Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Instructional Materials in english
At the end of this module, you are expected to write a reflective essay which ill be graded based on criteria presented at the latter part of the module. As you do the following tasks, you will be guided by the essential question. â€Å"How are preferences, feelings, and insights communicated in a reflective essay? Welcome to Module 2! Johanna Mae Y. Arena Activity 1: What lies beneath the Ink? Below are questions you have to answer. Each question represents a concept or idea which is about to be discussed in this module. Don't leave any item unanswered! From â€Å"Once More Eremite†by Vaccination De la Tore 1 .Before the International Monetary' Fund (MIFF) conference, which â€Å"sprouted†there live-star hotels. Manila Hilton was the place to be seen at. 2. Noted journalist Carmen Guerdon Nanking, who is a native of Eremite, points out that Eremite was then a Toga Village peopled by free, energetic and handsome Malay who drank whine, wore gold bangles and treated ea ch other and the Spanish newcomers with exquisite courtesy. 3. Those, whose beliefs in religion, in life, in just anything are unorthodox, air their views in Eremite's Coffee Shops. 1-9 For items 1-9, do the following: 1. Underline the antecedent used in the statement. . Circle the relative pronoun; and Underline the relative clause twice. 3. 1-3 Before the International Monetary Fund (MIFF) conference, which â€Å"sprouted†other five-star hotels, Manila Hilton was the place to be seen at. Noted journalist Carmen Guerdon Nanking, who is a native of Eremite, points out that Eremite was then a Toga Village peopled by free, energetic and 7-9 Those, whose beliefs in religion, in life, in just anything are unorthodox, air 10. A type of essay which aims to reflect on a personal event or experienced of the author called a a. Persuasive essay b. Reflective essay c. Narrative essay d. Harasser sketch Johanna Mae Y. Erne 2 Processing points This activity will not be recorded, however your score is important to diagnose whether you have background knowledge of the topic. Activity 2: Reflective Circles What is a reflective essay? Try to dissect the idea using the Venn diagram below: Reflection Essay 3 Activity 3: Photo Reflection Below are interesting pictures that have to do with activities (both academic and leisure) in school. Fill out the table below. Write whatnot remember the most about the pictures. Fill out the table below: What is the picture all about? What does the picture remind you of?Activity 4: Transport Below are comments about transportation vehicles. Write the transport talked about. (motor vehicle, plane, boat, train, tricycle, etc. ) Put a plus mark (+), if the remark made positive one or put a minus sign G) if it is a negative one or a statement of disapproval. a. My goodness! The noise it makes before it takes off is deafening because it has to gather speed so it can get off the ground. B. I'll take this ride anytime. It is big. It does not r ock with the waves. Besides that, it is very comfortable just like a floating hotel. C. Those smoke belching vehicles should be banned from the streets.They pollute the air. Moreover they endanger our health. D. That power steering device makes driving very comfortable because the driver does not have to shift gears anymore. The machine helps him do it. 4 e. This is the fastest and cheapest way to travel. It's fast for it has its own tracks to run on, hence it does not get caught up in traffic. F. They tie up traffic; not only that, they are also very noisy. They should be allowed only on the side streets. Isn't it dangerous to go out to sea in that craft since it has only one outrigger? Won't it capsize in rough seas because it is not balanced?Activity 5: COHO -COHO train! Read the following questions. Copy your answers in your notebook. 1. What is the modern-day train model? 2. How does it differ from the other means of land travel? 3. What advantages does a train have over other land transports? 4. What are some of the disadvantages? 5. What comes into your mind when you hear the word train? Write your answers in the graphic organizer below. 5 Activity 6: The Question is Fill out the chart below. Important question about reflective essay Next important question Third important Least important Processing point C] Why is it your most important question? Activity 7: Check My Question! You have selected the most important question in Activity 6, now it is time to make an evaluation of your chosen question using the checklist below: Write your question here: Start evaluating your chosen question here: Characteristics of Essential Question Expressed Not Expressed . It has no simple â€Å"right†answer. It could be argued. 2. 3. It provokes critical thinking. 4. It raises other important questions. It is related to life. 5. Are all the characteristics expressed in your chosen question? If so, then your question is an essential question!If not, try selecting another question and repeat the process enumerated in this activity. The correct answer is â€Å"How are preferences, feelings, and insights communicated in a reflective essay? 