic groups, thereby further affecting these individuals entry in the criminal justice system. Furthermore, research expounds that it is not necessarily the rates of recidivism but the system itself recycling these individuals. It is therefore necessary to examine the criminal justice system in its entirety to understand and gauge why sentencing disparities emerge within various racial and ethnic minority groups. Bibliography Beccaria (1764) Dei delitti a delle penne; An essay on crimes and punishment. Translated in 1819. http://www. constitution. org/cb/crim_pun. htm Accessed 18/11/08. Kault, P. , Spohn, C (2002) Assessing blameworthiness and Assigning punishment: Theoretical perspectives on judicial decision making. In Duffee, D and Maguire, E (eds), Criminal Justice Theory: Explicating concepts and linkages about nature and behaviour of criminal justice. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. http://www. ncjrs. gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/223854. html Accessed 20/11/08. Spohn, C (2002) How do judges decide? ‘The quest for fairness and justice in punishment. Thousand Oaks,’ CA: Sage Publications http://www3. interscience. wiley. com/journal/118594874/abstract. html. Accessed 20/11/08. Spohn, C. , DeLone, M (2000) When Does race matter? An examination of the conditions under which race affects sentencing severity. Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance 2. P. p 3-37. Spohn, C (2000) Thirty years of sentencing reform: The quest for a racially neutral sentencing process, National Institute of Justice. Reprinted in Austin Sarat (ed), 2004. The Social Organisation of Law. Los Angeles: Roxbury Publishing. http://209. 85. 173. 132/search? q=cache:yuYWZ_dcsIoJ:www. ncjrs. gov/criminal_justice2000/vol_3/03i. pdf+Spohn+C+thrity+years+of+sentencing+reformhl=enct=clnkcd=1gl=au. html Accessed 22/11/08. Taxman. F. , Byrne, J. M (2005) Racial Disparity and the legitimacy of the criminal justice system.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Free Essays on A Dolls House: Irony :: A Dolls House Essays
Irony in A Doll's House A Doll's House contains many instances of irony. The main characters, Nora and Torvald, are especially involved in this.Many of the examples of irony in this play are types of dramatic irony. Dramatic irony usually refers to a situation in a play wherein a character's knowledge is limited, and he or she encounters something of greater significance than he or she knows. Throughout the play, most of the dramatic irony displayed is between Nora and Torvald, with Torvald being the character whose knowledge is limited. Early on in the play, when Mr. Krogstad is threatening to tell Torvald of Nora's secret, Nora pleads with him and asks him not to. She says to him that "It would be a rotten shame. That secret is all my pride and joy - why should he have to hear about it in this nasty, horrid way........hear about it from you" (1431). This is ironic in that her "pride and joy" is something that her husband would completely disapprove of. Â Torvald tells Nora "No debts! Never borrow! There's something inhibited, something unpleasant, about a home built on credit and borrowed money" (1415). But nevertheless, she has borrowed money, and it is her pride and joy. She takes pride in the fact that she was able to borrow money, since women are not supposed to be able to, and that she has been able to save and work for enough money to be able to make the payments on her loan. What makes it even more joyful for her is that she knows this helped save her husband's life. The most joyful thing in Nora's life is something her husband disapproves of. What makes this even more ironic is a statement Torvald makes to Nora after discovering her secret. He says to her "Oh, what a terrible awakening this is. All these eight years...this woman who was my pride and joy...a hypocrite, a liar, worse than that, a criminal!" (1462). He also uses the words "pride and joy" to describe Nora, just as she describes her secret. Another illustration of irony is the way Nora treats her children as if they were dolls. This is situational irony because Nora is treated like a doll by her husband, and by her father when he was alive. She says "I passed out of Daddy's hands into yours.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Dramatic Monologue Essay
Black, black, black, that is all I can see. My cold, legs froze as I attempted to walk forward through the icy mist of the darkness. The darkness didn’t frighten me, my eyes focused on the beam of light that reflected of the tips of my shoes. To take my mind off the thought of being alone, I closed my eyes, and thought of what I could be here for. I continued to close my eyes but the idea of being alone made it hard to concentrate. The air around me felt lifeless, I clenched my fist, to give me the feeling as if someone else was here with here with me. I could only hear the accelerated speed at which my heart was beating. I have never felt like this since I was in high school, when I tried out for the school cross country team. My legs became stiffer than they were before. I bit my tongue and drew back a breath; relieving myself of the pain I could feel riding up the sides of my legs. The pain then became too much for myself to handle, I bit my tongue harder and harder as the pain got worse. Suddenly the pain was gone and the feeling of relief over whelmed me. I sat on the floor, the beam sat beside me; it seemed the light was my only source of comfort in dark. My memory of home, the place I once was, is hazy but kept me from losing touch with reality. The thoughts of Catherine waiting for me after work and Beatrice preparing dinner on the stove warmed my heart. But not all my memories were like this, they were once filled with fear and disappointment. Back home, in Sicily, I once had dreams of coming to America and living the American dream, which the people of my village used to speak of. But being the oldest it was hard to be positive, and living in house for 3 with a family of 8 didn’t help either. My village was poor because of the war so it made it harder for people to find work. While my father worked during the day, as a fisherman, I and the other children played in fields behind my house. The feelings I experienced playing in the fields were nothing like feelings I felt at home. I laid on my back, head pumping as though I had been trying to study last minute for a test. The gash on my chest, which was oddly shaped like an ear, was stinging under the pressure of my shirt. I tried to remember what I had thought about before the pain kicked in. The dream of me dying felt so real†¦. there was me on the floor surrounded by people I knew †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ I thought harder†¦. there people from around the block, and some I have never seen before†¦.. and the warm voice†¦. the voice of Beatrice stood out from the rest. I thought harder and tried to remember what was going on †¦.. all I could remember was the sound of people screaming my name and a pool of blood, that was spread from the bottom of my stairs to the side of the pavement. I was then clear of what I was here for. I stood up, tore the picture of Katie I had around my neck and tossed it into the light. The light then vanished and it became completely dark. It was her †¦ Katie†¦ she is the reason why I’m here. It was wrong, the feelings I felt for her that is the reason I’m here. I was supposed to look after her not fall in love with her. The jealousy I felt when I saw her with Rodolfo drove me to become this way it was the thought of her being taken away from me really got to me. But I can’t put the blame on him. It was me. All me. I laid back on my back, closed my eyes and laid completely still. If I was to wake and find myself in the pits of hell I wouldn’t be surprised. But if I were to wake up, wrapped in the arms of my love, I would take my own life then and there. So that my family could live on happy and not have to worry about how I could screw up their lives. This is the gift I give to you, my family a life to live without the thought of me.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Why Do I Want to Become a Teacher
All of my experience for the past 10 years since I have been in USA led me to realizing that I am passionate about teaching and working with children. I migrated to this country from Slovak Republic right after graduating from Comenius University with the major in Biochemistry. Being only 22 years old I wanted to experience some adventure before getting the regular 9-5 job at some Research Laboratory. I signed up for a Summer Program with YMCA and came to Poland, Maine as a summer camp counselor. The environment was just beautiful. These little wooden cabins located on a beautiful Lake Sebago. That's where my passion for working with children began. I was spending that summer with kids who were coming from broken and low income families from outside of Boston. I was responsible for a group of young girls, 7-10 years old. I and the girls bonded really quickly. Every day was different. Different fun, different drama, different atmosphere. And I loved every minute of it. I loved being creative with all kinds of activities, I loved being a leader who the girls looked up to and we had tremendous fun. I felt like I was making a difference in those children's lives. At least for those few summer months those girls felt safe, nurtured and cared for. And I felt fulfilled and useful. After few years working in customer service I returned back to working with children. This time I took on a nanny job. I again experienced creating a strong bond with the boys I was taking care of. Their parents were divorced and the boys were switching between the two households each week. I felt that I brought a sense of calm and peacefulness to their lives. I lead them through their homework, different projects, we did all kinds of activities but most importantly we were having good and memorable time. Once they got older and got busier with their school and afterschool activities I had more time on my hands so I took it a step further and started tutoring chemistry and science. That`s where I felt the strongest fulfillment. To see my students succeed was the biggest satisfaction and I immediately knew that I wanted to become a teacher. I think teaching is adventurous, challenging, exciting job and personally very rewarding career. Working with students, every day is different; there is no room for routine or boredom. I am passionate about science and I want to share my knowledge with students. I have to say that I came a long way. It took me little longer than it takes other people to figure out â€Å"what do I want to be†but I feel positive and happy about my decision and cannot wait to step into a real classroom as a new teacher one day.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Nutritional Diseases essays
