Monday, September 30, 2019
Patellar Tendinopathy Cause And Management Health And Social Care Essay
Patellar tendinopathy is considered to be the devolution of the kneecap sinew from overexploitation. It is more prevailing in activities that involve vigorous jumping and landing motions which produce the greatest sum of emphasis on the patellar sinew. Due to the increasing figure of showing instances of PT, it is necessary for clinicians to understand the pathophysiology of the status in comparing to the normal construction of the patellar sinew, the biomechanical factors act uponing the burden forces on the sinew and accordingly how to name and handle PT, as discussed in this paper. From our research it is clear that concrete grounds in footings of the predominating mechanism of hurt and most efficient intervention is still missing, and farther surveies in this country are required.IntroductionPatellar tendinopathy, frequently referred to as Jumper ‘s Knee, is a common hurt suffered by many jocks. It is considered to be a consequence of inordinate exposure to vigorous jumping and set downing force, hence its prevalence across athleticss such as volleyball, hoops and high leap. The patellar sinew is a continuance of the four quadriceps sinews and assists the extensor mechanism of the articulatio genus. The tight agreement of collagen fibers within the sinew can be capable to microtrauma due to overdrive. Because of the sinew ‘s decreased capableness to mend itself, the micro-traumas finally consequence in tendinopathy. Extrinsic and intrinsic biomechanical factors can act upon the burden forces that the sinew is capable to and can hence be considered lending factors to patellar tendinopathy. Clinically, the hurt can be diagnosed by the patient sing hurting on tactual exploration to the country and medically through the usage of imaging devices such as a MRI. The direction of patellar tendinopathy can either be conservative or surgical, with the recommendation being the usage of conservative steps for at least six months before surgery is considered . Due to the lifting Numberss of patellar tendinopathy amongst jocks and active persons, it is of import for clinicians to understand the mechanisms of the hurt and the intervention it requires.THE PREVELANCE OF PATELLAR TENDINOPATHYPatellar tendinopathy is a common hurt suffered by many persons in today ‘s society. A recent survey found that 14.2 % of jocks suffer patellar sinew hurting to some grade ( Lian et Al, 2005 ) . It is more prevailing in athleticss which require vigorous jumping and set downing techniques such as volleyball, high leap, hoops and activities affecting sudden alterations in way and speed. Another survey found that 44.6 % of male volleyball participants and 31.9 % of male hoops participants had clinical marks of patellar tendinopathy bespeaking the huge figure of jocks affected by the status ( Lian et Al, 2005 ) . In add-on, patellar tendinopathy is more common in males ( 13.5 % ) than females ( 5.6 % ) ( Lian et Al, 2005 ) . This gender difference has been attributed to the fact that work forces are able to bring forth more power and patellar torsion than adult females and are hence, subjected to greater land reaction forces ( Bisseling et al, 2007 ) . In old times, patellar tendinopathy has been associated entirely with grownup jocks. However, recent surveies have besides shown that the status is prevailing in junior jocks as good ( Brukner & A ; Khan, 2009 ) . Furthermore, patellar tendinopathy must non be isolated to the featuring universe as persons who participate in sudden alterations in activity and who are unaccustomed to such signifiers of exercising have besides presented with the status ( REFERENCE ) . Whilst the statistics mentioned above are comparative to their single surveies, their corporate consequences indicate a rise in the prevalence of patellar tendinopathy. The cause of this tendency is non known nevertheless research has suggested that the addition in developing frequence and strength, old ages of drama and the importance placed upon athletic public presentation in today ‘s society has contributed to the addition in physical strain and sensitivity to hurts such as patellar tendinopathy ( Hale, 2005 ) .THE PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF PATELLAR TENDINOPATHYTendinosis describes the pathology of tendon devolution and a failed healing response ( Tan & A ; Chan, 2008 ) . At the point where repeating, microlesion-causing harm to the sinew is greater than the sinew ‘s capablenesss to mend it, microtrauma occurs. The sinew ‘s unequal ability to mend this microtrauma will ensue in tenocyte decease, with an increased decrease in reparative capacity and associated sensitivity to farther hurt. The terminal consequence is the formation of a tendinosis zone within the sinew ( i.e. patellar tendinopathy ) ( Peers & A ; Lysens, 2005 ) . Macroscopically, patellar tendinopathy contains soft, amber, disorganized tissue, different to the expected white and glittering tissue ( Hale, 2005 ) . Tendon s are typically structured in tightly bundled parallel collagen fibers, nevertheless, this is lost in patellar tendinopathy, where the collagen fibers are separated by increased land substance and look disorganised and loose ( Hale, 2005 ) . Peers & A ; Lysens ( 2005 ) province that the features of collagen devolution ( this degenerated collagen is replaced with necrotic tissue ) and fibrosis are common findings among surveies on patellar tendinopathy. Blood vass in the sinew are usually aligned analogue, nevertheless, the vass in tendinosis are indiscriminately oriented and most normally perpendicular. Vascular proliferation is besides normally seen in this hurt ( Hale, 2005 ) . Other features found in the pathophysiology of patellar tendinopathy include an addition in the glycosaminoglycan content of the sinew and the unnatural addition in the figure of fibroblasts. This hypercellularity of fibroblasts and cell proliferation happening at the joint indicates that patellar tendinopa thy is an on-going disease procedure ( Hale, 2005 ) . Inflammatory cells are absent in this upset, demoing that patellar tendinopathy is a non-inflammatory degenerative disease ( Hale, 2005 ) .THE BIOMECHANICAL FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO PATELLAR TENDINOPATHYAs patellar tendinopathy is a consequence of the devolution of the patellar sinew from inordinate and insistent land reaction forces, biomechanical factors can lend to the hurt. Abnormal extrinsic and intrinsic factors can impact the soaking up and transmittal of land reaction forces, which predispose the sinew to greater emphasis and therefore debasement. The greatest sum of emphasis occurs ( during jumping and landing? ) therefore the biomechanical factors during these motions are of high significance. ( REFERENCE? ) Intrinsic Biomechanical Factors The stiffness of the leg upon set downing Upon landing, the articulatio genuss bend to assist absorb the land reaction forces transmitted up the lower limb. A survey has shown that about 40 % of the landing burden is conveying proximately ( transmitted proximally? ) , foregrounding the importance of right pes, mortise joint and calf ( lower leg? ) biomechanics in order to cut down the burden on the patellar sinew ( Brukner & A ; Khan, 2009 ) . It has been shown that stiffer set downing techniques, by persons avoiding set downing burden, capable the patellar sinew to higher strain ( Bisseling et al, 2007 ) . The stiffness of the leg inhibits the daze soaking up mechanism of the quadriceps hence more ground reaction force is transmitted upwards towards the articulatio genus. Forefoot positioning on landing The optimum landing technique is one which reduces the sum of perpendicular land reaction force transmitted upwards. Evidence suggests that forefoot landing can cut down land reaction forces by 25 % if combined with hip or knee flexure ( Brukner & A ; Khan, 2009 ) . Therefore, set downing level footed increases the sum of land reaction force applied to the organic structure and familial upwards towards the articulatio genus, finally seting more emphasis on the patellar sinew. Muscle failing Failing of the gluteal, quadriceps and calf musculuss contribute to altered biomechanics of the patellar sinew ( Brukner & A ; Khan, 2009 ) . Diminished map of these musculus groups alter the daze soaking up of the land reaction force, weariness and alter motion forms ( Brukner & A ; Khan, 2009 ) . Each of these factors will act upon the sum of emphasis applied to the kneecap sinew. Pronation Initially it was thought that inordinate, drawn-out and/or late pronation altered the biomechanics of the kneecap sinew ( Ellenbecker, 2000 ) . However, more recent surveies have shown that it is the speed of pronation that alters the burden on the patellar sinew ( Grau et al, 2008 ) . This is due to the fact that an increased pronation speed causes earlier maximum tibial rotary motion, impacting the transmittal of forces towards the patellar sinew ( Grau et al, 2008 ) . Mal- alliance and mal-tracking of the kneecap Whilst the mal-alignment and mal-tracking of the kneecap is more normally associated with Patella Femoral Pain Syndrome, it can besides hold secondary effects on the patellar sinew. The high speed alteration in the line of pull of the sinew during lading and droping motions can change the forces moving upon the sinew ( Ellenbecker, 2000 ) . Extrinsic Biomechanical Factors Research has suggests that extrinsic factors act uponing patellar tendinopathy include playing surface, frequence of preparation and type of shoe ( Hale, 2005 ) . For illustration, a survey conducted on volleyball participants found that 37.5 % of those playing on cement surfaces developed patellar tendinopathy in comparing to the 4.7 % of those playing on parquet surfaces ( Hale, 2005 ) . It has besides been argued that as athletics alterations, and athletic public presentation becomes more of import, tendencies which increase the sum of strain on kneecap sinews have been established ( Hale, 2005 ) . Clinicians must recognize that any changes to intrinsic or extrinsic factors can act upon the burden upon the patellar sinew and contribute to patellar tendinopathyMANAGEMENT OF PATELLAR TENDINOPATHYPatellar tendinopathy is ab initio managed cautiously with the immediate intervention affecting abstention from activities which may worsen the status, ice, galvanism, massage, taping, anti-inflammatory medicine ( e.g. NSAIDs ) , or corticosteroid injections ( Bahr, 2006 ) . Improvements such as recovering strength, diminishing the thickness of the sinew and the standardization of the construction of the sinew can be seen after a sufficient and extended bizarre preparation plan ( Tan & A ; Chan, 2008 ) . Bizarre preparation is a low-risk and cheap option, and should be the first option tried before sing surgery ( Bahr, 2006 ) . Cook ( as cited in Peers, 2005 ) has developed a list of exercising rules to utilize as purposes when pull offing patellar tendinosis which include: Bettering musculotendinous map by integrating bizarre and plyometric exercisings Bettering the shock-absorbing capacity of the limb by beef uping the complete closed kinetic concatenation Retraining motor forms Keeping fittingness Stretching of hamstrings and calf muscular structure Continuing exercisings over six months Cook ( as cited in Peers, 2005 ) besides developed guidelines for an bizarre patellar sinew preparation programme: Use diminution knee bends, incorporated in complete sport-specific rehabilitation Exercise daily, one time or twice Exercise for at least 12 hebdomads Start at three sets of 10-15 reps Pain during exercising can be tolerated – increased pain the following twenty-four hours is non allowed When exercises become less painful, get down constructing up by increasing the figure of repeats, increasing the velocity of the motion, and adding burden. Orthotics may be used as a signifier of intervention and direction for patellar tendinosis as they have the ability to alter the biomechanics of the pes and the mortise joint, which may be a conducive factor to the hurt ( Tan & A ; Chan, 2008 ) . Using ice to the country can hold a pain-relieving consequence, cut down the metabolic rate of sinews and diminish the extravasations of blood and proteins from the new vass formed in the injured sinew ( Tan & A ; Chan, 2008 ) . There are several surgical processs that can be used on patellar tendinopathy patients. It is by and large recommended that the patient should be sing patellar tendinopathy symptoms and functional damage for at least six months after get downing conservative intervention before they consider surgery ( Peers & A ; Lysens, 2005 ) . There is a assortment of options for surgical direction, with some processs taking to take the degenerative tissue or interrupt the sinew or the tibial tubercle ( attachment site ) in order to originate redness and healing ( Hale, 2005 ) . Others involve surgical debridement of the sinew, in which the degenerative tissue is removed ( Hale, 2005 ) . Some of the methods include unfastened tenotomy with deletion of macroscopic necrotic country, arthroscopic patellar tenotomy, drilling/resection of the inferior pole of the patellar, resection of the tibial fond regard with realignment/quadriceps bone-tendon transplant, longitudinal tenotomy, transdermal longitud inal tenotomy and transdermal needling ( Peers & A ; Lysens, 2005 ) .DecisionPatellar tendinopathy is a turning job amongst today ‘s jocks and active persons. For this ground, it is imperative that a sound clinical apprehension of the pathophysiological alterations, lending biomechanical factors, methods of diagnosing and intervention options, is obtained. In visible radiation of this, it is of import that farther surveies are conducted into the direct mechanisms of hurt and the optimum direction of the status so that clinicians can be more efficient in their intervention of the status and bring forth more optimum results for their patients with patellar tendinopathy.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Resposibilities and Relationships in the Lifelong Learning Sector Essay