7 Reflective essay is a type of essay aimed to reflect personal event or experience Of the author. The main condition is that it has to be a certain personal experience on which the author expresses his very own perception about life. This experience or event is revealed in the essay in order to demonstrate its importance for understanding social relations and the essence of people.Structure of a Reflective Essay Here is a probable scheme of a reflective essay: ; The aim of the opening paragraph is to get the reader involved in the authors expression of ideas including interesting details and personal experiences. The style must be very vivid and must appeal to the reader. ; The middle part reveals a good variety Of the author's ideas on the topic. ; The concluding sentences summarize the main ideas and exp eriences highlighted in the essay. The author makes a reflection of his general perception of the given topic.The introductory paragraph is used for describing the background of your topic, your role in it, and the reasons for choosing it. It is also important to mention your aim and goals for developing the reflective essay writing. In the u porting paragraphs you will explain the process of working on the reflective essay from its initial research to the final stages. Be sure to pay attention to both the weak and strong points; positive and negative experiences and any associated feelings. 8 To conclude your reflective essay efficiently, answer these questions: ; Did you achieve your goals? What would you like to change if you had another chance? ; What useful expertise have you obtained from the task? ; How could it be improved? Activity 8: Vocabulary in a Flash Below are phrases you will encounter while reading the essay ‘ ‘The World in a Train †by Francisco C asino. What do you mean by a. Small world b. Abstraction called humanity c. Without regard to hygiene d. Hard- fought battle e. Fashion so distasteful complete indifference 9 One Sunday I entrained for Baling, a town in Vulcan which can well afford to hold two fiestas a year without a qualm. Kook the train partly because am prejudiced in favor of the government owned railroad, partly because I am allowed comparative comfort in a coach, and finally because trains sometimes leave and arrive according to schedule. In the coach I found a little world, a section of the abstraction called humanity homo we are supposed to love and live for. Had previously arranged to divide the idle hour or so between cultivating my neglected Christianity and smoothing out the rough edges of my nature with the aid of grateful sights without -? the rolling wheels, the flying huts and trees and light-green play seedlings and carbons along the way.Inertia, I suppose, and the sort of reality we moderns know ma ke falling in love with my immediate neighbors often a matter of severe strain and effort to me. Let me give a sketchy picture of the little world whose company Mans Koki shared in moments which soon passed away affecting most of us. First, there came to my notice three husky individuals who dusted their seats furiously with their handkerchiefs without regard to hygiene or the brotherhood of men. It gave me no little annoyance that on such a quiet morning the unpleasant aspects in other people's ways should claim my attention.Then there was a harmless-looking middle-aged man in green camas De chino with rolled sleeves who must have entered asleep. When I noticed him he was already snuggly entrenched in a corner seat, with his slipped feet comfortably planted on the opposite seat, all the while his head danced and dangled with the motion of the train. I could not, for the love of me, imagine how he would look if he were awake. A child of six in the next seat must have shared with me in speculating about the dreams of this sleeping man in green.Was he dreaming of the Second World War or the price of eggs? Had he any worries about the permanent dominion status or the final outcome of the struggles of the masses, or was it merely the arrangement of the scales on a fighting roaster's legs that brought that frown on his face? But the party that most engaged my attention was a family of eight composed of a short but efficient father, four very young children, mother, grandmother, and another woman who must have been the efficient father's sister.They distributed themselves on four benches – you know the kind of seats facing each other so that half the passengers travel backward. The more I looked at the short but young and efficient father the shorter his parts looked to me. His movements were fast and short, too. He removed his coat, folded it carefully and slung it on the back of his seat. Then he pulled out his wallet from the hip pocket and counted his mon ey while his wife and the rest of his group watched the ritual without a word.Then the short, young, and efficient father stood up and pulled out two nana leaf bundles from a bamboo basket and spread out both bundles on one bench and log luncheon was ready at ten o'clock. With the efficient father leading the charge, the children (except the baby in his grandmother's arms) began to dig away with little encouragement and aid from the elders. In a short while the skirmish was over, the enemy – shrimps, omelet, rice and tomato sauce – were routed out, save for a few shrimps and some rice left for the grandmother to handle in her own style later.Then came the water- fetching ritual. The father, with a glass in hand, led the march to the train acute, followed by three children whose faces still showed the marks of a hard-fought-battle. In passing between me and a person, then engaged in a casual conversation with me, the short but efficient father made