Nutritional Diseases essays Relatively rare in the United States, Beriberi is a disease caused by a deficiency of vitamin B1 , also known as thiamine, in the diet. The disease involves peripheral neuritis nerve degeneration and myopathy muscle disease, particularly affecting heart muscles. Symptoms include diarrhea, loss of weight, fatigue, and heart failure. Beriberi is prevalent in eastern and southern Asia. Because many alcoholics fail to eat a balanced diet, it is sometimes associated with chronic alcoholism. There is dry Beriberi and wet Beriberi. Dry beriberi results in the loss of strength and of some feeling in the limbs due to nerve degeneration. Wet beriberi is caused by accumulated fluid in the limbs (edema) and in the abdomen (ascites) because of a heart malfunction; nerve degeneration is commonly present as well. Beriberi is treated with vitamin B1, and this cures most cases of the disease. Care should be taken to provide the patient with a balanced diet. Malnutrition is a condition caused by inadequate intake or inadequate digestion of nutrients. It may result from eating an unbalanced diet, digestive problems, absorption problems, or similar problems. Malnutrition is a general term that indicates a lack of some or all nutritional elements. This can occur because of deficiencies in the diet. Single vitamin deficiencies are a form of malnutrition just as starvation is a form of malnutrition. Malnutrition can also occur when nutrients are adequately consumed in the diet, but one or more nutrients are not digested or absorbed properly. Eating a good, well-balanced diet helps to prevent most forms of malnutrition. Also, you must eat an appropriate diet for your age. The nutritional disease Pellagra is caused by a lack of niacin. Niacin is an element found in the B-complex vitamins. Pellagra is a vitamin deficiency most commonly found in people whose staple die ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
European Exploration and Trade Essay Example
European Exploration and Trade Essay Example European Exploration and Trade Essay European Exploration and Trade Essay There was once a time in our history, before computerized maps and satellites and tracking programs. Sailors had to guide themselves by the stars and very basic and inaccurate maps. In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries in Europe there was advancement in technology and learning that led to widespread exploration and trade among countries. The introduction of the compass, advancements in cartography, the printing press, and other inventions led to increased trade and exploration throughout Europe. Before the fifteenth century, sailors often didn’t venture far from what they knew because maps were extremely inaccurate and weather was unpredictable. In the fourteenth century a style of maps, called portolon charts, were introduced. These were pictures of harbors, ports, cities, and coastlines inscribed on sheepskin. These maps were valuable to the merchant and traders between cities, but to the explorer changing continents they were basically useless. The compass was also a major improvement to previous methods. Before this invention, sailors used the stars to navigate and stay on their somewhat planned course. However, during the day they were at a loss. When the compass was invented, it allowed sailors to know their bearing all the time. People soon learned to notice and pay more attention to weather patterns while sailing. They discovered the trade winds among the seas and noted where they were in relation to each other and what their effects on shipping were. The winds caused either a faster and smoother trip or a longer and rougher voyage, depending on the direction of the ship and the wind involved. This was an advancement to previous methods because they now knew what to expect and prepare for instead of guessing or being surprised. They could also plan routes and try new routes. This led to a period of time called the Age of Sail. The printing press was one of the biggest and most important inventions of this time period. Before, literature and documents were scarce and not very common. After the printing press was introduced, literary works and various types of documents were more available to the common person. This encouraged people to become more educated because they now had the means to do it. The printing press also had an effect on cartography. Because maps had to be either inscribed or drawn, they were rare and not very public. After the printing press, maps were able to be duplicated and shared with other cartographers. In doing this, they could compare their maps with other peoples and create a newer and more accurate representation of the land and sea. This caused people to become more sure and trusting of these maps, making them venture out further than they had before, thus increasing trade. The design and size of ships were also changing during this time. The Europeans began to incorporate the methods of other countries, such as China, into their own shipbuilding process. One change was the multiple sails on the ship which allowed for better upwind travel. The all-in-one rudder was also a major improvement because it allowed for easier and faster steering and better control and stability of the keel. All in all, various changes and improvements occurred during this time. Inventions and improvements such as map making, compasses, understanding of weather patterns, and the printing press were all factors in the increase in exploration and trade in Europe.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Complete SAT Instructions, With Tips and Strategies
Complete SAT Instructions, With Tips and Strategies SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips What are the instructions that you’ll see on the SAT? And are they important? In this article I’ll take a closer look at the directions you’re given on the test and tell you what parts of them are most critical for earning high scores! Instructions? What Instructions? On the SAT, you’ll see instructions on every section about how to answer questions as well as instructions on your answer sheet about how to select and fill in answers. What followsare the instructions that you should expect to see for different parts of the test laid out section by section.I’ll also go into more detail and show you the instructions for different types of questions within the three sections so you’ll be prepared for everything! Answer Sheet Instructions You will get a set of overall multiple choice instructions on the answer sheet that look like this: This is demonstrating how you should fill in answers to get credit for your responses.Make sure you bring a couple of #2 pencils to the test so that you have a backup in case one breaks!Don't use mechanical pencils.You should also follow the instructions for filling in circles darkly and completely. If you erase any answers, do it thoroughly, and bring an extra eraser just in case. Instructions for All Multiple Choice Sections The one direction you’ll see at the end of every section of the SAT is this: On the SAT, you can’t turn back to a previous section and answer questions you skipped or flip to the next section and start looking at questions early.If you do, it’s considered cheating!Everyone must have the same amount of time for each section. If you turn back, you’re giving yourself extra time, which is unfair to other students. SAT Reading Instructions On the new SAT Reading section, all questions are passage-based (no more sentence completion questions with crazy vocabulary!). Here are the overall instructions for the Reading section: You’ll see both single passages and paired passages, and some may be accompanied by relevant graphics. There are 52 questions in total that are asked over the course of five different passages or pairs of passages. These questions are based on information in individual passages, relationships between paired passages, or relationships between passages and graphics. When it says to choose the best answer to each question based on what’s â€Å"stated or implied†, this is an opportunity for slight confusion.Something being implied on the SAT is not exactly the same as something being implied in real life or in reading for an English class.The implication has to be very direct in order for you to take it as evidence for the answer to a question on the SAT.Since the SAT is standardized, there can be no room for subjectivity in answers.If you think something has been implied, make sure your thoughts are based on concrete evidence provided by the passage and not pure assumptions. SAT Writing Instructions The SAT Writing section has been simplified in a way on the new SAT. All questions are now passage-based (just like the Reading section). Here are the directions you'll see at the beginning of the section: Basically, the directions explain that questions will ask you to improve the quality of writing in each passage by correcting grammar errors, fixing sentence and paragraph structure, and revising word usage. Much like the Reading section, passages in the Writing section are sometimes accompanied by tables or graphs that you'll need to consider as you answer questions. In most cases, question numbers are inserted into the passages indicating which sentence or word you will potentially need to revise. SAT Math Instructions There are two math sections on the new SAT: the first section does not allow the use of a calculator, and the second section does. Both sections includemultiple choice and grid-in questions. The first section has 20 questions, 15 of which are multiple choice and five of which are grid-ins.The instructions that you’ll see at the beginning of the section look like this: Key points to keep in mind based on the instructions are: Use the space you’re given! Don’t hesitate to write things out if you’re unsure about them in your head. The diagrams are there to help you. They're drawn to scale, so use them for reference. The domain of a function on the SAT is always all real numbers unless otherwise indicated. I also included all the formulas that are provided for this section.Even though they’ll be there on the test, you might still decide to memorize these formulas.You'll waste valuable time if you keep needing to flip back to the first page of the section. For the last five grid-in math problems in this section, you’ll see the following instructions: Key points to remember from these instructions: Fill in the circles completely and correctly. DON’T just write the numbers in the boxes because that’s not the part that’s going to be scored by the machine. There are no negative answers for grid in questions. If you get a mixed number fraction for an answer, turn it into an improper fraction or a decimal before gridding it in. Leave any columns you don’t need blank. If you get a long decimal answer that won’t fit in the grid, round it, but make sure it fills the entire grid so it’s the most accurate possible response. The second math section has 38 questions that you will answer over the course of 55 minutes. It includes 30 multiple-choice questions and eight grid-in questions. The only difference in the instructions for the second section is that the use of a calculator is allowed. Remember that you can use your calculator as much or as little as you want. There will be cases in this section where it's actually faster NOT to use your calculator, so be mindful of which method makes the most sense for each question. Woo...oh man...excuse me while I wipe away tears of mirth. SAT Essay Instructions The instructions for the now optional SAT essaylook like this: To make sense of these instructions, it's important to understand the format of SAT essay prompts.The prompt will consist of a piece of persuasive writing. You're expected to analyze the techniques that the author uses to build his or her argument. You will need to â€Å"demonstrate that you have read the passage carefully, present a clear and logical analysis, and use language precisely."What do they really mean? "Demonstrate that you have read the passage carefully" This means you should frequently use direct quotes from the passage to back up your response. Make sure you fully understand the author's point and are able to