It is the responsibility of the teacher to make the teaching area a safe and fair environment to learn in and teachers should be aware of, and keep up to date with key legislation relating to this. The Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) covers a number of duties relating to teaching and learning. Risk assessments should be carried out and risks properly controlled to ensure a safe working environment. Besides the Health and Safety at Work Act itself there are important pieces of legislation that would apply to a sewing workroom environment. 1. Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations. 1998: require that equipment provided for use at work, including machinery is safe. 2. Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992: cover the moving of objects by hand or bodily force. 3. Electricity at Work Regulations 1989: require people in control of electrical systems to ensure they are safe to use and in a safe condition. The Equality Act (2010) aims to eliminate discrimination based on age, disability, race, religion, belief, gender and sexual orientation. It places a duty on teachers to make reasonable adjustments for disabled people. It also provides protection against discrimination relating to pregnancy and maternity. Teachers must also adhere to the Children Act (2004) that places a statutory duty on them to make arrangements to safeguard the welfare of children. The Act gives responsibility to local authorities to make enquiries when anyone contacts them with concerns about child abuse. The aim is for every child, whatever there background or circumstances, to have the support to: Be healthy Stay safe Enjoy and achieve Make a positive contribution Achieve economic well-being ii) Following the Further Education Workforce Reforms 2007 New Regulatory Requirements state that all new teachers are to hold or acquire within a specified period of time: A ‘Preparing to teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector’ (PTLLS) award or its equivalent as a minimum license to teach for all who have an element of teaching in their role irrespective of job title; and either A diploma in teaching Level 5 status for those in a teaching role; or A Certificate in Teaching in the lifelong learning sector at Level 3 or 4 All new teachers must demonstrate through professional practice that they meet the standards and can use effectively the skills and knowledge acquired in teacher training. iii)The Institute for Learning (IFL) is an independent professional body for teachers, trainers, tutors and trainee teachers across the FE and skills sector. It has a code of conduct which outlines the behavior expected of its members. Briefly it states that members shall: Behave with Professional Integrity Respect the rights of learners and colleagues Take reasonable care to ensure the safety and welfare of learners Provide evidence of CPD according to IFL policy and Professional Practice guidelines Ensure disclosure of any cautioning or conviction of a criminal offence Be responsible for acting in accordance with the conditions of membership and assisting the Institute with any investigation. b) Boundaries The Teaching or Training Cycle consists of five processes namely: Identifying Needs – The purpose is to identify if the students face any barriers which may affect their learning or if they have any additional needs. There are many ways to do this and could involve; looking at their initial application if one is completed before the course starts, an informal discussion, observation during a class activity or by an initial test or assessment. It is also important to ensure that the student is on the correct course and to offer any advice perhaps with funding or travel referring them if necessary. The process will also help with the planning of the course as it will help the Tutor design a course suitable for the skills and experience of individual class members. Plan and Design Learning – This stage involves the planning of the content of the course. A scheme of work will be designed to plan the content of each session and lesson plans devised to organize them in more detail. When possible agreeing individual learning plans can be agreed with students and contingency plans made to take into account different needs of the learners. This would also be the opportunity to prepare learning resources and activities. Risk assessments need to be carried out and all attempts made to create a safe, positive and accessible learning environment. Deliver – A Teacher should be well organized, well prepared and enthusiastic when delivering a lesson. They should be able to communicate appropriately and effectively and act and speak appropriately. It is essential to promote equality, value diversity and teach in an inclusive and engaging way with a good sense of humour. Assess – Work needs to be assessed within a reasonable time to check that the students have gained the necessary skills and knowledge. Use a variety of assessment methods and keep a record of achievements. Feedback should always be constructive and given within a reasonable time. Evaluate – A programme should always be evaluated in order to improve the teaching and learning process. To evaluate how well the programme was planned and delivered feedback should be encouraged, accepted and acted upon. The teacher should encourage student development and progression as well as maintaining their own teacher development and professional currency. (GRAVELLS 2012) There are boundaries within which a teacher must work and it is important not to overstep these by becoming too personal with the students. It is also important to know where the role of teacher stops and to work within the limits of that role. Some examples are: If a teacher identified that a student was struggling to attend classes because they couldn’t afford the bus fare it would be inappropriate to lend them money. In this instance the student should be referred to the student support staff or the financial support staff. If a teacher was planning a class but found the room had insufficient access to equipment or resource’s it would be unacceptable to voice their concerns to the students. This would be unprofessional, they should address it to the organization, or change the lesson plan to accommodate the resource’s available. Students may choose to confide in their teacher about personal issues and, although a teacher should be understanding and sympathetic, it is important that they maintain a professional role. The student could be referred to a councillor, pastoral staff or support staff depending on the issue concerned. They should avoid getting involved in the personal lives of their students. When assessing students it is important that teachers are fair in their judgments. They should not bebiased towards or against any one student. When evaluating the teaching and learning programme the teacher should be able to listen to and react to feedback in order to improve. If in doubt about the boundaries of their role a teacher should seek advice. This could be from another teacher, a colleague, their line manager or their mentor. c. Points of Referral A teacher may encounter learners with varying degrees of needs. They may be able to deal with some of these needs but some may need the support of other professionals. A Support Worker will help a learner with additional needs. They will have had special training in the particular field required by that learner which the teacher won’t have had and will be able to support them in or outside the classroom setting. There may be a student whose first language isn’t English and has trouble understanding the lesson so there may be a need to work with an interpreter A teacher may also need to work alongside external agencies like the Job Centre. The students may be leaving the learning environment and looking for work and the Job Centre will have the advice and information that they need. d)Promoting Appropriate Behavior i) Having a preventative strategy is a good way to promote appropriate behavior in a lesson. Be prepared and waiting for the learners in the classroom so you can take control of the space and organize it as you wish. Getting the student’s attention with an interesting starter activity shows that you are in control of the class. Present the aims and objectives and share the session plan explaining the purpose and reason for studying it. When planning a lesson ensure there is plenty of variety as students are more likely to behave well if they are stimulated and are not bored. You should have realistic expectations of your class for example, don’t expect a room full of teenagers to sit still through an hour-long power point presentation quietly. ii) Decide for yourself what rules and procedures would create a good atmosphere in your class and will maximize learning. Explain that you want an effective, fair and happy classroom and discuss the rules with the class. There will be rules that are non negotiable for example regarding safety or turning up on time but be prepared to negotiate and compromise to get commitment on others. Encourage the learners to contribute to the rules and procedures. Students are more likely to adhere to rules they have been instrumental in creating. Consider asking the class to devise their own rules and if you reject a popular suggestion be prepared to explain why to justify your decision. The aim is to get the students onboard with the rules and procedures and see them as their own; they will then see them as worth keeping and enforcing. iii) It is important to develop a good rapport with the students as this creates a more positive attitude towards the teacher and to learning. It will also turn the classroom into a co-operative team and reduce antagonism. Get to know the students on a personal level, learn their names and use them. Learn something about each student like what they like to do in their spare time, their hobbies, interests or work and refer to it in conversation. These small details will make the students feel noticed, valued and liked by the teacher and therefore more co-operative. (PETTY 2006)