a courteous gesture w hich is still good to see in these democratic days; he bent from the hips and, dropping both hands, made an opening in the air between my collector and me – a gesture which in unspoiled places means â€Å"Excuse Me. 10 In one of the stations where the train stopped, a bent old woman in black boarded the train. As it moved away, the old woman went about the coach, egging holding every prospective Samaritan by the arm, and stretching forth her gnarled hand in the familiar fashion So distasteful to me at that time. There is something in begging which destroys some fiber in most men. â€Å"Every time you drop a penny into a beggar's palm you help degrade a man and make it more difficult for him to rise with dignity..There was something in his beggar's eye which seemed to demand. â€Å"Now do your duty. †And did. Wily-nil I dropped a coin and thereby filled my life with repulsion. Is this Christianity? â€Å"Blessed are the poor But with what speed did that bent old Oma n cross the platform into the next coach! While thus engaged in unwholesome thought, felt myself jerked as the train made a curve to the right. The toddler of the family of eight lost his balance and caught the short but efficient father off-guard.In an instant all his efficiency was employed in collecting the shrieking toddler from under his seat. The child had, in no time, developed two elongated bumps on the head, upon which was applied a moist piece of cloth. There were no reproaches, no words spoken. The discipline in the family was remarkable, or was it because they considered the head as a minor anatomical appendage and was Hereford nor worth the fuss?Occasionally, when the child's crying rose above the din of the locomotive and the clinkers-clank of the wheels on the rails, the father would jog about a bit without blushing, look at the bumps on his child's head, shake his own, and move his lips saying, â€Å"Task, Task†. And nothing more. Fairly tired of assuming the minor responsibilities of my neighbors in this little world in motion, I looked into the distant horizon where the blue Cordilleras merged into the blue of the sky. There rested my thoughts upon the billowing silver and grey of the clouds, lightly remarking upon their being a Arial to us, although they may not know it.We each would mind our own business and suffer in silence for the littlest mistakes of others; laughing at their ways if we happened to be in a position to suspend our emotion and view the whole scene as a god would; or, we could weep for other men if we are the mood to shed copious tears over the whole tragic aspect of a world thrown out of joint. It is strange how human sympathy operates. We assume an attitude of complete indifference to utter strangers whom we have seen but not met. We claim that they are the hardest to fall in love with in the normal exercise of Christian charity.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Psychology Memory Test Notes
Short term memory: where small amounts of information can be stored for a small period of time. Long term memory: where limitless amounts of information can be stored for a very long period of time. Capacity: amount of information that can be held at any given time. Duration: the length of time that memories can be held. Encoding: the method in which information is expressed in a particular memory store. Displacement: a way of memory being erased from the short term memory before it an be transferred into the long term memory. Interference: when information which is stored in the long term memory is confused with similar information.Free recall: if a participant is asked to listen to 7 words and repeat them in FREE RECALL that means that the participant DOES NOT have to repeat the words in the order they were stated in. Serial recall: if a participant is asked to listen to 7 words and repeat them in that means that the participant HAS TO repeat the words in the order they were stated in. Digit span technique: a method of measuring the capacity of the short term memory by asking participants to repeat a string of items which gradually increases until recall is not possible.Information processing systems are called models. The manipulation and transformation of information is controlled by the process of: – encoding – retrieval strategies – rehearsal there are three separate sensory stores according to A&S: – iconic store – echoic store – haptic store sperling ( )- used a chart containing three rows ot letters tor a second. This was used to find evidence for the sensory memory. Items remain in the sensory memory for a very brief period of time. possibly less then two seconds) – information in the sensory memory is in a relatively unprocessed form. – information is passively registered in sensory memory. We cant control what enters. A&S believed the two different stores were different in terms of: – ho w long they last (duration) – how much information they can store (capacity) how they store information (encoding) – how information is lost (forgetting) The primacy and recency effect state that the words at the start and at the end of the list are recalled better.Asymptotes ( middle words ) are poorly recalled. Primacy effect: this is the tendency for the first items represented in a series to be remembered better or more easily. Recency effect: this is the principle that the most recently presented items or experiences will most likely be remembered the best.