explain it clearly with solid evidence. It's best to read the passage very thoroughly before you start writing and underline the most important points. This will help you to write an essay that is more mindful of the exact methods by which the author's argument is constructed. "Present a clear and logical analysis" Write a good introduction with a thesis that clearly states the aspects of the author's argument you plan to analyze.Use specific examples from the text to support your point in logical order.You should also write a well thought out conclusion that summarizes the main points you made in your essay about the techniques the author uses to build an argument. "Use language precisely" Try to use advanced vocabulary words, but only if you’re very confident with them. Using a word incorrectly could hurt you.Make an effort to avoid repetition and createsmooth transitions between your thoughts. The rest of the instructions tell you to be careful with your handwriting and to write only in the lines on your answer sheet.If you think you’re going to have a problem with writing legibly, you might want to look into testing with accommodations.You may be able to type your essay in extreme cases. The instructions also reiterate that you need to use a #2 pencil, write on the answer sheet and NOT in the test booklet, and stay on topic! Conclusion To save yourself time on test day, you should understand the instructions for each section before you sit down to take the SAT. The new SAT has four sections, each of which is accompanied by one or more unique sets of instructions. All questions on both the Reading and Writing sections are multiple-choice and passage-based, and the two Math sections contain both multiple-choice questions and grid-in questions. The essay now involves analyzing how a persuasive argument is constructed by the author of a given passage. Now that you're armed with this background information, the foundation is laid for you to takesome realpractice tests! What's Next? For more quick facts about the SAT, check out these 21 SAT tips and tricks you can use to raise your scores! Still not sure what score you should be aiming for on the SAT? Read this guide to learn how to calculate your target score. If you're looking to register for the test, learn whether the next date is best or if you should hold off until later. Want to improve your SAT score by 160points?We have the industry's leading SAT prep program. Built by Harvard grads and SAT full scorers, the program learns your strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics, then customizes your prep program to you so you get the most effective prep possible. Check out our 5-day free trial today:
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Social Class and Attainment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Social Class and Attainment - Essay Example According to the report findings social class divisions play a great role in the educational attainment for children. Usually the higher the rank in the social ladder the high the chances that the students is likely to perform well. Good performance in school usually result to getting jobs and improving the general social class one is in. as such, working class and lower-class students tend to struggle in school due to family issues such as poverty, deprivation of medical assistance and incompetent language and elaboration techniques.This paper stresses that one’s level can determine their performance and attainment of better academic results, due to the inequalities in society that expose the students to different scenarios. Students from high end classes can converse easily and relay technical information more reasonably and elaborately in examinations as compared to lower-class students who have been raised with the minimal exposure to good literature material. Var ious theories are attributed to the inequalities of class and the impact on education and better social attainment. According to Bourdieu’s theory of cultural capital, different social cultures in the form of classes offer individuals different circumstances that determine whether or not the person shall attain their needs and educational goals. To be on the same level, students from lower class backgrounds ought to work harder, as they are facing greater challenges compared to the other advantaged students.
I don't know the title yet, please advise Essay
I don't know the title yet, please advise - Essay Example re than any other element in that society, helped create a consciousness among Japanese of their history and identity and provided, and still provide, a context for an understanding of the aims and accomplishments of their culture. In addition, there is now a greater interest in traditional Japanese culture abroad than ever before. Art exhibition, touring theatrical groups, translations of traditional Japanese literature... This implies that the Japanese culture is one of the cultures in the world that is quite authentic. This is the main reason as to why I chose for my essay to analyze the Japanese craftsmanship. The craftsmanship itself has simplicity and pays attention to the rigorous details and furthermore the procedure and art of how the objects are made with. One of the main inspiration of the Japanese concept is from my visit to an exhibition that was held at Design Museum †Product Fitness 80†by Muji that was held in the last spring of 2012. In this exhibition I was inspired greatly by the main purpose of the exhibition which was to bring into focus the minimum usage of materials and energy in order to make various products. One of the eye catching products that I saw in this exhibition is the pottery that was assembled using Kintsugi technique. This technique uses old objects that are recycled in order to come up with a new product. This was common in the Edo period. With this in mind my paper will be split in to different sections in order to analyze the Japanese craftsmanship in a simple manner. The first section of the paper will be looking at the history of the Japanese craftsmanship briefly thereafter I shall look at different aspects of craftsmanship through a series of case studies being analyzed. According to Lonsdale (2008), the Japanese style has many strands that re made together in order to come with a modern style in the Japanese culture. Swann (1979) points out that the Japanese art is a subject that covers a wide array of styles and
Friday, October 18, 2019
Existentialism Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Existentialism Theories - Essay Example Individual choices were circumscribed in order to achieve the more egalitarian distribution of goods and services like education and health care. In some contemporary Islamic nations, individual freedom must conform to religious practices. Individual behavior is also restricted by religious belief in Israel on the Jewish Sabbath and religious holidays and in some communities in the United States on Sundays because of Christian beliefs, On the other hand, religious conservatives often want governments to severely limit the options available to women who want to terminate pregnancies and oppose extending certain legal rights, including health benefits for partners and the right to marry the person they choose, to homosexuals (The Meaning of Freedom in the Modern World, Winter-Spring 2001). When we talk of existentialism, we talk of freedom, choices and action in connection with being human. Christine Daigle stated that â€Å"Existentialism is a philosophy that focuses on human existen ce in its concrete occurrence and on the fact that the human existence is radically free and must make choices and a philosophy that preoccupies itself with themes such as intentionality, being and absurdity, and angst and death. (Existentialist Thinkers and Ethics, 2006). Jean-Paul Sartre, commonly considered the father of Existentialist philosophy and arguably the best known philosopher of the twentieth century (Jean-Paul Sartre, 2011), defines freedom as â€Å"not a being; it is the being of man-i.e. his nothingness of being. If we start by conceiving of man as a plenum, it is absurd to try and find in him afterwards moments or psychic regions in which he would be free. As well look for emptiness in a container which one has filled beforehand up to the brim! Man cannot be sometimes slave and sometimes free; he is wholly and forever free or he is not free at all†(Being and Nothingness, Tr. Hazel E. Barnes (New York. 1966), p. 539). For him, man is freedom. He is always fre e and that it is impossible for man to be â€Å"not free†. A human being responds to specific situations they are faced with and is free to choose as to how to act on them. But in freedom man has some things that he cannot do. He says that we cannot refuse freedom, which is kind of conflicting to his statement that â€Å"man is freedom†if we take it at face value. When he says we cannot refuse freedom, by opting not to choose, man is still choosing, thus exercising freedom. We also cannot escape responsibility. For we are to take responsibility for the consequences of our choices and actions as role models, that others may act accordingly and that every choice he makes not only affects his future but the future of humanity as well. Responsibility is the price that freedom exacts from mankind. According to Existentialism in two plays of Jean-Paul Sartre: One of the most famous claims of ‘Being and Nothingness’ by Sartre is that, we are aware to some extent of our freedom, and the responsibility that comes with it, but we try to hide this from ourselves. We are aware, claims Sartre,
The conflict in the Middle East Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The conflict in the Middle East - Essay Example Similarly, international relations are concerned with how countries in the world relate to each other and the impact of that relation and whether it is beneficial or destructive. In essence international relation is meant to bring mutual cooperation amongst countries. Before we go further we need to know in a nutshell the history and the nature of Israeli Palestinian conflict. This conflict began in the late 19th century, but the conflict turned into a nasty during the early 1990s with both sides employing the use of artillery that resulted in many deaths from both sides. Consequently as the aggression increased so did the human suffering and this definitely caught the attention of the world thus the need to find a lasting solution to the issue. Historical accounts indicate that the Jews were displaced from the land which they were occupying formerly known a Canaan through continuous conflict with its neighbors. During the 14th century, the Ottoman Empire had conquered the whole of t he Middle East. Thus all the peoples of this region came under the Ottoman rule and during the First World War the Ottomans sided with the Germans while on the other hand the British supported an Arab uprising against the Ottomans. The British did this with the promise that they were then going to give the Arabs independence and thus self rule. Of importance to note at this point is that the British also promised to give the Jews who were scattered the world over a homeland in the Palestine. After the war, a declaration known as the Belfour declaration was signed by the British foreign secretary Arthur Balfour. The declaration stated its support for... The conflict in the Middle East The American- Israeli Cooperative Enterprise (2013), puts the number of Jews killed at 24,841 and that of Palestinians killed at 90,785. This paper will thus be looking at the global position of the Middle East, the two warring states (Israel and Palestine), nature and history of the conflict, cost of the war, current state of the conflict, role of leaders, impact of the conflict, and that of religion in this conflict. The Middle East is a location in the east of the world map and it can also be said to comprise Western Asia. This is a region starting from the northeastern part of Africa to southwestern Asia and southeastern Europe.Several ethnic groups inhabit this area with the largest group being the Arab with Jews, Palestinians, Kurds, and Persians among others being the small ethnic groupings. In spite of being neighbors the two states are in a constant war mode that is detrimental to the populations in both states. Interestingly, part of the Palestinian state is located on the southwest of Israel (Gaza) and the other part is located east of Israel (west Bank). This therefore means that both Israel and Palestinian Gaza have access to the Mediterranean Sea and both share borders with Jordan and Egypt. There are several reasons that created this conflict which have had negative impacts on populations of both countries, their economies as well as the social order. Numerous attempts have been made by world leaders at bringing this situation under control but results have not as yet been positive.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Assignment, and writing 2 essays based on 3 readings Coursework