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Land Law Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Land Law - Coursework Example These principles are found in the law of licences and the doctrine of proprietary estoppel. I. Remedies Prior to 1990 Prior to 1990 the law appeared to take two opposing positions relative to the extent to which licences created interests in land. The original position was stated in the early case of Thomas v Sorrell. In this case Lord Vaughan ruled that with respect to a licence, it neither passed nor modified â€Å"or transfers property in anything.†1 In other words, a licence merely functions to create a personal interest relative to the parties to the licence and as such does not operate to create an interest in land. The effect therefore is that the licence cannot be enforced against a third party. This principle of law prevailed and was indorsed by the House of Lords in King v David Allen and Sons, Billposting. In this case the House of Lords pointed held that a licence did not create a proprietary interest in land and as such could not function to be enforceable against a third party.2 Dixon explains however, that this unequivocal approach to licences was incapable of application across a board spectrum of circumstances. The fact is, licences could be put to use for any number of circumstances and could in some circumstances create interest in the land to which it applied.3 For instance, academics and legal scholars alike questioned whether or not it was unfair to oust an occupant under a licence from the property to which the licence applied, when the property changed hands.4 Lord Denning MR considered the circumstances in which it was inappropriate to classify an arrangement as a licence in the case of Errington v Errington. In this case Lord Denning MR departed from the orthodox position that a licence did not create a proprietary interest in land and could not bind third parties. In this case, the licence conferred on the plaintiff was determined to be binding on a wife how had inherited the property under a will. Her husband had granted the l icence to the plaintiff. Lord Denning reasoned that the licensee was at liberty to enforce the licence against the licensor for the period of the licence and there was no reason why that right could not be continued against third parties in â€Å"appropriate circumstances†.5 Appropriate circumstances would be situations in which the licensee, pursuant to the licence acted in ways that were â€Å"supported by an equity†as this would confer upon the licence a degree of proprietary interest. Moreover, an equity would be sustainable in circumstances where it would be unconscionable to ignore the rights created by the licence.6 Lord Dennings ruling and reasoning can be found in subsequent cases. For example in Crabb v Arun DC [1976] if was held if the court finds that an equity exists, it will ensure that the parties abide by the licence to the extent that it reflects the relevant facts and circumstances of the case.7 Lord Denning explained that: Short of an actual promise , if he by his words or conduct, so behaves as to lead another to believe that he will not insist on his strict legal rights – knowing or intending that the other will act on that belief – and he does so act, that again will raise an equity in favour of the other, and it is for a court of equity to say in what way the equity may be satisfied.8 The acquisition of an equity under a licence was further explained in Taylor Fashions v Liverpool Trustees. I this case it was held that
Friday, September 27, 2019
HRM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4
HRM - Essay Example rocess are referrals of the employee, organization advertisement on job vacancies, direct sourcing, use of recruitment agencies, and organizing events to find suitable professionals for the job. Employee referral will involve the organization to identify qualified candidates from the existing ones within the organization. This approach will encourage the Human Resource Management to select and recruit the most qualified employees as per the organization requirements. This approach is very cost effective and efficient method of recruiting candidates. One of the most challenging factors of this approach is the balancing of diversity in the organization (Hayes and Jack, 2009). This is due to over dependant on the method of recruitment. It is understood that the direct contact between the candidate and the referral employee will enable them to increase their knowledge and will enable the candidate for the job to understand the organization better. Direct sourcing involves the talent management in the Human Resource Management to identify and assess qualified applicants. This process is done through proactive recruiting techniques. This approach will be performed by a professional recruiter who is supposed to define the sourcing (Jackson, Randall and Steve, 2011). This sourcing of the applicants will be achieved when the name, job title, job function and contact information for the likely candidate to be selected is determined by the applicant recruiter A recruitment agency is an outside organization from the one which is looking to recruit new staff employees. They match employers to employees. The reason for some organization to use the recruitment agencies is based on the time management of the organization. Recruiting right professionals for a job will require a lot of time and this makes some organization to consider looking for this alternative of recruitment agencies (Neider and Chester, 2003). It should be noted that every employee who is recruited through
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Civilisation and the arts in london Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Civilisation and the arts in london - Essay Example They export music and celebrities in every part of the world. People of London copy the hairstyle and dresses of their favourite celebrities. Music occupies important place in London’s fashion culture. People show great interest in listening music on television, internet and on audio media. Media, television, audio media and sports all influenced the fashion in the life of youth and children specially. Music and dance parties are the main feature of nightclubs of London. Same trend of parties is also prevailing in fashion weeks (Foreman, 2005). Independent group caused the emergence of British pop art in London. Painter Richard Hamilton, Curator and art critique Lawrence Alloway and sculptor Eduardo got together in the London school of contemporary arts to promote popular culture in London. They first met in 1952 in London where Eduardo presented his celebrated college entitled â€Å"I was a rich man’s play thing†. All the emphasis during the discussion was laid on artistic values and interrelation of popular mass culture. In 1955, another member of the group Hamilton produced his college â€Å"just what is it that makes home so appealing†. This was recognized as the pioneer example of British pop art in London. Afterwards, number of people joined pop art and did reasonable work in expansion of pop art in London. ... Youth still follow this Beatles fashion in London. Jurgen Vollmer was a schoolchild in 50s, who left his hairs hanging down on his forehead. This style was copied by the young boys of that time. But main reason of fame was rock music. Beatle mania is spreading very fast and youth love the Beatle’s music in London (Foreman, 2005). Artistic contributions of great English artists have influenced the life of Londoners. Artists attracted people to make people understand the depth of architectural work. Architectural work of English people in visible in the form of, castles, churches and government buildings in and around London. This architectural work is counted masterpiece work in the architectural era of England. (White, 2001) Variety and quality of foodstuff available in London is matchless with rest of the England. London is considered as the main hub of English food culture. Rising of London as one of the best cities of the world encouraged Londoners to promote English food c ulture in the city. Unlike other parts of the country, London has seen increase in number of casinos. All types of English dishes are available in London restaurants and hotels. Celebrated chefs also love to show their cooking potentials in London. This very culture of London influences the fashion and entertainment. (White, 2001) London is the centre of fashion activities in the world. London fashion weeks are symbol of quality dress designing in the world. Number of celebrities show up for advertising the work of English fashion designers. Catwalk fashion of London fashion shows greatly influences the popular consumer culture. Fashion designers tend to promote their work by following the lifestyle of famous sports and music figures
The advantages and disadvantages of coursework as a means of Essay
The advantages and disadvantages of coursework as a means of assessment - Essay Example Assigning coursework helps teacher in analyzing each student’s strengths and weaknesses. Some students are good at speaking while others are good at writing. Course works also save time of both student and teachers. Teachers cannot be with students all day long, but assigning course works helps teachers in assessing each individual student’s capabilities. As I see, invention of internet is the main problem of coursework. No longer children portray their own viewpoint in regards to their assigned tasks and cut and paste the ideas, facts and figures of others. Before the advent of internet, assigning coursework to students used to be very successful as it helped them in illustrating their own creativity in their coursework, but nowadays, course works are more inclined towards plagiarizing. At times, even the student doesn’t know what he has written in assignments. As a matter of determining how much information a student has attained from a coursework, in my opinion, is a useless tool. The focus is more on presenting the assignment instead of learning something out of it. In actual, there’s little learning taking place in coursework scenarios and the tendency of peers to copy each other’s assignment is higher. Due to the reason of copy paste phenomena, universities, schools and colleges are now more concerned in investing in plagiarism detecting software so that anything which is lifted from the internet can be detected. Coursework has always been the most beneficial and effective tool to enhance the capabilities of students, but the advent of internet is making it ineffective. It is necessary for teachers to design and allot the coursework in a way that there are lesser chances of plagiarizing and higher chances boosting student’s skills. Perhaps, by the little modifications it will be feasible to restore the effectiveness in
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Universalism in Human Resource Management Is Dead Research Paper
Universalism in Human Resource Management Is Dead - Research Paper Example The last twenty five years have witnessed the field of human resource undergo huge changes in a bid to make it a scientific discipline with its own theories, assumptions and strategies. These developments led to the introduction of HRM in the MBA curriculum, leading to the discipline becoming a major part of business strategy development (Budhwar and Khatri, 2001). Questions began to emerge however regarding the nature of human resource management as a discipline with many scholars and businesses criticizing it for lacking in credible theoretical foundations. This led to development of Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM), a subfield of Human resource management that focuses on integrating the process of strategic management in to the field of human resource management. This led to development of three main theoretical perspectives or approaches in the discipline, namely universalistic, contingency and configurational approaches. The universalistic approach in Human resource ma nagement outlines the best practices in the field with the objective of encouraging application of those practices by companies and businesses across the globe and from different industries (Goodman & Truss, 2004). This perspective highlights the fact that there are some HRM practices that are certainly better than others. Companies should therefore focus on adopting these best strategies for their own success in implementation of their Human Resource Management strategies. Among some of the practices identified by the proponents of the universalistic Human resources perspective include seven strategies namely selective hiring, employment security, extensive hiring, self-management teams, extensive training, reduction of differences in status, information sharing and high salaries and wages based on the company’s performance. Universalists in Human Resource management believe that these strategies should be applied universally by all companies and that they are bound to lead to great success (Balogun, 2006). Another reason why Universalists promote the application of universal best practices is rooted in the scientific belief that the relationship between dependent and independent variable is always the same universally. It therefore does not matter where the industry is located of in which industry it is, since the relationship between human resource and success of the company is the same universally. In the second approach, the Contingency perspective, the application of Human Resource policies by any company must be consistent with the other policies and functions of the company. This perspective lays great emphasis on aligning HRM policies with company strategies based on the ‘best fit’ policy (Lewin, & Peters, 2006). The best fit policy posits that there are some Human resource policies that will fit better with the strategic functions and goals of the company. The company should therefore implement only those HR policies that better f it or merge with their general company strategies, policies and functions. Human Resource policies should be able to relate well with the companies lifecycle in order for them to be successful.