Discusses Confucius contributions Essay
Confucius’ life was of tremendous importance in the forming of Chinese culture. Confucius’ plan and simple approach to life, revealed his deep seeded beliefs that through great human effort one can shape their own future. He had great faith in the ordinary man and believed that they are teachable and perfectible. Confucius believed that ordinary humans could be come awe-inspiring with wisdom and great knowledge. The quest to improve one’s â€Å"self†became deeply rooted in the Confucian heritage. Confucius’ concept of moral rectitude was considered part of the pursuit to becoming the perfected person. Confucius was devoted to learning and teaching. His teaching emphasized self-improvement and moral rectitude. When his words â€Å"for the sake of the self†are explored it becomes clear Confucius was constant in his belief of self-improvement through out his life and his work. Confucius was a philosopher, teacher and political figure that lived from (551-479 BC) in the state of Lu, now know as the Shandong province. He was a member of the minor aristocracy and bureaucratic class during that time. By the time of his birth, his family had apparently become poverty-stricken. He was known for his conservation of the traditions of ritual and music of the Chou civilization. At an early age, it was apparent that Confucius was dedicated to learning. Confucius’ father died when he was three years old and this probably had a huge impact on his family’s class. The lose of his father and his family being poverty-stricken must have been key factors that set him upon his ambitious journey to improve human kind, governments and society. His mother was his first teacher and he developed an emphatic quest for knowledge. It was a common practice for aristocratic families to hire tutors to educate their sons, but Confucius was one of the first persons to devote himself totally to learning and teaching for the sole purpose of transforming and improving society. Confucius was also a dedicated government servant. He served in government posts where he managed stables and kept books. At the age of nineteen Confucius married a woman of similar background. Confucius’ early influences are all contributing factors that made him a young and wise scholar during his time. Confucius concept of â€Å"moral rectitude†was evident because he wanted to make education available to all men. He believed everyone could benefit from learning and self-cultivation. Confucius established a humanities program for leaders, paved the way for education to all and redefined learning as not only the acquisition of knowledge, but also as a character builder. Confucius primary role of education was to provide the proper way of training noblemen. This education would consist of continuous self-improvement and frequent social interaction. To personally achieve the goal â€Å"for the sake of the self†, Confucius mastered six arts: ritual, music, archer, charioteering, calligraphy and arithmetic. The art that became most important was that of â€Å"ritual†. Confucius was actively involved with the government. It was his desire to have a rebirth of the ideas and institution of a past golden age. Confucius hoped to integrate the ritual of those times into the government and family life. He believed this could only happen with ideal rulers such as the legendary sage-kings Yao and Shun. Confucius believed that the ethic of an ideal ruler would translate to a moral state. The ideal ruler would cultivate virtues of benevolence toward others, a general sense of doing what is right, loyalty and diligence in serving one’s superiors. The â€Å"moral rectitude†according to Confucius could also be taught and handed down by performing rituals. Ritual acted as guidelines for people to follow in any given social situations. Ritual could vary considerably depending on age, social status and gender. Confucius contributed to some specific rituals and values but also the importance of the past and hierarchy of the social classes. Rituals be came â€Å"the way†to act. Most East Asian societies continue to be influenced by Confucius teachings, valuing the community, the family, and other social relationships over individuality and uniqueness. The Confucius influence encourages support of education and learning from books and from the past, refinement of social rituals to smooth the relationships of people in a community. The western culture has vastly deviated from Confucius teaching. Each day the western culture ignores more rituals and become more self-absorbed. A glance at today’s headlines or reality TV makes this obvious. Today there are still some existing rituals and moral behavior, but the boundaries blur with each generation. What Confucius provided was a definition of ethics and morally characterized by personal actions and rituals. A simple way to understand Confucius thoughts is to gain an appreciation of the varying levels of honesty. Over time, they developed into the following form: *Li – ritual. Propriety or politeness, Etiquette. This concept originally meant to sacrifice. The term later expanded to secular ceremonial behaviors and then even more diffuse mean, that of propriety or politeness. This expanded the term to everyday life situations. Confucius was revered as the authority on ritual behavior. *Ziao or Hsiao – filial piety. Respect and obedience. The was considered to be the greatest virtue and was shown towards the living and dead. The term ‘filial’ means â€Å"of a son†and therefore denotes that a son should have respect and obedience to his parents. This term was expanded to other relationships such as ruler and subject, husband and wife, elder brother and younger brother, and that between friends. The duties and ritual where prescribed for each of these relationships. Eventually this term was integrated into the Chinese legal system. An example of this would be that a child would be punished more harshly if the crime were against a parent. *Zhong or Chung – loyalty. This term is equivalent to filial piety, but on a different level. This term apply predominantly to the social classes of ruler and minister. In a case of Zhong, a minister should obey the ruler because he has the higher (anointed by god) authority and therefore that maked it the right thing to do. *Ren or Jen – humanness. The relates to the â€Å"Golden Rule†This term is best described by Confucius version of the Golden Rule, â€Å"Do not do to other what you would not like them to do to you.