Assignment, and writing 2 essays based on 3 readings - Coursework Example trend or phenomenon. Although the readings, â€Å"Cultural Valorization & African American Literary History†(Corse & Griffin) and â€Å"The Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial†(Wagner-Pacific & Schwartz) discuss different social and cultural phenomenon, we see clear examples of how the concept of â€Å"the sacred†is similar to the concept of â€Å"sacralization†specifically with regard to social unity and a social movement from deeming something socially insignificant to socially indispensable. Both readings also demonstrate how Durkheim’s idea of â€Å"the sacred†differs from the ‘sacredness’ so to speak, of Hurston’s novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God and The Vietnam War Memorial in that both cultural phenomenon cannot be compartmentalized into Durkheim’s simple definition of what deems something sacred. Nevertheless both phenomenon are in fact â€Å"sacred†in society and add another dimension to Durkh eim’s concept. All of the fore mentioned readings include a societal and cultural happening, which at one point in history was considered insignificant and undervalued but through a social, academic, political etc. unity and validity placed upon the phenomenon; there have been distinct and necessary alterations in societal thought as well as accomplishments with regards to the phenomenon at hand. In â€Å"Cultural Valorization & African American Literary History†Corse and Griffin extensively discuss the historical and ideological transformation of the Western Literary Canon and the creation of the African-American literary canon with regards to African-American literature and specifically Zora Neal Hurston’s novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God. When Hurston’s novel was first reviewed, it was considered â€Å"simple and unpretentious†, â€Å"unsuccessful†, not a literary work that would ever â€Å"move into serious fiction†and
Analysis of Personal Finance Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Analysis of Personal Finance - Case Study Example  The Share Portfolio of Ms. Joan Watterson comprises of 2500 Telstra & 1000 AMP shares which she has been holding for more than a year. However, it may be noted that Ms. Watterson is not a very keen equity investor and these investments were accidental. The Capital gain that Ms. Watterson can earn (if these shares were sold now) is equivalent to $3000. Company Numbers of Shares Share Price (as on April 27, 2012) Value of Shares Telstra 2500 3.511 8775 AMP 1000 4.252 4250 All shares were bought and have been held for over one year. The total value of shares: $13025. Telstra paid a dividend worth 0.14 (both 100% franked)3 twice during the last one year, which is the period Ms. Watterson was holding its 2500 shares. During the same period, AMP paid a dividend worth 0.15 (30% franked) and 0.14 (50% franked)4. We can compute the franking credits for Joan Watterson as follows: Franking Credits = Dividend * (3 / 7) * Franking Percentage5 Franking credits for Telstra = $300 and Franking credits for AMP =30 + 19.28 = $49.28 Total Franking Credits = $349.28. 1.3. ... Disposable Income Value Notes Taxable Annual Salary $62000 Dividends received $990 2500 * 2 * 0.14 = $700 1000*0.14 + 1000*0.15=$290 Franking credits $349.28 Interest on cash 4% of $4444 4.25% of $4500 Balance in Holiday account- $4444 (puts in $200 per month at 4%). Balance in Common Wealth Bank (CBA) account- $4500 (interest rate 4.25%)6 Taxable Income $63025.19 Tax Payment $4650 + 0.3*(63025.19-37000) = 12457.55 For taxable income $37,001 - $80,000, the applicable tax is $4,650 plus 30c for each $1 over $37,0007 Disposable Income $50567.63 1.4. Total Expenses per annum Expenses Value per Year Notes Mortgage payment $9050 $7200 (actual fringe benefit per annum + additional $600 per month) Laundry $300 Food & grocery $8400 $700 per month Clothing & shoes $1000 Electricity & gas $660 $110 per two months Phone & Internet $1800 $150 per month Municipal Rates $1000 Water $600 Car Expense Licensing $500 Comprehensive insurance $500 Running cost & repair $2500 Car Loan 0 Medical expense $ 1200 $100 per month Holiday expense $ 5000 Entertainment $4800 $100 per week Gifts $1920 (of which $633.6 is tax deductable) $40 per week (33% of which is in donations to community aid and tax deductable) Other expenses $2400 $200 per month Superannuation Expense $1380 Additional contribution made into West State per month (from taxed income) Total Expenses $50,210 Â
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Assignment, and writing 2 essays based on 3 readings Coursework
Assignment, and writing 2 essays based on 3 readings - Coursework Example trend or phenomenon. Although the readings, â€Å"Cultural Valorization & African American Literary History†(Corse & Griffin) and â€Å"The Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial†(Wagner-Pacific & Schwartz) discuss different social and cultural phenomenon, we see clear examples of how the concept of â€Å"the sacred†is similar to the concept of â€Å"sacralization†specifically with regard to social unity and a social movement from deeming something socially insignificant to socially indispensable. Both readings also demonstrate how Durkheim’s idea of â€Å"the sacred†differs from the ‘sacredness’ so to speak, of Hurston’s novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God and The Vietnam War Memorial in that both cultural phenomenon cannot be compartmentalized into Durkheim’s simple definition of what deems something sacred. Nevertheless both phenomenon are in fact â€Å"sacred†in society and add another dimension to Durkh eim’s concept. All of the fore mentioned readings include a societal and cultural happening, which at one point in history was considered insignificant and undervalued but through a social, academic, political etc. unity and validity placed upon the phenomenon; there have been distinct and necessary alterations in societal thought as well as accomplishments with regards to the phenomenon at hand. In â€Å"Cultural Valorization & African American Literary History†Corse and Griffin extensively discuss the historical and ideological transformation of the Western Literary Canon and the creation of the African-American literary canon with regards to African-American literature and specifically Zora Neal Hurston’s novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God. When Hurston’s novel was first reviewed, it was considered â€Å"simple and unpretentious†, â€Å"unsuccessful†, not a literary work that would ever â€Å"move into serious fiction†and
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Compare the powers of the federal government under the Articles of Essay
Compare the powers of the federal government under the Articles of Confederation to the powers of the federal government under the United States Constitution - Essay Example The US constitution gave powers to the federal government over issues of the national concern while the state government handled the issues of domestic concern. Regardless of that the Articles are not widely used, it is still a part of the United States constitution and still used from time to time to complement the United States Constitution. Although the Articles were the perfect constitution drafted, it still has some similarities with the U.S. constitution. First, both of them are federal U.S. documents. The central government is still the one in charge of the value of money and not the states. Both constitutions have defined term limits for the different offices in the government and they can borrow coins and set up a federal post office. The documents have a provision that can allow the government to establish an army and declare war on other countries and does not allow one state to enter into war by itself (Vile 34). However, as stated earlier, Article of Confederation had its flaws but the constitution came along and ratified the problems. As provided by the Articles, the federal government had very little power to make or enforce laws. Nine out of thirteen states needed in order to pass the laws. Only the states could have the privilege to create and operate courts. However, under the Constitution, the federal government is able to enforce and interpret the laws. Only fifty percent plus one vote and the signature from the president is required to pass laws. The executive branch headed by the president chooses the cabinet that checks on power of judiciary and legislature. The Article of Confederation allowed the federal government to borrow and spend funds, but it had not power to raise or level taxes of any kind (Vile 55). It also had no power to control trade agreements among the states or internationally. Each state entered into its
Monday, October 14, 2019
Juvenile Justice Process and Corrections Essay Example for Free