Monday, September 23, 2019
All Souls' Rising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
All Souls' Rising - Essay Example The decision of the French administration on the island was ratified by the French revolutionaries in 1794 and this decision quickly challenged the previously accepted norms of the master slave relationship. The entire Americas domain was shaken up as the emancipation on Saint-Domingue became public knowledge. One of the largest disturbances from the Saint-Domingue experiences was for the American South where the economy was predominantly based on slave manpower. However the revolution of slaves in Saint-Domingue holds more than meets the eye. The composition of whites, mulattos and blacks meant that society was already in a precarious balance that the revolution upset. As a reaction to the changes introduced by the revolution the various strata of society began taking steps to increase their influence. The pivotal role for the balance of power play lay with the mulattos in society who were obliged to corroborate with the blacks and the whites alike. The British and Spanish conquest only added to the panic and confusion in society. The invasion was dealt with by an uprising lead by an ex slave Toussaint who was supposedly prepared by the whites in order to decimate the blacks in the shorter run and the mulattos in the longer run. The overall objective of the whites was to restore the previous order. The novel penned by Madison Smart Bells All Souls’ Rising also portrays this precarious situation and the immense power plays that occurred. In order to understand the issue better it would be relevant to wade through the novel within historical context. The novel depicts the grand blancs (who are members of the white elite) as conceiving a slave rebellion in order to augment their political needs and desires. As the story progresses it becomes clear that the highly esteemed Bayon de Libertat who is the owner of the slave rebellion leader Toussaint is also part of the conspirators. The slave rebellion leader is shown as being handpicked by the white power eli te in order to serve their nefarious purposes. Here consideration must be provided to the political problems of the grand blancs as the French Revolution was at its zenith by 1791 however the King was still in place on the throne. On the other hand the petit blancs, the day laborers, white craftsmen and poor ne’er do wells had already taken up arms and adopted the red cockade of the revolution. These groups had by this point in time taken to rebellion in Saint Domingue and had managed to capture Port au Prince which was a direct threat to the power of the grand blancs. Given also that this was the most profitable island in the Atlantic, its loss was not acceptable for the grand blancs. The problem became all the more complicated as the Estates de General declared by decree in May 1791 that all free property owning mulattos in Saint Domingue would be given full citizenship. Consequently the red cockaded petit blancs became overwhelmingly outraged by this decision. In a similar manner the white cockaded grand blancs were also outraged at such a decision by the government. However the white cockaded grand blancs contend that they cannot win the war against the petit blancs and the free mulatto calls for full citizenship at the same time. In order to deal with these threats the stratagem of the slave rebellion was created. The plan of action suggests that when the slave rebellion occurs the petit blancs would be neutralized and will try to unite with the whites in order to quell the black slave
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Physical Education Program Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Physical Education Program - Term Paper Example I have been an active member and participant in physical education for the past few years. I feel great pride and a sense of satisfaction in seeing my name appear in the list of honor for three consecutive years; and now also on being the national honor society member. I have worked very hard in this discipline and have attended advanced classes relating physical education. My entire life has been about physical education. Now I wish to pursue physical education even more seriously as a career and I want to make a difference in young children’s life not only by imparting them the knowledge I have and aim to gain continuously; but also by serving as a role model coach and a source of inspiration for them. I am therefore seeking admission in the physical education program of the university. My goal is to work with high school kids who have not hitherto gotten a chance to familiarize with physical education due to financial, emotional or social reasons. I believe every child dese rves a chance to get physical education training like training in all other subjects at school.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Traffic Accident Essay Example for Free
Traffic Accident Essay It is believed that the number of the people who have died in trafficaccidents is much higher than that of the people who have died of cancer or any other disease. In Ho Chi Minh City, the problem of traffic accidents is really serious. The following measures should be taken to reduce the seriousness/to minimize the consequences of this problem. Firstly, the system of the main streets in Ho Chi Minh City must be improved or upgraded. It is awful to move along the streets of Ho chi Minh City because most of them are in bad condition and some are full of holes, either big or small. In addition, during the rainy season many streets are flooded with water after a heavy rain. If we are not careful enough, we easily hit other people or fall off our bike or motorbike. Secondly, law-breaking and drunken riders/drivers should be punished strictly. These law-breaking and drunken riders/drivers are the â€Å"devils†of the streets: they operate their motor vehicles at a high speed and sway from one side/curb of the street to the other whenever they feel excited. There is no doubt that one of the main reasons of serious traffic accidents is the riders’ or drivers’ carelessness and lack of self-control. Last but not least, calling for every citizen’s obeying traffic laws is crucial. The cit dwellers’ awareness of the necessity to obey traffic law is quite low; consequently, they travel along the streets without paying close attention to traffic lights and other signals. Quite often, motor-cyclists occupy the lanes for cars and other four-wheel motor vehicles while taxi drivers speed up, forcing the riders/drivers of other vehicles to give way to them. It takes a lot of time and energy to draw the attention of anyone who does travel along the streets in Ho Chi Minh City to the well-established traffic laws here in particular and to make each of the city dwellers a law-abiding citizen in general. But it is worth it!
Friday, September 20, 2019
My First Political Impression Politics Essay
My First Political Impression Politics Essay In our country all citizens from children to seniors in some way are involved in the political events. Every day we watch the news about political developments, we learn about them from television, radio, at work and schools. But every person is involved in political life in different ways. First of all, it dependents on the specific political situation, the spiritual climate in society, as well as on the state of political system, and the person himself. Interest in politics among youth is different in different countries, but it is understandable that in general most citizens have neither the means nor the opportunity for serious involvement in politics. What affects our participation in the political life of the country? First of all the Political Socialization agents who are those that influence us throughout our lifetime,: family, school, media, religious and community organizations. lets take a closer look at how Political Socialization agents influence political activity. Family. Politically active parents have more interested in politics and children who are also showing more confidence in political institutions. Political socialization by parents is the most effective in relation to political attitudes and ideological orientation of young people. Influence of school. The more active young people at school, the more active they are outside school, and after graduation. Structures of possible political participation in schools reinforce youth interest in politics, and also peers most strongly influence the political behavior of young people. The influence of mass media. There is a link between the choice of certain media and political activity of youth. Those young people who read newspapers or use the Internet, are engaged in a wide range of political activities and are more active. Passive media perception, like television and radio, leads to a lower level of political participation.  The older people are, the more closely they follow the policy through the mass media. Some people are actively involved in the activities of political parties, political movements, interest groups and so on. Others are characterized by alienation and indifference to the public sphere. The primary and, as experience shows, the best form of political participation for the majority of the population are elections to representative bodies. So my most bright political impression was presidential election process in the year 2008, though it was the most significant political event of the last years. Americans are more likely to vote of any other nation in the world. Since the age of 18 they are entitled to elect a president, senators, congressmen, members of state legislatures, governors, mayors, judges, sheriffs, and so on. So the president election in the year 2008 was the main event in the life of the country,that nobody was indifferent to. The year 2008 was special in n the electoral history of the United States. For the first time in state history a president could become a man or a woman, for the first time in 80 years candidates for this position were neither an incumbent president nor vice president. And the November 2008 election was both parliamentary and presidential. The main candidate for the U.S. presidency in 2008 from the Democratic Party was the senator from Illinois, an African-American Barack Obama, and from the Republican Party was the senator from Arizona John McCain. These candidates caused a lot of discussions, arguing and political battles. As for me, of course I wasnt indifferent to the political situation in the country. I think that president election is an event that is important for every citizen of the USA, because people choose not only the president, but they choose the future of their country. I watched the political process in the country. I watched the meetings of voters with the candidates, debates and battles on TV and in the press. I studied the electoral programs of candidates, in order to know what future they promised to the United States. People voted by assessing the future changes in their lives and in the development of country.  