†*Junzi or Chun-Tzu – the gentleman. The ideal towards which all strive. This term mean â€Å"son of a ruler†. This term implies that a gentleman are always expected to act as moral guides to the rest of society. Gentlemen are those who cultivate themselves morally and who personify the other characteristics of honestly. Confucius is exclamatory of this concept Confucius was a man of great vision. The politics of his time did not allow his philosophy to flourish, but he did provide an awakening to human king. He was perceived then and now as a heroic conscience. Confucius teaching remains enormously influence today, but unfortunately, they are not always taken to heart or practiced. Today’s politicians could learn much from his teaching. One of Confucius’s principal legacies, the notion of the enlightened civil servant, is not a prevalent as it should be in the modern word. Humankind moves forward, but sometimes we forget to bring the greatness of our history with us.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Clean Water Act by EPA Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Clean Water Act by EPA - Research Paper Example In United States, nearly all manufacturing companies discharge their wastewater or storm water. Such emissions and discharges are extensively regulated by EPA in collaboration with federal and state authorities through programs of standards and permits under the Clean Water Act (CWA) (Garrett, 2003, p.1). Federal Water Pollution Control Act or Clean Water Act is the primary law that regulates pollution aspects of nation's surface waters. First enacted in 1948, it was modified by 1972 amendments. The 1972 legislation specified programs for water quality improvement. Since its enactment, the law is continuously modified and implemented by industries and municipalities. Congress made amendments in 1977, brushed up some parts in 1981, and expanded the law with further amendments in 1987 (Copeland, 2010, p.1).This paper briefly explores the Clean Water Act initiated by EPA. Background During late 1950s and 1960s, water pollution control programs were based on four laws that modified the 1 948 statute. Primarily, these laws addressed federal assistance to municipal dischargers and federal enforcement programs. Within this time period, federal role and jurisdiction was expanded to navigable interstate and intrastate waters. In 1965, water quality standards were incorporated in the law, requiring states to establish interstate water standards which would be utilized to assess pollution levels and control requirements. By the late 1960s, it was a common perception that not only enforcement procedures were time-consuming but water quality standard approach was also defective. Moreover, there were increasing concerns over the slow progress of pollution cleanup and lacking implementation of increasingly developed technologies. Such perceptions and increasing public interest in environmental protection led to the 1972 amendments. The 1972 statute established new laws rather than building on basic elements of prior laws. The statute established optimistic and promising goals: all municipal and industrial wastewater treatment before the discharge into waterways, better and restructured enforcement, and enhanced federal assistance for municipal treatment plant construction. It also extended the federal role and ensured that individual states fulfill their responsibility for day-to-day implementation of the law (Copeland, 2010, p.2). Prime Objectives The 1972 legislation announced that its prime objective is to restore and sustain the chemical, physical, and biological reliability of the nation's waters. Some other major objectives included zero emission of pollutants by 1985 and, where possible, maintenance of water quality as fishable and swimmable by mid-1983. Despite the fact that these dates have passed, the goals and efforts to achieve them remain (Copeland, 2010, p.2). Overview of the Law Clean Water Act (CWA) forms the basic structure for the regulation of pollutants discharge into waters of the United States and for maintenance of surface waters q uality standards. The basic CWA was implemented in 1948 and called Federal Water Pollution Control Act, but it was widely acknowledged and expanded in 1972. EPA has implemented pollution control programs under Clean Water Act such as establishing water standards for industries and quality standard for all contaminants in surface waters. The CWA has established that any kind of pollutant discharge from a certain source into passable waters is illegal, unless the discharger has a permit. National Pollutant Discharge
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Modern Democracies Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Modern Democracies - Research Paper Example This means, in communities that act by voting, that rule belongs to the majority, as no other method has been found for determining peaceably and legally what is to be deemed the will of a community which is not unanimous†(Bryce, and Bryce 20). Keeping in accord to this definition if the modern systems of governance are followed, mainly two types of approaches towards democracy can be found, namely: multi partisan and bipartisan. In a democratic system as the common people have the sole authority to select the government by their voting power, thus, depending on their political ideology, creed, and dependence on political system parties are formed and they aim at functioning as the representatives of common people in the context of conveying their requirements to