Juvenile Justice Process and Corrections Essay The following research will discuss the juvenile process system. Starting with the intake process it will discuss each step of the process and the options the defendant will be given. There are concerns and certain weaknesses the process has where it may give opportunity of unlawful and informal negotiation may be occurring. It will also further discuss the considered factors that will determine the juvenile’s sentence. A recent example of the juvenile process is the case of the victim Michael Brewer, which was set on fire by five other teenagers in 2009 over a 40 dollar video game debt. Three out of the five accused were waived to adult court awaiting a criminal trial. Matthew Bent who initiated the burning of Michael Brewer requested a new trial on the grounds of jury misconduct. On October 2012 Deerfield Beach judge denied the request for insufficient evidence. In this particular case the accused crime were considered severe and were waived to adult court where they are less concerned in rehabilitation and more concerned in sentencing a proper punishment for their crimes. The victim was ignited using rubbing alcohol and has suffered severe psychological impact from the even. According to Sun-Sentinel (2012) â€Å"He remembered the cool feeling of rubbing alcohol splashing on him. He remembered the burning sensation, the impulse to run and jump into the pool. He remembered wanting to stay in the water and seeing the first results of the horrific attack hed just endured.†Matthew Bent is suspected to attacking Michael Brewer for several reasons such as, forcing the victim to purchase an item, snitching, and attempting to steal Michael Brewers fathers bicycle. Denver Jarvis an accomplice to the crime pored rubbing alcohol on Michael Brewer. On October 13, 2009 all the suspects were taken in to custody. On November 10, 2009 the major role players of the crime are charged as adults with second degree murder. Bent attorney tried to have the case waivered back to the juvenile system however it was declined. Intake officers screen juvenile cases to determine which should be prosecuted or sent to diversion programs. Intake is a screening that will determine if juvenile should be released, given a future court hearing, diversion programs, prosecution, or waiver to adult criminal court. Intake officers gather and create a social record of the accused and discuss options with the juvenile’s parents or guardian (Champion, 2010). The intake process is informal; while an attorney can be present it is not really necessary since the purpose of the procedure is to determine other attention the child may need other than the juvenile court system. Cases where the juvenile is released to their parents or cases dropped must be approved by the juvenile prosecutor. The release to a juvenile to parents or guardian may encompass terms and conditions that they should follow. This is a formal binding contract in which cases the contract is broken by either the juvenile or the parents the court has the right to continue with other punitive actions. Legal factors must be taken in to consideration prior to make these decisions. It is important to understand that each jurisdiction differ in their intake process. A growing concern during the intake process is that more defense attorneys have been attending this process and conversations that are similar to plea bargains are occurring with the intake officer. The outcome of the sentencing is determined by several different factors such as, seriousness, type of crime, age, and criminal record, evidence for and against the defendant. Many believe there are too many juvenile incarcerations occurring the public mandates to rehabilitate the juveniles, however little enfaces and importance is given to the type of funding the program needs. In conclusion, the juvenile justice system has a very similar process system except for the primary objective. The primary objective is to rehabilitate, whereas criminal courts do not focus on rehabilitating. Diversion programs and waivers are great options to find the ideal punishment for particular crimes. Juveniles have more options as to how to serve their sentence unless they are waivered in to criminal court. References Champion, D. J. (2010). The juvenile justice system: Delinquency, processing, and the law. (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall. The Burning of Michael Brewer. (2012). Retrieved from
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Popes Essay -- Religion Catholicism Christian Church Essays
Popes The Protestant Reformation marked a time of great religious, social and political upheaval. For the first time in history the Christian church was permanently shattered. The Reformation originated from a trend in returning to the biblical days of Christianity and a renewal of morality. Unfortunately the Catholic religious leaders didn't share in the renewal of morality. The Renaissance popes were partially responsible for the decline of the church;however, it was the Church's past history and changing social, political and economic factors that lead to the Reformation's sucess. Commercialization of the Holy See was common for most popes, but , according to Barbra Tuchman, three of these men took particular advantage of the practice. Innocent VII is the earliest acknowledged pope during the Renaissance to have taken liberties with the church's finances. Although he engaged in the practices of simony and the selling of indulgences, his most noted mistake was raising donations for a Crusade that never took place. In 1486 Innocent announced a crusade, as well as at the same time declaring a tithe on all churches, benefices and ecclesiastical persons of all ranks. Military plans were drawn up but, in the end, no great army ever assembled or departed from Europe's shores. Instead, in a twist of irony, the Vatican wound up hosting an infidel in the form of Prince Djem, the sultan's brother. This arrangement confused the general public and the papal status fell in the eyes of the public. Papal status was further weakened by Innocent's successor Alexander VI. Alexander thrived on simony. He acquired the office of pope by buying out his chief rivals and openly boasted about this feat. Alexander went on to sell a total of 43 cardinalships, including to his own family. After the murder of his eldest son, Alexander was inspired in a proposed Bull to try to reform the church by reducing the incomes of the cardinals as well as mend other wicked ways; however, provisions caused Alexander to return to normal and he never issued the Bull. Perhaps if the Church had reformed during Alexander's reign, Leo X would never have taken office. Leo is most noted for writing to his brother "God has given us the papacy-let us enjoy it". Leo took this credo to heart and was considered the most extravagant pope and one of the great spenders o... ...tionalism and strong anti-Roman sentiment. This inspired Frederick of Saxony to welcome Luther into Saxony and inspired other princes, such as Phillip of Hesse, to tolerate Protestant reformers. Luther urged princes to seize the Church's property and bring about moral reform in the church. The Church owned large tracts of land in Germany and German princes realized the opportunity to gain wealth by breaking from the church. A steady stream of duchies, margravites, free cities and bishoprics became followers of Luther. The Protestant princes allied with one another to form the Schmalkaldic League in order to fight the efforts of the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V, to return the princes to Catholicism. The French king, Francis I, supported the Schmalkaldic League in their resistance against Charles. Although Charles won every battle he couldn't get rid of Protestantism in Germany. The Church's past history and Europe's changing political, social and economic climate contributed more to the Reformation's success than the Renaissance popes did. Had Luther lived in a different time and a different area his Reformation would have been cut down like its predecessors.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Manufactures Building at the Chicago Worlds Columbian Exposition of 1893 :: Architecture History
missing image Manufactures Building This 11 by 7 inch color lithograph seen here depicts the Manufactures and Liberal Arts Building at the Chicago World's Columbian Exposition of 1893. As the main exhibit space of the fair, it was the largest building ever constructed at the time and the most visited site at the exposition. The general scheme for the building was laid out during the early planning stages of the Chicago fair. It was to be located facing Lake Michigan on its long axis and the east end of the Court of Honor, where the other main buildings were grouped, on its short axis. Architect John Wellborn Root, partner of fair director Daniel Burnham, devised the basic function for the building. Because Root died early in the planning stages, the program was radically altered by his successor Charles Atwood. The latter's idea for a clear span surrounded by galleries prevailed, as fair organizers were intent to surpass that of the famous Galerie des Machines at the Paris exposition of 1889. New York architect George B. Post (1837-1913) was chosen to design the Manufactures building from a group of mostly eastern architects selected for the major fair buildings, including Richard Morris Hunt and McKim, Mead and White. His experience in large classically detailed New York buildings such as the Produce Exchange (1881-84) and the Havemeyer Building (1891-93), both demolished, made him a good candidate to uphold the White City ideal of the fair, emphasizing classical canons of composition and ornamentation. His expertise in the use of iron and steel, as in the large interior light court of the Produce Exchange, would come in handy if the Manufactures Building was to succeed in its "clear-span rivalry" with the Galerie des Machines (Hoffmann). Post succeeded in both aesthetic and technical challenges. Not only the largest building at the fair, the Manufactures Building was one of its greatest architectural assets. It measured 1,687 by 787 feet, had an exhibit space of 44 acres, and a central hall spanning 370 feet and rising 211 feet. The great steel arch trusses were certainly the building's most remarkable feature, left exposed and filled in with glass to form a greenhouse-like ceiling that allowed light to pour in. Surrounding the central space were galleries with additional exhibit space that looked down into the great hall. The exterior was no less impressive. Constructed of the same reinforced plaster as most of the other buildings at the fair, the Manufactures Building featured a severely classical fa ade.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Gharchola saris The Gharchola saris are among the most famous traditional wear of the women of the Indian state of Gujarat. This variety of silk saris has earned much popularity among the people from other regions of this country as well. The weaving technique of the Gharchola silk saris first came from the region around Cambay. These saris are first woven by using the silk and zari thread. Later they are either block printed or tie-dyed. The Gharchola saris of Gujarat are generally bought for weddings and other social and religious events.The most popular variety of this sari is one that comes in combination of red and white. A typical Gharchola sari is marked by the large zari checks that are found all over the sari. These checks carry small golden motifs. The most common motifs used in the Gharchola saris from Surat are those of peacocks, lotus, etc. Finally the Gharchola saris are dyed in the Jamnagar area of Gujarat. This is when the red color is added to the silk after the weav ing is completed. Jamnagar is preferred because of the quality of water in this place. Rajkot in Saurashtra is also an important place for these saris.The Gharchola silks are one of the most beautiful varieties of Surat saris. These saris are famous for the refined technique of weaving that is used. Maheshwari Sari Charming and elegant It has the quality of magnificence Pride of the owner It’s glamour personified! Once an exclusive privilege of the royalty has become an established Choice of the woman today. Conceived and designed by queen Ahilya Bai Holkar of Madhya Pradesh herself each Maheshwari Saree Conjures up a picture of royal Elegance. Majestic in its designs, it Is woven from silk and cotton fibres and embellished with gold zari.The Pallu is particulary distinct with its five stripes. Available in angoori (grape green), Gul bakhi (magenta), rani (deep Mauve Pink) and Raasini (light Violet) and famed for its reversible Border, that can be worn either Side, the royal Maheshwari is Vibrancy in an unadulterated from. Same as Chanderi Sarees which originate from Chanderi, Maheswari sarees originate from the town Maheshwar in Khargone district of Madhya Pradesh, India. This ancient town is situated on the banks for holy river Narmada Maheshwari fabric is known for its lightness, elasticity and fine thread count.In sharp contrast to the rich and heavy silken weaves of Kanjivaram, the silk and cotton mix of Maheshwaris is perfect to wear in the summer. Golden thread or Zari is also used to weave elegant motifs on the body, border and pallu of the sari. The most common patterns include brick, diamond, woven mat & Chameli flower patterns Gadwal sari Gadwal sari is a traditional sari made in Gadwal, Mahbubnagar district, India. [1] They are popular for their Zari saris. The local weavers are talented and weave the 5. 