And what was happening caused the frustration and insecurity among people, as people felt the beginning of the political crisis in the country, and some even had lost confidence in government. One of the fundamental aspects of all social life in the USA is the confrontation and cooperation of the two leading parties of the country: the Democratic and the Republican. Much of the policy is determined by how the people, the voters consider each of them and what place people take themselves in this two-party system. It was also interesting to know the sociological study of the opinions of voters. Among the factors constraining the decision to vote in 2008, were the age of McCain and Obamas race. I was surprised by that facts, as many voters were against the President being black. According to statistics, 8% of voters believed that Obamas affiliation to African Americans, reduce the effectiveness of his work as head of state. Although the sociological study of the opinions of voters showed that the country was ready for a black president. Those Americans, for whom religion an important part of their lives, were more likely to vote for McCain than for Obama (50% vs. 40%). Among the less religious people, for a Democratic candidate were willing to vote 55%, for the Republican 36% of Americans. So, president election is a very important political event in the country, as and also it is important for all people, being involved in the process. When person vote for a certain candidate, he chooses the future of the country, so in some way he influences his life too. So nobody should stay indifferent, and should take active position in this political event in the life of the country. Fair and free elections is the guarantee of the democracy. While voting for their representatives, people elect the leaders, from which depends the future of the country. That is why elections confer greater powers of ordinary citizens: the vote makes it possible to have an impact on future government policy, and thus on their future.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Product Strategy Brief :: essays research papers
PRODUCT STRATEGY BRIEF COMPANY Overview Company’s mission is to revolutionize the way growing businesses communicate. We are a new class of Internet service providing intuitive business Internet management software, Web, and access solutions that require no MIS resources or up front capital expenditures. Everything you need to get your business live on the Internet in about an hour is provided via a monthly service that you never outgrow and is never obsolete. We achieve these objectives by 3 product strategy pillars: Internet Guardian Chief Internet Officer Internet Business Class Situation Review COMPANY realizes that small businesses face a dizzying array of Internet point products, technologies, and purchase options - yet they have no MIS staff to help them develop an Internet strategy or evaluate these options in the level of detail that is necessary. What is worse, is that the rate of technological innovation is increasing! So, many small businesses adopt technology later rather than sooner, and lose competitive advantage, employee productivity, and profits in the meantime. This â€Å"technology paralysis†is exhibited in many different areas - from PCs, to LANs, to operating systems, and to communication technologies like modems. As modems advanced from 300 - 1200 - 2400 - 9600 - 14.4 - 28.8KBS, new applications were possible to increase the productivity of users who in turn used the technology more than ever before - which in turn led to new applications and faster, more secure modem speeds. The recent PRODUCT announcements from COMPANY, COMPANY, COMPANY are the next step in this speed/application/speed progression series aforementioned. However, there are several problems that the media has failed to report on: The ITU has not developed a standard for this new speed class and is not expected to for 12 to 18 months. Each of the modems is incompatible with each other. Therefore, if the user has a different PRODUCT than the ISP, no communication will occur. Many local loop phone infrastructures will not support speed higher than 21KBS - so these modems will not provide any additional speed. Further, there is no way to know this until you get the modem and try it. Ramping up on the technical support side of the equation will take time - which means users are on their own until the ISPs sort this out. Lastly, the battle between the manufacturers addresses a deeper technology issue - namely - modem architecture. COMPANY wants to upgrade modems via PRODUCT while the other suppliers want to continue making PRODUCT sets that can do it all - but can not be upgraded without additional effort - if at all.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Definition of Literature :: Definition Essays
The Definition of Literature      Literature has many meanings but to me when I hear the word literature I think of large tomes of words and stories that have become classics over time however this is only one definition of literature. Literature comes from that Latin word littera, that directly translated means letter, thus supporting the idea that literature is written. This view however leaves out the idea that there can be oral literature as well from which many of our stories and books come from.      The main form of literature, the book, has had a great impact upon the formation of our society today. Before the 1940’s TV had not come into being yet and there was not much else to do other than read books. Thus books formed my grandparents and to some extent my parents and, although I grew up in the generation of TV, books as literature have indirectly formed me as well. There also can be forms of artistic literature such as poetry or play writing. These also play an important part in literature, I believe, such as Robert frost’s poems or the works of Shakespeare the playwright. These are great authors, whose literature is not in the form of a great story or a moving novel, but in irregular works that have stayed with us for a long time many years. I believe that one very good definition of literature is that literature must have certain qualities such as plot, characters, tone, symbols, conflict, point of view, and many other elements working together in a dynamic relationship to produce a literary work. This pretty much defines the way that most people see literature today. This allows for oral traditional stories as well as for the irregular forms of writing such as plays and poems that can also have plot, characters, tone and the other elements mentioned so that they can be deemed a literary work.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Search for Meaning in Shakespeares Hamlet :: Shakespeare Hamlet Essays
Search for Meaning in Shakespeare's Hamlet But I will delve one yard below their mines And blow them at the moon (3.4.208-10) What is real? This question, begged by humanity from day one, seems to grow in importance and urgency as the twenty-first century looms on the road ahead. When religion, culture, family, and meaning are all forced to play second fiddle to the almighty dollar, where do we turn for understanding? I think the answer is that we turn inward. After all, there must be something within the human animal to suggest a moral, or a message, or at least an explanation. Hamlet deals specifically with this introspection, this search for meaning. Prince Hamlet's world has come apart at the seams and he is desperately groping for some sort of guidance. He needs a foundation, a primary principle, an answer of even the smallest kind with which to build a coherent worldview. Unfortunately, Hamlet's philosophical free-fall may be a result of his own inability to connect to a world outside of his own grief and confusion. He is adept and resourceful in the world of ideas, but flat-footed and indeci sive in the world of actions. Whereas Shakespearean characters such as Hotspur and Coriolanus suffer from shortsightedness and rash judgements, Hamlet suffers broad abstract thoughts and paralyzing ambivalence. This may be why the play has been able to so stalwartly defend its V.I.P status in the Western cultural conscious. Any thinking modern citizen knows what it means to fit round ideals into square realities. Therefore, it makes sense for Hamlet, one of our foremost fictional figures, to have trouble matching his internal ideals to the external world. In his introduction to the Norton edition of the play, Stephen Greenblatt points out that Hamlet, "seems to mark an epochal shift not only in Shakespeare's career but in Western drama." Greenblatt is referring to the dominance of Prince Hamlet's psyche over all aspects of the play's perspective and mood. Hamlet transports its audience into the Prince's mind and forces them to look at the world from the inside out. The view is startling. It is the source of the play's unanswered questions and thought provoking ambiguities. Shakespeare lets us see the world through the eyes of a man struggling to decide whether any of it even matters.
Huella Proposal
Founded in 1999 in Kuala Lumpua, Malaysia, Huella Online Travel was an Internet travel portal targeting Greater China and Asian Pacific. Huella online travel agent is a retail business, that sells travel related products and services to customers, on behalf of suppliers, such as airlines, car rentals, cruise lines, hotels, railways, sightseeing tours and package holidays that combine several products. Huella ‘s Hong Kong was launch in 2000. Up to 2004, the revenue growth in Hong Kong had been less than expected. Huella market share in Hong Kong to be only 4% compared 9% in Singapore.This time, Huella wants set up a whole new marketing research to get a depth insight into Hong Kong online travel market. 2- OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY: The previous research is very useful in exploring how people awareness of the Huella brand, however they are not conclusive of the public perception in Huella’s target market. In my opinion, we should conduct a research marketing strategy for Hu ella using a quantitative approach. From this research we should be able to identify: customers, competencies and competitors. Research Objectives: †¢ To identify demographic, economic, lifestyle, and traveling desire in Hong Kong market. To determine a match between consumers’ needs and how Huella online travel agents can be able to match these needs †¢ To identify main attributes of online travel agents that appeal to the target market†¢ To assess the target market’s purchase intent and purchase habits †¢ To determine promotional efforts that appeal to the target market †¢ To determine the price sensitivity of the target market for online travel agents †¢ To identify ideal channels to market the brand in Hong Kong †¢ To identify competition in Hong Kong travel agencies including brick-’n-mortar agents and online agents. – SAMPLING: Another part that is very important, how the sampling is done. Personally, I strongly re commend using online survey and face-to-face interviews because Huella is an online business. Yet online survey usually has low responds so I also want we have face-to-face surveys that will be more effective because Hong Kong is a small territory and high population. We can collect primary data by survey research and behavioral data. Sampling plan:Sampling size: 300 Sampling unit: white collar, young professional, foreigner travelers in Hong Kong. Sampling procedure: randomly Method: survey and behavioral data Demographics: age between 18 years old to 40 years old. Gender: male and female Professions: general Geography: Tsim Sha Tsui, Mongkok, Causeway Bay Contact methods – online survey, face-to-face. 3- ANALYSIS AND REPORT The result from this research will be put in power point and hard copy format.