the government. In a bipartisan political structure as that of the United States the nature of democracy is determined by two major parties. The incidents of fraud in election had a major role to play in leading the U nited States political scenario to adopt the bipartisan structure. ... However, since mid 1980s several neo-liberal reforms were implemented quite in accordance with multi-ethnic, multi-lingual and multi-cultural demography of Brazil. The multi-cultural demography of the nation played one of the most important roles in the genesis of multi-partisan political structure and consequently provided the common people of the nation with freedom of choice so that urgent reforms can be introduced in different domains of the democratic existence within the Brazilian political context (Lemanski-Valente 89-90). Thesis Statement: The approach towards democracy in both bipartisan and multi-partisan system is to a great extent dependent on political culture of the respective nations. However, in respective system, approach towards democracy generates certain issues that will be focused with adequate attention on the structure of the United States of America (bipartisan) and Brazil (multi-partisan). The issues in approaching democracy from countries with bipartisan str ucture (such as the United States): The bipartisan structure of the United States received greatest challenge in late 1980s in approaching democracy once the Cold War was over. Ensuring democracy to the U.S. citizens became highly difficult during this time as the Cold War aftermath period was jeopardized by three major factors, namely wide spread of the liberal economic principles due to capitulation of the Soviet Union as well as of the communism; increasing economic interdependence among nations that was considered to be incompatible with traditional ideals of national sovereignty; and finally, the challenge over national sovereignty within the national itself due to negative impacts of
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Grand Alliance after World War II Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Grand Alliance after World War II - Essay Example The seeds of suspicion sown on both sides and the anxieties of a cooperative post-war worldview resulted in the exaggerated misinterpretation of the motivations of the adversarial ideologies. At the foundation of the split in the Grand Alliance was the mutual fear that each adversary had expansionist policies as its driving force behind their foreign policy. While the Soviets professed a desire for coexistence and cooperation, the West discounted these attitudes and instead focused on Soviet demands for influence in the Near East, Middle East, and Far East (Roberts 21). The United States held the position that the Soviets had a program designed and driven by their goal of world domination. With the post-war Soviet encroachment into Eastern Europe, Kennan's policy of containment had realigned British and American thinking to accept a more aggressive policy of rollback. By the end of 1946, Truman and Attlee were both in agreement that the Soviet Union " posed a direct threat to Western interests and were agreed on the pressing need to modify Soviet behaviour" (White 35). The United States and Britain discounted the ability to negotiate with the Soviets. Soviet statements a nd activities promoting themselves as an equal partner were interpreted as expansionist and aggressive. Stalin was Stalin was also suspicious of the West's motivations and interpreted their foreign policy as being designed to dominate the world stage and the Soviet Union. At the foundation of this mistrust was the atomic bomb and the West's refusal to share nuclear technology. Stalin understood the implications of possessing the atomic bomb, and the fact that the Americans and British had kept it a secret prompted the Soviets to embark on an intense program to develop their own nuclear technology triggering the beginnings of a nuclear standoff (Zubok and Pleshakov 44-45). Stalin would not accept being anything less than an equal partner in the Grand Alliance and was willing to postpone any premature confrontations before getting the bomb. This put the Soviets into the position of retuning to the old Leninist model of igniting revolutions in Iran, Greece, and elsewhere aimed at increasing communist influence and providing the USSR with greater national security (Zubok and Pleshakov 45). Stalin's a ctivities were a response to the unrealistic perception of the threat that the West posed to the Soviets. The mutual suspicions and reactionary fears on both sides began during the war and were a product of wartime necessity. At the heart of the situation was the division of Europe and the Soviet influence in the Eastern satellite countries. The political landscape in Europe was born out of the realities of providing security in Europe during the war. Wartime agreements among the Grand Alliance had given political control of Eastern Europe to the Red Army as a means of providing security for the region during the war and had been bolstered by the growing impact of the communist party in these countries during the post-war period (Roberts 18). By March, 1946 former Prime Minister Churchill was denouncing the growing Soviet influence and gave a speech in Fulton Missouri which coined the phrase 'iron curtain' (Roberts 14). While there was still a spirit of cooperation among the Alliance, the policy of mistrust was
Friday, July 26, 2019
Multicultural Issues in Human Communication Essay