5 meters of saree fabric in such a way that it can be folded down to the size of a small match box.Gadwal Sarees have been very popular sin ce the 1930s. These are cotton sarees with an attached silk border and silk pallow. These sari features a fine cotton field which is weaved separately and later interlocked with borders and pallu made out of pure silk. This art of back-breaking or interlock weft technique is known as kupadam or Tippatiamu and hence the gadwal saris are locally called as Kupadam or Kumbbam Saris The sari is also said to have an influence of Banarasi weaving. The brocaded designs woven into the Gadwal saris represent south Indian cultural patterns.The motifs of the murrugan (peacock) and the rudraksh rule as the favorite along with the temple motif (Kutabham or Kotakomma). Other variations include mango design buttis all over body enriched by a dark contrast colour pallu having intricate geometric pattern zari design or self stripes design in body with zari buttis all over the sari field. Yellow, parrot-green, pink and beige are the mostly used colours. Pochampally Sari Pochampally Saree or Pochampall i Ikat is a saree made in Boodhan Pochampally, Nalgonda district, India. 1][2] They are popular for their traditional geometric patterns in Ikat style of dyeing. [3] The intricate geometric design find their way into the hands of skillful weavers and make it to the market as beautiful sarees and dress material. Pochampally sarees have been popular since 1800s. Pochampally Ikat uniqueness lies in the transfer of intricate design and colouring onto warp and weft threads first and then weave them together. The fabric is cotton, silk and sico – a mix of exquisite silk and cotton. Increasingly, the colours themselves are from natural sources and their blends.Pochampally, a cluster of 80 villages, has traditional looms, whose design is more than a century-old. Today this Silk City, which is more of a cottage industry, is home to more than 10000 weaving families in 100 villages. The fabric is marketed through the cooperative society and APCO, the master weavers and the business hous es in Pochampally. Pochampally does more than Rs. 1000000 Million annual business in terms of yarn sales, purchase of handloom products and sales. The government in 2010 divided the belt into two clusters Pochampally 1 and Pochampally 2, and is proving common weaving centres.Because of its unique design efforts are on to revive the dying art. Paithani Saris Paithani Saris not only give an elegant look but also adds royalty and thus most of the brides to be like to wear these heavily embellished paithani sarees on that auspicious day. Paithani Saris teamed up with the appropriate accessories, adds enormous grace and beauty. Paithani sari is known for its intricate weave of pure silk and gold. The paithani sari has played a significant role in weaving together the cultural fabric of Maharashtra.Paithani sari named after the Paithan region in Maharashtra state where they are woven by handmade from very fine silk, it is considered as one of the richest saris in Maharashtra. The Paithani sari is known the world over for its uniqueness. It is one of the most beautiful saris in the world. It’s beautifully crafted, with an exquisite zari border. The process of preparation of a Paithani sari can take a time period ranging from a month to years. It is because of these reasons that this sari is rather expensive. Paithani saris evolved from a cotton base to a silk base.Silk was used in designs and in the borders, whereas cotton was used in the body of the fabric. The Paithani silk saris are one of the richest gold brocade saris with stunning gold patterns woven in them. The zari used in the preparation of the sari is specially procured from Surat in Gujarat. It has an ornamental zari border and pallav, and buttis (little designs) of tara (star), mor (peacock), popat (parrot), kuyri (mango), rui phool (flower), paisa (coin), pankha (fan), kalas pakli (petal), kamal (lotus), chandrakor (moon), narli (coconut) and so on.Many of these innovative motifs and designs are found on the border and pallav in different sizes and patterns. Indian wears are popular because of its beauty of print, artwork, detailing of designs and quality of fabric soothing to skin of every wearer which adds glamour on every occasion. Since its inception in year 2000 at KK Handloom we are the leading suppliers of a variety range of Maharashtrian Sarees like Yeola Paithani, Brocket Paithani, Special Padar Paithani, Benarasi Silk Paithani sarees and many more at our Saree hub. The rich look in manufacturing with the fine quality fabric has attracted vendors all over the country.We at Kapse Paithani believes in quality delivering and complete customer satisfaction keeps range of traditional wears in all sizes and huge choice for colour adding charm and beauty to the wearer. Mainly in Maharashtra, Saree is the most elegant wear and the oldest form of women’s wearing, with the change of time a variety in its manufacturing and printing has been introducted. Here at Kapse P aithani team at the backend with their vast experience always strives to maintain the ethnic beauty of artwork with the modern touch of print.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Family Rootedness and Racial Dynamics
Living in contemporary America is coupled with different challenges. The fast-paced industry, the cultural diversity, the financial crises, and the indifference among neighbors all cause to build up some form of alienation in most people. The Virginia Tech massacre and other cases of mad shooting illustrate the struggles of some people of different cultures to assimilate in the American society. In Barack Obama’s â€Å"Dreams from My Father,†the author provides some insights on the importance of rootedness to one’s family and culture in order to survive and attain success in Contemporary America. The experiences of the characters lead readers to realize that one can easily undertake struggles in life upon acceptance of family and racial origins. The author attempts to delineate a number of issues, among which is the problem caused by dysfunctional families, a common scenario in the contemporary American society. Children like Obama manage to survive despite the absence of their parents, in some cases both parents are absent, in others like Obama’s, the father figure is vague. Until after his death, Obama’s father â€Å"remained a myth†(8) to him. He left when Barack was barely two years old, to go back to Kenya, his homeland. The last time he and his son saw each other was when Obama was ten. Due to this, Obama grew up quiet, with some coldness in the way he deals with people, although he always bears respect for others. His acquaintance with an old man who lived in the same building he occupied near Harlem demonstrates this attitude. Never, the absence of Obama’s father made him what he is right now. Although not clearly emphasized, the role of the grandfather in Obama’s life, along with his grandmother Toot, compensated for the loss of his father. In a way, Obama lived in the comfort and care of his mother’s family. Basically, the importance of family is demonstrated in the way his grandfather compensated the absence of his father. The family dynamics that he grew up with, was basically composed of loving and caring grandparents who usually told him stories of the past in order for him to know his father well, and a mother who served as inspiration and guide through the social service she rendered. However, the importance of family is later more emphasized with the connectedness of his father’s familyâ€â€the extended family relationships that exist among his relatives in Kenya. Obama witnessed this when he met and visited his cousins. Even though he did not know them as a child, he easily got along with them, owing to belongingness to one family. Aside from the importance of family connectedness, rootedness to one’s race and culture is also emphasized. When his father died, Obama had a chance to establish connection with his origins. Prior to this, he felt he felt some void within him, and enmity towards his father. He wished to understand a lot of things, and saw it timely to go back to his roots. Unexpectedly, he found the answers in Kenya as he listened to stories about his fatherâ€â€his childhood, his struggles to prove himself, the reason why he went to America, and why he went back to Kenya. In the end, he found himself crying over the struggles his father fought, and for losing the man who remained in his shadow. Finding the answers to his questions about origins made Obama whole. For a long time, he did not realize that his father shared the struggles he fought. Although they had different situations, he understood that what his father bore was a lot heavier than his. Specifically, his father’s struggle to prove himself to the grandfather and to the rest of the world was double that of Obama when he was younger. For his father, going back to Kenya was the only way to regain himself though it was also a way to face his childhood fears. Despite the pains he tried to leave behind in relation to his past, the older Barack still went back to his people and chose to serve them. Such rootedness to race and culture taught the son the importance of knowing one’s origins. Clearly, the efforts Obama made to get to know his origins led him to what he is now. As he suggests, survival in contemporary American society is difficult. Racial discrimination, although it did not totally affect him, was rampant. Nevertheless, it made him long for his past. The presence of his mother was definitely not enough to fill in the father figure he missed, not to mention his mother’s difficulty to raise him and his sister apart from Obama’s grandparents. At the end, he still needed to know both his father and the race that brought his father up in order to be whole. Knowing one’s past is further emphasized as Barack struggles to build his own family. Lacking the father figure, he himself found it difficult to be an ideal father and husband that he wanted to be. His struggles can be rooted from his own experience, mainly due to the dysfunctional family that he came from. Nevertheless, when he finally gained the opportunity to know his roots, he found the courage to continue and reunite with his family. Based on this, the author makes us realize the importance of rootedness to one’s past and race relations. The familiarity of his aunt Nairobi as she calls her nephew Barry to inform him of his father’s death demonstrates the connectedness of the Kenyans, which other cultures can learn from. For them, distance and unfamiliarity are not barriers to achieving unity and love. Rather, racial dynamics are too strong, enough to conquer physical and cultural boundaries.