Monday, September 16, 2019
The Case Of Chronic Gastritis Health And Social Care Essay
IntroductionIn the fast-paced, acute attention scenes, the nursing program should reflect on a client ‘s state of affairs and supply appropriate and thoughtful nursing intercessions. Therefore, it is of import that the nurses are decently trained and develop real-life, real-time scenarios for a fake clinical scene. Throughout the history of medical scenes, the functions and maps of nurses are capable for alterations with an purpose to command the client or patients ‘ wellness results. And based on the nursing intercessions applied, the intervention or medicine that is involved in the nursing program should match to the program of attention which may affect the coaction of wellness attention squad and the household of the client. The alterations in nursing functions has been discussed by many research workers and concluded that the chief aim is to develop their consciousness of peculiar functions. In add-on, the client ‘s position may alter, asking a new program of a ttention. With these alterations, the nurses may meet troubles within the infirmary scenes.BackgroundThe client is enduring in n abdominal hurting and is declared to be gastritis which is characterized with java land purging and HB beads. â€Å" Coffee land †puke reveals that the blood has been in the tummy for some clip and has been changed by stomachic secernments. Gastritis is redness of the stomachic mucous membrane caused by any of several conditions, including infection, E-coli, drugs ( NSAIDs, intoxicant ) , emphasis, and autoimmune phenomena ( atrophic gastritis ) . Gastritis consequences of a dislocation in stomachic mucosal barrier wherein the tummy tissue unprotected from auto-digestion by Hydrochloric Acid ( HCl acid ) and pepsin. There is a possibility for the internal bleeding because of the break in the capillary walls in the blood vass. In the medical appraisal on the client, it is discovered that he/she is enduring in Chronic Gastritis ( Type B ) because of the Helicobacter Pylori infection. This means that the client has a obscure ailment of epigastric hurting that is relieved by nutrient, marks of anorexia, nausea/vomiting, intolerance of fatso and spicy nutrients, baneful anaemia, and has a high hazard for stomachic malignant neoplastic disease. There are many hazard factors involved in the Gastritis such as the usage of drugs, the life style and diet like the ingestion of intoxicant and spicy nutrients, the environment ( radiation and smoke ) , pathophysiologic conditions ( Burnss, nephritic failure, sepsis ) and others like emphasis. However, the Chronic Gastritis is different from the Acute Gastritis because of the presence of micro-organisms Helicobacter pylori which may play an of import function in Chronic Gastritis because it promotes the dislocation of stomachic mucosal barrier.Literature ReviewAs portion of the action of some infirmary scenes, the development of clinical experiences of nurses can be used as portion of the evidence-based pattern in such countries as cardiac catheterisation labs, endoscopy units, and exigency sections, which offer few benefits for scholars or nurses. Clinical observations provide limited chances to larn job resolution, and they are used often as a manner to diminish student-faculty Nu mberss in the clinical sphere ( Smith, 2009 ) . To analyze the status of the client, it is advised to use the procedure of Esophagogastroduodenoscopy ( EGD ) which is the best method for analyzing upper GI conditions. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy may be abbreviated EGD or OGD if one uses the British spelling ‘oesophago- ‘ . In medical scenes, the nursing practicians are trained in such plans including the EGD process with an purpose to larn the proficient accomplishments as use of EGD and cognitive accomplishments like reading of stomachic findings. It is of import that the nurses have the proficient competence to find the appropriate methods in intervention and medicine ( Park, et al. , 2010 ) . Within the Endoscopic Nursing, endoscopic processs are performed by nurses under supervising of an experient supervisor or medical professional of the endoscopy unit. During OGD, the relationship between the gastroesophageal junction ( GEJ ) and the squamocolumnar junction ( SCJ ) was carefully noted. The tummy and duodenum were carefully inspected for the presence of peptic ulcer disease. The process enables the medical pracititioner to analyze the liner of the GI piece of land by get downing a tubing utilizing a thin flexible tubing with its ain lens and light beginning or picture endoscope ( NHS, 2003 ; Unal, et al. , 2006 ) . The processs are performed to measure symptoms of relentless upper abdominal hurting, sickness, emesis, and trouble in get downing or shed blooding from the upper GI piece of land. The OGD is more accurate than x-ray movies for observing redness, ulcers, or tumors of the gorge, tummy and duodenum. Upper endoscopy can observe early malignant neoplastic disease and can separate between benign and malignant ( cancerous ) conditions when biopsies ( little tissue samples ) of leery countries are obtained. Biopsies, nevertheless, are taken for many grounds and do non needfully intend that malignant neoplastic disease is suspected. A assortment of instruments can besides be passed through the endoscope that allow many abnormalcies to be treated straight with small or no uncomfortableness, for illustration, stretching narrowed countries, taking polyps ( normally benign growings ) or handling upper GI hemorrhage. Safe and effectual control of hemorrhage has reduced the demand for transfusions and surgery in many patients.PreparationThe client ‘s tummy must be wholly empty and must compel non to eat or imbibe, which include H2O for about 4 hours before the scrutiny . The doctor will be more specific about the clip to get down fasting, depending on the clip of twenty-four hours that your trial is arranged. It is of import that the patient should supply the information sing the current medicines. In instance that there are needed medicines, accommodations should be made before the trial most specifically, if the client has major jobs in bosom or lung status that might necessitate particular attending during the process. Part of the readying for endoscopy is to set up the duties within the circle of the household. Here, the support of the household members is needed. The client, if necessary, will be given depressants that may impact the client ‘s judgement and physiological reactions for the undermentioned 24 hours. There are bounds in the normal activities, although the client will non experience tired, it is non advised to make heavy undertakings without the company of other household member. The client can restart normal activities after 24h following endoscopy.During the OGD ProcedureThe doctor will reexamine the client ‘s state of affairs and the nurse is expected to be at that place to steer the client and support him every bit good during the process. The nursing program starts in the admittance of the client in the infirmary and to instantly response on the demands of the patient. Therefore, it is of import that the nurses will showcase the competent nursing attention that can me rely happen when client beliefs and values are thoughtfully and skilfully incorporated into nursing attention programs. Since lovingness is the nucleus of nursing, a competent nurse can administrate the nursing program and execution for the patient to accomplish the positive result. Other alternate trials may be given if the medical professionals assessed that the process might bespeak possible complications. The nurse will explicate the beginning of the process and make an option available for the client such as spraying the client ‘s pharynx with a local anesthetic before the trial begins and/or may be given medicine through a vena that can assist the client relax during the trial. Throat spray has the advantage of enabling the client to remain awake and in full control during the trial. In add-on it may be safer in patients with cardiac or respiratory jobs. However, the client may happen the trial more uncomfortable if they are to the full awake, hence, sedation has the adv antage of doing you more relaxed, and may even fall asleep during the trial and therefore you will hold small remembrance of the trial itself. Sedation nevertheless, may somewhat increase the hazard of cardiac or respiratory complications in susceptible patients. Occasionally the doctor may urge a combination of pharynx spray and sedation if the process is likely to last longer that norm. The nursing practician is expected to explicate the pros and cons of sedation versus pharynx spray to client which makes the determination sagely. Following sedation or pharynx spray the endoscope is passed through the oral cavity and so in bend through the gorge, tummy and duodenum. The OGD does non interfere with the client ‘s external respiration during the trial but most patients consider the trial to be merely somewhat uncomfortable. However, at the terminal of the process, the nurse, who is the closest individual to the clients, can help the client and supervise the endoscopy country until most of the effects of the medicine have worn off. The nurse will assist the client to get by with the alterations and pointing the effects of OGD. Partss of the alterations that may look are the feeling of sore pharynx and bloated feeling because of the air introduced into the tummy during the trial. The client, under the nursing attention program is advised to decelerate restart the a ctivities until eventually reached the recovery and restart the diet after the client leave the infirmary unless the client is instructed otherwise. Therefore, the nurse ‘s action for attention extends by educating the household members sing the status of the client and giving appropriate nursing intercessions.Possible ComplicationsOGD is by and large safe and complications can happen but are rare when doctors, sawboness or nurse endoscopists with specialized preparation and experience perform the trial. Bleeding may happen from a biopsy site or where a polyp has been removed. It is normally minimum and seldom requires blood transfusions or surgery. Localised annoyance of the vena where the medicine was injected may seldom do a stamp ball enduring for a few yearss, but this will finally travel off. Other possible hazards include a reaction to the depressants used and complications from bosom or lung diseases. Major complications, e.g. , perforation ( a tear that might necessit ate surgery for fix ) and aspiration pneumonia are really uncommon, Upper GI endoscopies may affect a little hazard to coronate dentitions or dental bridgework. It is of import that the client can recognize early marks of any possible complication such as holding a febrility after the trial, have problem swallowing, or have increasing pharynx, thorax, or abdominal hurting. In any instance, the client should allow the doctors know about it quickly ( NHS, 2003 ) .The Case of Chronic GastritisHelicobacter PyloriIn the finding of Helicobacter pylori ( H. pylori ) , the infection is recognized to be the most of import acquired factor in the etiology of ulcers of the tummy and duodenum. However, the infection does non look to predispose to gastro-esophageal reflux disease ( GERD ) and some grounds indicates a possible protective consequence. The hypothesis is that the presence of H. pylori may protect against the development of GERD by stamp downing stomachic sourness via the neutralizing consequence of bacterial ammonium hydroxide production and principal gastritis induced by relentless H. pylori infection ( Unal, et al. , 2006 ) . Helicobacter Pylori is a spiral-shaped Gram-negative bacteria found in colonised stomachic mucous membrane or disciple to the epithelial liner of the tummy. The surplus of the bacterium causes uninterrupted stomachic redness in virtually all septic individuals. The infection is acquired via consumption orally and can be transmitted during childhood in most instances. H. pylori are the cause of most instances of Peptic Ulcer Disease ( PUD ) and chronic gastritis. If the client ignored the marks of either PUD or gastritis, there is a hazard that the status might take to stomachic malignant neoplastic disease ( Suzawa, 2008 ) . There are several surveies show H pylori obliteration may better gastritis and superficial epithelial harm but grade of enteric metaplasia ( alteration in signifiers ) and wasting did non happened. Treating H pylori has been associated with decrease in cell proliferation, declaration of redness, disappearing of hyperplastic polyps, standardization of apoptotic ra tes, and arrested development of glandular wasting enteric metaplasia ( Lee, 2007 ) .Medicine and Treatment ManagementPart of the nursing program is to use the appropriate medicine. Since the client demonstrated the Chronic Gastritis, with the presence of H pylori, there are two types of intervention which are the nonsurgical direction and surgical positions, that are available and the determination of medicine is based on the judgement of the doctor. Under the nonsurgical direction, the primary intervention is based on the designation and riddance of causative factors, and can be applied by drug therapy ( Vitamin B12, Triple therapy for H. pylori infection, etc ) or other therapies like the diet therapy, emphasis decrease and avoiding alcoholic drinks. On the other manus, the surgery is identified to be advisable and referred as the frequent solution for peptic ulcer disease. Although the surgery minimizes the complications of the disease, there are medical research workers detailing that the impact of H pylori has led to a tendency towards minimal art in surgical therapy. In add-on to the alterations in patient attention, these developments have had an impact on the preparation of sawboness and nurses. Gastritis literally means redness of the tummy. Chronic gastritis is most normally due to H pylori infection and in most of the instances is symptomless and there is hapless correlativity between symptoms and chronic H pylori infections with chronic redness. But surgery plays no function in this instance. However, if the chronic gastritis is assessed to be duodenal reflux or gall reflux gastritis, the instance may be self-generated or secondary to prior stomachic surgery. On OGD, the clients have bile in the tummy, erythematous chev rons or spots and sometimes mucosal hydrops. Treatment with mucosal protective agents, prokinetic agents, and binders of gall salts has been let downing. Surgical therapy consists of recreation of bile off from the tummy ( Lipo, Shapiro, & A ; Kozol, 2006 ) .