Multicultural Issues in Human Communication - Essay Example The fact is that many African American students are facing academic problems due to their inability to speak and fully comprehend standard English and, therefore, the use of AAVE as a language of instruction during the transitional stage towards learning standard English, will improve the academic performance of these students and teach them standard English fluency. There are several dialect within American English. As Pei (1958) explains, the coexistance of two or more languages, each fulfilling different purposes, or the same one, is as old as language itself. According to Pei (1958), AAVE is the most widely spoken of these dialects in the United States and its use, as a tool in language instruction, will not threaten Standard English. Indeed, the use of Ebonics as a language of instruction in the transitional stage towards teaching African American students fluency in Standard English, will strengthen, and not threaten, the linguistic unity in the United States. ... The implication here is that the adoption of AAVE will not threaten standard English but can positively contribute to the acquisition of fluency in it. The academic performance of African American students illustrates that there is linguistic disunity in the United States. This can be solved through the use of AAVE as a tool for eliminating the language barriers that exist between blacks and whites. AAVE will not only improve the Standard English linguistic skills of African American students, leading to better academic performance but, will give white teachers the ability to understand their black students as students and not as black students, distinguished from the whites by more than colour. The social psychologists, Williams and Whitehead (1973) have observed that African American children are stereotyped according to whether they speak AAVE or Standard English, creating a communication problem between the student and the teacher. The teacher is unable to objectively evaluate the child and the child becomes nonresponsive to the teacher. As Williams and Whitehead (1973) report subjects listened to dialogues spoken in different d ialects and described the personality of the speaker accordingly. Non-English, or non-standard English speakers were given negative personality characteristics. The authors argue that it is, therefore, important to teach teachers what AAVE is and to help them understand it as a valid dialect and not jump to the conclusion that those who speak it are of poor intelligence, come from poor backgrounds, live in violent neighborhoods and are not very interested in school. Williams and Whitehead (1973) also point out that this attitude is clearly communicated to the African American students and becomes an obstacle to academic
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Report outlining the major stages & variables of Business Relationship Literature review
Report outlining the major stages & variables of Business Relationship development (BRD) - Literature review Example Any organization specialising in the production of a particular goods has a number of supplier who supplies raw materials and equipments to the company. Thus, stages for widening supplier relationships are the focus of the current study. This report gives insights into the essential steps and ideas required in attaining an effective supply chain management strategy in the concerned DIY furniture company. The concept of business relationship management deals with linking the organization with various stakeholders in order to fulfil business requirements as efficiently as possible (Krause et al. 2007). In order to develop a new supplier relationship, organizations like DIY furniture provider, can implement the supplier relationship model. The Supplier Relationship Model (SRM) consists of planning and maintaining a constructive relationship with the suppliers who supply materials and goods to the business (Hakansson, 1982). SRM is a part of supply chain management that provides major focus on developing and nourishing a strong relationship with the organizational suppliers. As per the model, when a business communicates with its suppliers, it needs to manage its entire supply chain in an efficient manner. Buying SRM software is a good option to start. Apart from that, there are four other stages that can be taken into account to build a good partnership with the suppliers and increase an overall organizational performance. In order to develop a good supplier relationship, business organizer can purchase Supply Chain Management Software (SCMS) that contains features of SRM or apps (Wilson, 1995). This type of software includes invaluable features to perform a task of building a good relationship, such as deifying and accommodating new suppliers, monitoring supplier’s performance, providing all suppliers’s updated business profile etc. This software helps to keep
The Impact of Motivation on English Language Learning Research Paper
The Impact of Motivation on English Language Learning - Research Paper Example Although it is widely documented that motivation is a proven means to success in language learning, several countries, like the Gulf States, remain reluctant to cultivate learners’ motivation to learn a second language due to several reasons. Therefore, this research paper analyses the impact of motivation on English language learning. Introduction Motivation has been broadly recognised by scholars, researchers, and teachers as one of the major variables that determine the level and success of second language learning (SLA). As emphasised by Dornyei (2001), â€Å"teacher skills in motivating learners should be seen as central to teaching effectiveness†(P. 116). Motivated learners are enthusiastic, eager to work hard, concentrate on the tasks given, do not require constant encouragement, willingly confront challenges, and could even motivates others, facilitating collaborative learning. The early attempt to understand the impact of motivation on English language learnin g stems from the field of social psychology (Gu, 2009). This research paper analyses the impact of motivation on English language learning in terms of the various motivational theories. The motivation of learners greatly affects their willingness to take part in the process of learning. Numerous studies have reported the importance of viewing the concept of motivation as a multifaceted phenomenon. Oxford and Shearin (1994) have examined a number of motivational theories and