Explanatory Essay on Horticulture
The world would not be the same without these people and these labor-Intensive positions wouldn't be nearly as unofficial without the application of Horticultural practices. Horticulture has been the heart of humanity since the dawn of civilization, what else could bring people to depend on each other than the essentials of life, food and water. Horticulture has always provided food and water to the masses from the first hunter-gatherers to today's corn farmers.These examples are very different from each other but embody the same values. Some common entry-level jobs in the Horticulture industry that will be available to me after graduating are lawn care specialist, golf course attendant, landscaper, city and county work, and greenhouse attendant. There are countless more entry-level positions available I just named a few of the popular choices. Other than the satisfaction of providing a fruitful service to society Horticulture can help you grow on personal levels.Providing you with a n active lifestyle that pays dividends, Horticulture is a healthy way to make money. A horticulturist will have learned patience and developed a higher value of time management while on the lob. The study also gives me the tools to provide food for myself and someday my family. Never will I completely depend on others to nourish me. In conclusion between the sheer amounts of career opportunities along with personal growth I see nothing but positive outcomes from acquiring an Associates Degree in Landscape, Plant, and Turf Management.In Just two short years I will have an education I can trust to provide me with a comfortable Income, the knowledge to feed my community, and the ability to beautify the world around me using material provided by the earth. Whether In times of trouble or prosperity there will be a need for Horticulturists. The Green Industry will never disappear, but only become more chemical, with advances In science and medicine ever on the horizon the need for me and students like myself to be providing material will never cease.With rolling world populations a steady food supply and dwindling natural settings have never been more Important. Word Count: 424 Words Explanatory Essay on Horticulture By onionskin career or a great backup plan to your primary career choice. Most Jobs in the Green Industry are relatively concrete positions within society such as farmers, landscapers, without these people and these labor-intensive positions wouldn't be nearly as ACH other but embody the same values. Some common entry-level Jobs in the attendant.There are countless more entry-level positions available I Just named a job. The study also gives me the tools to provide food for myself and someday my an education I can trust to provide me with a comfortable income, the knowledge to provided by the earth. Whether in times of trouble or prosperity there will be a need technical, with advances in science and medicine ever on the horizon the need for me and stud ents like myself to be providing material will never cease. With rising been more important.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Is inclusion in main stream school ideal for children with sen Dissertation
Is inclusion in main stream school ideal for children with sen - Dissertation Example .......................................................... Literature Review...................................................................................................... Inclusive Education of Children with SEN: A Look Back. Does inclusion help children to fit it to society? Does inclusion work for all children, can schools be changed so that all children are included if not which children can be included and which cannot? How far should a school change to meet the needs of individuals? Do they like coming to school? Do they have lots of friends also what do they like about school? Is there any improvement in their lessons such as numeracy and literacy, being in the main stream school? How is the inclusion helpful in promoting overall health and well being? How the denial of inclusion is an outright violation of their rights? Results and Data Presentation.................................................................................. Discussion and Analysis................ ............................................................................. Conclusion................................................................................................................... Recommendations....................................................................................................... Bibliography................................................................................................................ ... Therefore, one is sure of the elite role of nations in assuring the growth of physically and mentally healthy younger generation. Consequently, the care and attention of the governments, parents, teachers and peer groups in assuring the well being of the children with special educational needs (SEN) seeks special attention. The issue on inclusion or integration of SEN to mainstream education has been a subject of debate among authorities and experts for many decades now. Questions on the ability of the SEN pupils to face the pressures of a mainstream school and the capacity of these schools to cater the special needs of these children are only few of the identified points that can hinder the possibility of achieving the highest potentials of these children while attaining education in mainstream schools. Despite these concerns, several local, national, and even international organizations worldwide have always advocated that segregationâ€â€that is, the act of separating these chi ldren from the general populationâ€â€is an outright violation of their rights since it is believed that integration to mainstream education is a key to promoting their overall health and well being. In connection, this paper will seek for evidences to these claims by reviewing related literatures that tackle the issues surrounding the situation. This will also present the execution and process of a mini case study involving two children with SEN. The study is conducted on the grounds that the authorities have the responsibility to safeguard the interests of children by providing them better education available and protect the rights of SEN in accessing to specialist teaching and other resources which enable them to rise up to the level of other students
Monday, October 7, 2019
Reading programs for learning disabled children Research Paper
Reading programs for learning disabled children - Research Paper Example Article # 1 The first article, which I have selected for discussion, is Repeated Reading Intervention for Students with Learning Disabilities: Status of the Evidence. The authors of this article have focused on the need of repetition of the reading intervention for the children. â€Å"For students with or at risk for learning disabilities, developing fluency with reading connected texts remains a formidable challenge†(Chard, Ketterlin-Geller, Baker, Doabler, & Apichatabutra, 2009). The authors have stressed on the use of repeated reading practices that should be designed to provide the children with multiple exposures to the same words. Repeated reading facilitates the students in reading and rereading the same text multiple times (Chard et al., 2009). According to the article, decoding difficulties should also be removed because they make learning process difficult for the students. â€Å"Decoding difficulties limit students' opportunities to read texts, decrease students' exposure to words, limit vocabulary learning, and hamper the development of content-area expertise through reading comprehension†(Chard et al., 2009, p. 263-281). Repeated reading can also be labeled as evidence-based for the students with learning disabilities. The findings of this article show that the repeated reading interventions can play an important role in improving the learning abilities of the children because the children can learn different words and their meanings quickly if they are shown those words repeatedly. The exposure to the same word through different ways can enhance the ability of the brain to capture the image and meaning of that word. The teachers of the learning-disabled children can determine the efficacy of repeated reading approaches in order to bring some improvement in the learning and comprehension skills of the children. For most students, oral reading can be associated with improved fluency and comprehension skills (Chard et al., 2009). The teachers can make great use of repeated reading interventions in the classrooms of the learning-disabled children by creating their lesson plans accordingly. The teachers can use the same words in different scenarios making the children familiar with those words. Chard et al. (2009) state, â€Å"As students repeatedly read the same content, it is likely that they will practice the same words multiple times, increasing the likelihood they'll be able to automatically retrieve those same words in future exposures†(p. 263-281). So, if the teachers give repeated exposure to the same words, the children will be able to understand those words in a very quick manner. Article # 2 The second article, which I have selected for discussion is, Evidence-Based Strategies for Reading Instruction of Older Students with Learning Disabilities. In this article, the authors have found that over a quarter of students from the 8th grade and more than one-third students belonging to the 4th grade a re not able to read well. These students cannot understand their lessons properly and find it difficult to acquire some new knowledge or information from grade-level text. â€Å"For students with lea
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Economy analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Economy analysis - Assignment Example People find it more convenient to order books from online vendors than to go out to bookstores to look for books the way they did before the digital revolution. The second point is that in addition to Amazon, there are now many avenues through which people access eBooks, hence the loss of the need to visit libraries. The final point he makes is that copyright laws are lagging behind, since they were developed in an era where the current potential for digitization did not exist. It is important to have a balance between access to published material bearing the cost of production in mind, and to retain the â€Å"incentive to create†for writers (Posner). There are two key strengths in Posner’s article. The article communicates very clearly the relationship between the demise of the bookstores and libraries in relation to the emergence and development of the digital revolution. The issues in it focus on the purchasing behavior of individuals and how the internet is affecting consumer behavior. The second strength of the article is that it identifies the legal problems that existing copyright laws have which will only make the process more difficult to manage. The article argues that there is need for action to update existing laws to make it easier for creators of literature to enjoy more protection because of the increasing cost of policing the internet to prevent online piracy. The key weakness of the article is that it does not offer any radical solution, but struggles to find a way around the existing problems based on the current laws. It does not pay attention to the fact that it is now almost impossible to stop online piracy by using legal means only. The internet is universal, and it is almost impossible to start developing laws which every country will accept. This is because different countries derive different benefits from the internet hence the laws may impede
Saturday, October 5, 2019
GYPSY DANCE from spain Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