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Head of Household during the Cold War Era
If I were the head of household who took care of my family during the Cold War Era, I would make sure to get everything needed for at least two weeks to survive if there was a nuclear bomb disaster. I would have my husband and friends build a bomb shelter that can fit at least 50 people in our basement to protect my family and friends from the nuclear disaster. I would make sure that we have plenty of water for cooking and drinking, stock up on supplies, canned food, pre-packaged foods such as crackers, cookies, wafers for at least two to three weeks to feed all of us. We will make sure to have a camp stove with enough fuel to boil rice, beans, and pasta. Have a can opener for the canned food, enough batteries with a radio, small portable television, and flashlights to keep them running so we can listen to the news, or music. We will also need a power generator, or candles with enough matches just in case the power goes out and the generator stops working. I will make sure we have available to us sanitation kits and medical kits just in case a family member gets hurt. Another kit that should be in the shelter is a radiation detection kit. For keeping everyone entertained we will have board games to keep us occupied, do sharedes, books to read, crayons and coloring books for the younger children, have cards so we can play card games. Also my husband and I will make sure we have clothing, shoes and blankets available to us. We will also make sure that a bathroom is built in the bomb shelter with running water and plumbing so we can take quick showers. In the bathroom we will have plenty of toilet paper, soap, shampoo, combs, brushes, toothpaste, deodorant, toothbrushes, and plenty of towels. We would make sure that we have heavy duty plastic sheets with duct tape to keep out harmful chemicals and gases. Most importantly my husband and I will sit down our children and explain to them what is happening and what we need to do and what is going to take place.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Human Resources Function In Pizza Express Essay
Introduction Pizza Express is a public limited company (PLC), which was established in 1965. It has 350 restaurants in the UK and between twenty to thirty international franchises in countries like France, Egypt, Spain and opening soon in the Philippines and it has also expanded by 40% in recent years. It’s a restaurant in different countries, which provides food, and drink services to the customers. The company has different range of employees, 39 in total including cleaners, chefs, waiters and waitresses, supervisors and managers. Role of human resources The organisation has two human resources namely the main HR known as the headquarters and the local HR’s. The local HR recruits the workers by advertising in the media after which they train the selected ones to very high standards so that they deliver high quality services to the customers. This creates a good repetition for the company so they receive more customers therefore increasing profits too. Training the workers on how to use the equipment also helps the company in a way that they will have fewer or no claims for damages in case of accidents. The local HR’s also carry out transfers with other restaurants of the organisation, which helps them maintain the good workers. This can also be a way of practising flexible working conditions for their staff. In case of any member of staff acting against the organisations rules, the local HR’s have to discipline him/her so that they can change and if they fail they lose the job. This helps the company dismiss bad members of staff who can cause trouble or even pass on their bad behaviours to new recruits. Lastly, the local HR’s act as the voice for the workers i.e. they raise any problems that the workforce might be experiencing so that they can be solved. This creates a good relationship between the workers and the management, which is a very important thing if they are to work as a team to deliver good services to the customers. The main HR i.e. the headquarters carries out the more complex tasks of the organisation. It reviews the labour turnover and predicts what staff the company will have to recruit and during what time they will have to. It sets the pay rates and increases in the organisation which is a very crucial thing when carrying out the company’s budget because they don’t want to pay out much or less but just the right amount to their staff. It also recruits it’s own staff and management and train them. It has to be very careful when doing this because it has to makes to sure it gets the right people who will be able to manage the local HR’s or else there will be poor management which can lead to serious problems in organisations. Lastly, it makes the rules and procedures that have to be followed in the organisation. This is very important because it lets the workers know what they can do and can not when on the company’s premises and also for any organisation to run properly and smoothly, there must be rules and regulations in place to be followed. E2 Staff labour turnover The staff /labour turnover for the Kingston branch was not known because they had just opened but for the old branch, they had 50 people leaving with an approximation of 25 staff which means the turnover was 200%. This is mainly because the workers tend to transfer with their managers when they change branches, which happened last year. From the research that I carried out, these were my findings KINGSTON LABOUR MARKET (2001-02) Aged 16 and over Economically active In employment All 124000 85000 81000 Male 63000 48000 46000 Female 61000 37000 34000 WORKING AGE (16-59/64) 2001-2002 IN KINGSTON Working age (16-59/64) Economically active In employment All 102000 83000 80000 Male 55000 48000 46000 Female 48000 36000 33000 AGE BREAKDOWN (full and part-time employment) 2001-02 All Full-time Part-time 16-19 * * * 20-24 11000 8000 * 25-49 53000 45000 8000 50+ 14000 10000 4000 Source: KEY * Sample size too small for reliable estimate Pay and hours worked The chefs in the new Kingston branch get a maximum of à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½8.50 an hour if they are of grade four and those on lower grades 1-4 get a maximum of à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½6. The waiters get à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½4.20 an hour with tips as well and cleaners get à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½5-6 an hour. They all get double pay on bank holidays and they work a maximum of 48 hrs apart from part time workers who usually have 3-4 shifts a week with no set minimum hours of working. Productivity The businesses productivity depends on how many customers they get i.e. if they produce more if there are many customers to be served and they produce little if there are hardly any customers to be served. Generally, they measure productivity by the average times for making items. The more items they make, the more profits they get and the fewer items they make, the less profits they get. Fulltime/part time working For the particular branch in Rotunda, there are three fulltime workers and twenty part time workers. Changes in working practices The company also tries to please its workers by changing their working practices. This is carried out by exchanging staff with other restaurants since it’s a big company. This helps them get experience in working in different areas and conditions, encouraging more advanced training so that they get promoted which again makes workers feel that their effort is being appreciated by the management and lastly giving them flexible working hours so that they don’t feel that they are being over worked or exploited. Company use of the information The company might have used this information when planning its human resources in a way that when you look at the labour market, there are more people economically active and in this particular area there is relatively low unemployment. This means that they will find it difficult to recruit new staff and it can be very costly in a sense that to attract possible workers, they will have to advertise themselves more, they may have to pay more wages or invest more in training. They may also have to design development programmes so that potential employees see there are promotion prospects in the organisation therefore making them feel wanting to join the company. By also looking at their labour turnover which is very high, they might want to try and find out why many people are leaving. This can help them find the reasons why the workers are leaving and find solutions to them which means they will keep their staff longer. Still looking at their own labour turnover, they can also find out the skill that people who are leaving had and recruit people with the same ones which decreases the budget of training. Since their work force is in the mid 20’s and mostly part time, they can decide to recruit more people between the age of 25-49 because those between 20-24 working part time are very small size of the population. When planning its productivity, the company can decide to recruit more people and give them intensive training to become professionals which also increases efficiency. C1 Analysis of external labour market To interpret my labour market further, I compared it with that of Richmond, London, & UK with also last year’s trends and these were the results. The working-age employment rate in London, Kingston, Richmond & UK (March 2000-2001 and Feb 2001-2002) Area Percentage of population 2000-2001 2001-2002 Richmond 84.5% 80.8% London 70.2% 70.4% Kingston 76.4% 78% UK 74.1% 74.4% From the results above, we see that Richmond had the highest working age employment rate which was 80.8% followed by Kingston which was 78% then UK with 74.4% and lastly London which was 70.4%. Looking at the trends, we see that Richmond’s working age employment has gone down by 3.7%, London’s has only gone up by 0.2%, Kingston’s has gone up by 1.6% and lastly UK as a whole has just gone up by 0.3%. With this information, Pizza Express can decide to recruit workers from London since it has the least working age employment so they will find it easier to recruit people but then it will have to increase spending on transport if the workers are not willing to spend their own money and if they are willing to, Pizza Express will have to pay them high wages so that they can afford the costs. Advertising costs will also go up because they will have to advertise in the media other than on their windows because they are trying to recruit people in a totally different area. Graph showing working age employment rate in London, Kingston, Richmond and UK (2001-02) Economic activity rate by sex (working age 16-59/64) in Kingston & Richmond (March 2000-2001 & February2001- 2002) Area % No. of males % No. of females 2000-2001 2001-2002 2000-2001 2001-2002 Richmond 93.7 89.0 80.5 76.5 Kingston 87.6 87.4 70.1 75.0 From the information above we see that there were a higher number of males in economical activity in Richmond than Kingston with a difference of 1.6%. With the females, the number was still higher in Richmond than Kingston with a difference of 1.5%. Comparing the percentages with last years, Kingston had a very little difference in 2000-2001 than in 2001-2002 of males in economical activity which was only 0.2%. For the females in Kingston, the percentage number went up from 70.1% in 2000-2001 to 75.0% in 2001-2002, a difference of 4.9%. The higher the economic activity rate, the better so when you look at the figures, Richmond’s economic activity rate is high but it keeps going down within the two years so it can be risky wasting their money to advertise in the area while in Kingston, though the figures are low, they keep going up within the two years so it can be safer to carry out their advertising campaigns in the area if they are sure they will keep going up. Economic activity rate of males in Richmond and Kingston (2001-02) Internal staffing information For the Kingston branch, the company had 20 staff and three of them working part time. Most of them are mainly in their mid 20’s though they have no age restrictions at upper end of age band. Most of them are students or local people of the area they are situated in. Since the company has just opened, it has recruited all its work force but in the future as the business expands, they may need more staff. Interpretation of labour market information When we look at the labour market information, we see that Richmond is doing better than Kingston economically. There are more people working in Richmond which means that there are more jobs than in Kingston. This might affect the company in a way that they will