GYPSY DANCE from spain - Research Paper Example The dances also represent freedom - freedom of personal and spiritual expression, the only type of freedom possible for an oppressed people. (Background on Romani Dance) The culture of the Gypsies can be interpreted as being intellectually divine and intriguing which is successfully expressed through their music and dance. It is probably safe to assume that because of various pull factors and migratory patterns, the Gypsies who are Indians by native and not Egyptians travelled throughout Europe and beyond settling in different geographic locations such as Spain. What they brought with them, however, throughout this wary travel was their unique identity of culture. Between 800 and 900 A.D., a large exodus of people occurred from the Punjabi region of India. These people are believed to be members of the Untouchables, a group within the Indian caste system comprised of animal traders and trainers, acrobats, dancers, musicians, palmists and metalworkers. These nomadic groups, generally referred to as Roman and/or gypsies, divided into two major migratory routes, the most traceable moving west across Asia and the European continent, including Spain. The first recorded account of Spanish Gitanos "Beticos" dates from 1447 in Barcelona. It is also believed that a second migratory route took them down to and across North Africa (including Egypt) and up into Southern Spain "Andalusia" via the Gibraltar. This faction, known as Cale (black), has been far more difficult to verify and trace due to the great similarity of appearance and lifestyle to the indigenous peoples along the route. We should not forget that Southern Spain was part of the Islamic Empire for a period of 800 years. Although, the Northern Beticos immigrated to the more tolerant Islamic region of Andalusia, to this day, the gypsies themselves maintain a great distinction between the Beticos and ‘Cales’, with virtually no intermarriage between the groups. During the Inquisition of the ‘Re conquista’, even this tolerance ended while gypsies from all over Spain were herded into "gitanerias" or ghettos. However unjust and cruel, this persecution and isolation was the very influence that safeguarded the purity of their music and dance within the family group. Finally, in 1782, the Leniency Edict of Charles III restored some measure of freedom to the Spanish gypsy and allowed this music and dance to be presented to and adopted by the general population of Spain. This resulted in a period of great exploration and evolution within the art form, which continues to this day. Unlike the common gypsy language, gypsy music has great variety, varying from country to country, with strong local characteristics which, to a certain extent, are decided by their nomadic lifestyle. The gypsies picked up the music from their surroundings and the native people present, and adopted it with their own understanding. As a result, gypsy music has highly-flavored traits of region, which in turn has a significant impact on the development of the local music. For instance, a gypsy who migrated from Russia will add accordion or guitar into their music. The alternation of solo and chorus, and parallel thirds can frequently be
Friday, October 4, 2019
Malcolm X and the United States' Civil Right Movement Term Paper
Malcolm X and the United States' Civil Right Movement - Term Paper Example Malcolm is considered as of the greatest and most influential black American in the history of America. At the age of twenty, Malcolm X was imprisoned where he joined Nation of Islam. After his parole in the year 1952, Malcolm rose to be one of the leaders of the Nation Muslims. Several years afterwards, he became a controversial figure in the public domain. However, disillusionment with Nation of Muslims in the year 1964 made him leave the nation match the same year. Later in 1964, he founded the African American unity organization and the Muslim Mosque, Inc. Malcolm believed that one day America would change in the way the whites treated the blacks. During his leadership tenure in the Nation Islam, Malcolm as the organization’s spokesperson, preached or taught black American supremacy and advocated for separation between the white and the black Americans. However, in his teachings, Malcolm contrasted the principles of civil right movement that emphasized on integration among Americans. Since 1952 when he joined the Nation of Islam until 1964 when he left the organization, Malcolm promoted the teachings of the Nation Islam (Walsh7). In his teachings, he emphasized that blacks were the original people of the entire world, and the white race belonged to the devils. In almost all of his speeches, he emphasized that the blacks or the white people were inferior to the black people, and the demise of the white people was imminent(Levy 98). Malcolm X immensely advocated for a complete separation of the African American from the white Americans, despite The Civil Right Movement’s fight against racial segregation. Malcolm had proposed separation of the black Americans to their own country. He considered the move as an interim measure that should be taken against the white until they could return to Africa (Cone 1). In addition, he rejected the nonviolence strategy that has put in play by the civil right movement. Instead, he advocated for self-defense amo ng the African Americans, and asked, them to use any necessary means and measures that were within their reach (Levy 99). His speeches were highly influential especially among the African American audients who lived in the western and northern cities. Notably, these groups were tired of the empty promises. They were ever being told to wait for justice, respect, freedom, and equality (Walsh 9). Therefore, the majority of African Americans felt that Malcolm was articulating their complaints and grievances in a better way than the strategies and moves that were being taken by civil right movement. Many of the white Americans among other blacks were perplexed with Malcolm’s ideals as well as the things he was saying. The Nation of Islam and Malcolm were later described as black supremacists, hatemongers, violence seekers and they were as well considered a threat to race relation improvement. The Civil rights organization afterwards dismissed the Nation of Islam and Malcolm becaus e of being irresponsible extremists where were not concerned with the welfare of the African Americans. Furthermore, Malcolm was accused of anti-Semitism (Cone 1). On the other hand, Malcolm equally criticized the civil right movement and described its leadership as a â€Å"stooge†that has been established by the whites. He as well described Martin Luther King, Jr. as being a â€Å"chump†. Additionally, he was opposed with the march that took place in 1963 and termed it "the farce on Washington". Malcolm claimed that he did not know why the black America
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Culture identity Essay Example for Free
Culture identity Essay What is culture identity? Culture identity is appreciation and understanding of literature and who or what a person is, identical sameness and distinctive character. It also means what you are and how you live. In this essay I am going to write about Search for my Tongue by Bhatt and Hurricane hits England by Grace Nichols. I have chosen them because they use a mixture of poetic devices, which makes the poem lively and entertaining to read. Firstly the poem Search for my Tongue is about her feeling abandoned and heart-rending because she went to a place where she forgot how to speak her mother tongue while speaking the foreign language, which is upsetting for her since she is blissful about speaking her mother tongue. She also tells us in the poem about her experiences and what she has been happening to her. I know this because she uses a range of words for e.g. lost and spit this makes me think that she is losing her memory of how to speak her own language, as this is shameful for her because her mother tongue is part of her identity. She is also trying to get rid of the foreign language as she described it as spit. The word spit creates an image of someone trying to get rid of something ugly in their mouth. Then again in the last part of the poem she is feeling glad and back to being natural because her mother tongue grew back in the night. I know this because she quotes it pushes the other tongue aside this line is effective because it makes me feel that she is joyful of getting the chance to speak her language other than the foreign language. The poem Search for my Tongue uses a variety of different language devices for e.g. she states grows longer, grows moist and grows strong veins the poet used repetition so that she can keep the pace going and the rhythm run smoothly and that she just started a new life as she described it in order. However she also uses personification. I know this because she exclaims it ties the other tongue in knots this makes me think that the tongues are combating it out with each other just to tie each other in knots. This is effective for the reader because it engages with the reader so they can be involved in the poem. The poet also uses imagery words so she can catch a picture straight away in the readers mind. I know this because she quotes it grows back a stump of shoot. This makes me think of the tongue capturing the language as fast as a gunshot. Secondly the poem Hurricane hits England by Grace Nichols is about her feeling alienated from life in England and that it took a hurricane to bring her back closer and remind her of her memories. The poet is feeling petrified and dominant. I know this because she quotes fearful and reassuring. This makes me think that she is very afraid of whats going to happen to her that she stayed awake half the night, on the other hand she is ready to defend and strike anyone. This is effective because it makes the reader continue to read until he/she finds out what happened at the end. The poem Hurricane hits England uses a wide range of techniques for e.g. she uses lots of rhetorical questions for e.g. she quotes tell me why you visit an English coast? This means that she is trying to tell the hurricane why did it visit her land and not someone elses. She is also trying to say that did she do anything bad that frustrated the hurricane. This is effective because she does not want an answer however she wants the reader to think of the answer while they are reading it which will make it more interesting to read. The poet also uses similes. I know this because she quotes what is the meaning of trees falling heavy as whales. This means that the hurricane was so physically powerful that when a tree fell it was as heavy as a whale. This line is effective because it makes the reader imagine what would have happened if millions of trees fell which would have killed so many people and destroyed so many homes. The similarities of the two poems are not quite the same because in the content the two poems talk about the culture identity and about their new place. In the language they use imagery and metaphors however in the structure most of the lines are laid out in paragraphs. The differences between the two poems. In the content Search for my Tongue is about language and Hurricane hits England is about the environment. In the language the poem Search for my Tongue uses personification. I know this because she quoted it ties the other tongue in knots. She also used repetition. I know this because she quoted grows moist, grows longer and grows strong veins. In Hurricane hits England the poet used rhetorical question. I know this because she quotes o why is my heart unchained? The poet also used similes. I know this because she quotes trees falling heavy as whales. In the structure Search for my Tongue is laid out in lines and paragraphs however the poem Hurricane hits England is just laid out in paragraphs and stanzas. In conclusion I think Search for my Tongue is better because some of the words are in different language, which is interesting to find out and it uses lots of language devices. The poem Hurricane hits England is full of rhetorical questions, which makes it boring and it makes the reader think a lot.
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