find it more favourable to recruit people from Kingston than in Richmond because the labour force will be relatively cheaper. They will also find it hard to recruit people from Richmond because most of them have got jobs and if any, they might want high wages because there is less competition. With the fact that they are also located in Kingston, they may want to recruit the workers from there because costs such as transport and advertising will be low. E3 Recruitment and selection The main documents used when recruiting staff are the staff application form which is used to get details of applicants like their address, date of birth e.t.c. Gathering this information is very crucial because the company can always keep in touch with the applicants, know of any disabilities they have if any and also get information about their qualifications. The second document is the job advert. This is a promotional document of the company attracting the applicants to apply. It talks about the skills needed so the applicants can only apply if they got them therefore saving the company time in sorting out the people with the right skills. It’s made up very carefully with pictures making it very appealing. Basically it’s a form of advertising job vacancies in the company in an easy and attractive way. Lastly, the job description is also handed out to the applicants. This describes what they are expected to do if successful in getting the job. It shows what the job is about in more detail. First, it talks about the aim of the job then the workers responsibilities, what authority is to be held and lastly the standards of performance expected. Effectiveness of documents 1. Job description The job description is effective in a way that it’s lay out is simple and easy to understand. On top is the pizza express logo and pictures to attract the reader. It clearly shows that the descriptions are for waiters/waitresses so they there is no chance of a worker in a different field mistaking it to be meant for them. It clearly outlines the aim of the job in relation to maintaining the company’s standards. Second, it talks about the responsibilities that the worker has when doing the job. Too much text is used here but there seems to be only one strange word, â€Å"Adherence†. This means that language used is quite easy to understand for the reader. Next, it also talks about the responsibilities the applicant will have to carry out if successful and less text is used here so there is less difficulty in understanding the point they are trying to bring across. Lastly, it shows the standards of performance. All the major headings are written out in bold letters and also underlined to make them stand out. 2. Application form The application form is also a very detailed document. It has got a heading on top in bold letters to show what it is, with a pizza express logo which is also a way of promoting the company and showing its loyalty. It’s designed in a simple way asking for relevant information from the applicants. It has got boxes in which they can fill in the information they are being asked. The company tries to avoid collecting irrelevant information by giving them choices in some of the questions where they can only answer yes or no e.g. have you worked for Pizza Express before: Yes ? No ?. It also helps the applicants understand the questions easily. Some questions require a lot of detail and the form provides enough space for the answers like in one question which asks if the applicant is disabled and if their answer is yes, it provides more space to give the details of their disability fully. Lastly, it is typed out on white paper with blue colourings around it to make it more attractive . Generally, no complex language has been used. Everything is simple and straight forward. 3. Job advert Like all the other documents, the job advert is also laid out in a simple way and easy to understand. It is explaining how it is like to work in pizza express by posing questions then giving all the possible answers which are of course attracting the reader to apply. It also talks about the roles and explaining some of the complex words like â€Å"remuneration†. The salaries of the assistant manager and restaurant manager are also shown. This is also done to attract people so that they apply. It has got pictures about a man who has been successful. This shows the chances of success that the applicants are likely to have if they apply. Lastly, it has got detailed information about how you can get in touch with them like telephone numbers and e-mail addresses. Stages in filling a vacancy FLOW CHART There are various stages involved in filling a vacancy. First, the job vacancy is identified and then a job description is written up. This is the document describing what the job is about and what it requires the person to do. A person specification is also written out describing what the qualities and qualifications the applicant should have then an appropriate advertising medium is chosen e.g. newspaper e.t.c. The type of medium chosen depends on the size of the company, what type of job is being advertised or even the current financial status of the company. Next, you send out application forms to the people who have replied to the adverts so that they can fill them in after which they send them back and you short list them to get the right ones. There are crucial things that should be considered when carrying out the short listing process like not discriminating people on grounds of their sex, race or ethnicity. After short listing them out, you arrange interviews for the selected ones where you set the date and time to meet. This can give the interviewer time to make up the questions to be asked and the common ones are normally about the candidates work experience history, why they have applied for the job, what makes them think they will be good at, how they will travel everyday if successful e.t.c. This is a good process because you get to see and speak to the candidates and evaluate how they express themselves, test their communication skills, check how they get on with other people and also check their behaviour i.e. if they are polite e.t.c. you might want to carry out other assessments like work sampling or testing then job offer references are made up. Copies of acceptance and turn downs are sent out to the applicants and the successful ones are given a contract and after their induction they start their job with some training. This is the form of help given to them to get used to the work place and equipment they have to use, know better how the job is carried out in the company and also get used to the old staff. This helps them develop more understanding of the company’s cultures working practices which leads them to becoming professional staff and if very hard working, they can end up getting promotions. Conclusion Based on my findings, I conclude that pizza express is doing well with the fact its expanding in other countries which means that it has a big market, a very crucial part in business developments.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Critically analyse the role of the board of directors and senior Essay
Critically analyse the role of the board of directors and senior management in managing enterprise risk in an energy company - Essay Example Energy and Resources companies have come increasingly under the regulatory purview. Due to brisk changes in the industry, they face stiffening regulatory requirements, ever-increasing cyber issues and rapidly changing technology. Such compliances and risks have a strong impact on the company’s operations and business strategies that makes it utterly imperative for the management to adopt approaches to manage and mitigate risks and cope up with regulations. Risk Management in the Energy Sector A good progress has been made in the past in developing comprehensive enterprise risk management (ERM) programs. ERM is set to become an industry standard for management of risk because it is probably the most effective way to manage risk internal or external to the organization (Accenture Global Risk Management, 2011). The key risk areas that have been identified for energy and resources sector can be listed as follows: 1. High competition in the industry participants: Energy industry pa rticipants have a very unique competitiveness. Each player has a different advantage within the industry. One firm may have a good resource support while the other might be a technologically strong firm and a third would have a huge market. Nowadays, competition is shifting and each firm is trying to develop on every frontier. International firms are thus facing challenges by national players reducing their market size. 2. Limited sources of alternative energy: Despite the fact that there are alternatives to limited source of non renewable energy, energy companies still haven’t been able to progress much on developing much on alternative sources. Alternate sources have an irreplaceable demand, but on the supply side, they face a lot of constraints. There hydrocarbon content on earth is enough to last a century, but the problem lies in lack of knowledge on its development and usage. These sources are limited by limitations in scale, feasibility and fitness (Holmes, 2004). 3. G overnment Interventions: Most of government regulations in the energy industry are directed towards regulating supply. Operational policies, regulations on carbon emissions and energy security norms affect both the demand as well as the supply side of energy business. Role of Board of Directors and Senior Management Post recession, the scene for energy companies has not only been tough but also challenging in terms of greater project undertakings and complex compliances. Companies have also had to venture in remotest regions simply to manage demand and supply side challenges. Management has to focus on strategy, production, enterprise risk along with operational excellence. With the advent of regulators, management has started to recognise the need for risk management to enhance business performance. With time, a lot of change has come in managing enterprise risk. New tools, better techniques and risk measuring methodologies have come up. One can only predict how enterprise risk man agement shall evolve in the coming times. As Energy sector risk officers, senior managers and the board of directors need to be have the capability to comprehend what possible risks could potentially arise in the near future and how exactly to take preventive measures that will help in combat. With such approach, all downsides that
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Social policy & housing. refugees, asylum seekers and the homeless Essay
Social policy & housing. refugees, asylum seekers and the homeless - Essay Example William Beveridge identified five key problems that the society faces and stressed the need for elimination of the Giants as he called them. These vices include ignorance, squalor, idleness and disease. His report known as The Social Insurance and the Allied Services was published in 1942 and issued to parliament for consideration (Groves, Murie and Watson 2007). He had proposed the assistance of the working class to the dependent group of the society - those who are working are to save some amount of their salary to assist the needy people such as the unemployed, the sick, widows and widowers, retired and the orphans. By doing this, Beveridge was convinced that the welfare of the state would be met. However, this can not be achieved without proper social policy. Social policy is linked with legislation and social work practice intricately. Social policy is the result of input from various sectors of the society and usually entails wide consultations to address an issue in the society. This is then underpinned in law, thus bring in the legislation aspect. For instance, social services have statutory child care and protection roles which lead to involvement with homelessness and housing policy and legislation (Stewart and Stewart 1992, p. 76). According to the Department for Social Development (2011), social policy streamlines the law to reflect changing social attitudes and making it responsive to the society. Social workers not only need to operate within the law, but also understand social policy in their areas of practice in order to maintain social work values. Social policy also helps social workers to comprehend political and ethical questions on responsibility and also understand individual and societal rights (Krieger and Higgins 200 2, p. 758). The current British housing and urban policy classifies housing according to tenure; owner occupation, housing from local authorities, registered social landlords and private rented housing.
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