six variables that influence motivation in language learning (Al-Bustan & Al-Bustan, 2009, S454): Attitudes (i.e. sentiments towards the target language). Beliefs about self (i.e. expectations about one’s attitudes to succeed, self-efficiency, and anxiety). Goals (perceived clarity and relevance of learning goals as reasons for learning). Involvement (i.e. extent to which the learner actively and consciously participates in the learning process). Environmental support (i.e. extent of teacher and peer suppo rt). Personnel attributes (i.e. aptitude, and language learning experience). As argued by Pit Corder, â€Å"given motivation, it is inevitable that a human being will learn a second language if he is exposed to the language data†(Dornyei & Ushioda, 2009, 1). This statement was given four decades ago and, from then on, numerous theroetical perspectives and studies investigating the multifaceted nature of motivation and its impact on second language learning have emerged. At the same time, the world has also witnessed the growth of globalisation, European reconstruction, the demise of communism, extensive economic and political migration, greater mobility, and the rapid development of media technologiesâ€â€all contributing to the relentless pace of global English (McKay, 2002). In other words, over the recent decades the world has transformed dramaticallyâ€â€it is currently distinguished by sociocultural and linguistic flexibility and diversity, where language learning , identity, and ethnicity have become multifaceted contemporary subject matters and the focus of considerable attention in the field of sociolinguistic. However, it is only recently that those engaged in the field of second language learning motivation have actually started to investigate what this evolving global phenomena may suggest for how scholars conceptualise the motivation to acquire proficiently in global English as second language for individuals wanting to gain global recognition or identity (Shafaei & Nejati, 2008). In other words, motivation
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
National Response Framework Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
National Response Framework - Assignment Example NRF provides guidelines on how a country should respond to any types of disasters and emergencies regardless of the intensities. It’s pegged on flexible, scalable and adaptable concepts identifiable by the national incident management system to align key roles and responsibilities across the nation. Terrorism is a global problem that requires advanced preparedness and management. Terrorism is characterized by mass destruction that include fatal injuries, death and destruction of properties. Terrorist are not afraid of death and they rejoice when they kill as many innocent civilians as possible. In this regard, the best strategy of combating terrorism is prevention strategies as opposed to reactionary strategies. This is why National Response Framework plays a vital role in combating terrorism. Well, terrorists do not operate in a vacuum society. In this regard, there is an extensive intelligence report that there will be a coordinated terrorism plan to use improvised explosives devices (IED) to detonate bombs at major USA city’s sports arena. According to the intelligence source, the attack will occur in Inglewood Sports Arena during the much awaited CA the Forum. The Forum usually attracts comprising at least 10, 000 spectators. The large number is mostly due to high profile people that attend the Forum and economic benefits attached to it. The Forum will occur for 3 days starting on 15th March 2015 and ending at 17th March 2015. The date of the attack is not specific but is believed that since the forum will be 15th and 17th, the attack is likely to occur on either dates. The threat is a well-coordinated activities. According to the intelligence, 3-5 suicide bombers will stage themselves in arena with an aim of detonating the bombs to cause mass panic and evacuat ion of the arena of the forum. The second attack will involve 1-2 large vehicle bombs (LVB) in a parking facility near entertainment complex. On the third attack will involve a series of
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Unauthorized Sale Of Starbucks In Japan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Unauthorized Sale Of Starbucks In Japan - Essay Example Previous record of the company indicates that, 'a customer would buy at any given time was 66 cases and majority of the buyers would only buy 1 to 11 cases to an order' (Black Market Sale). Black Market has been real issue for the brands of international standards and repute. IN the case of Star Bucks, the brand although is not considered to be brand of international repute, however the product of the company has been black marketed, it was reported to the company's scheduler through an email that the product of the company were being sold unofficially in Japan, the informer was official of brand protection for Beam Global, the function of the protection company was to keep an eye on the sales of different products in the international market, and in case of any malpractice, the practice was reported to the company authority. Star Bucks was although selling its brand to different countries, but it was surprisingly to observe that the products of company was being sold in Japan, a country where the company never distributed its product. It was reported to the company's official that, different products of the company including Starbuck Coffee and Cream Liqueur that were being produced in company's private industrial unit in Frankfurt, were being sold in Japan illegally. The company has previously no direct contact with any of the distributor in Japan, and the company was not authorized to sell or market their product in Japan, it was therefore complete interference in the company's production and distribution department, and it was doubted that the company's personal authority and black marketer must have purported the plan and execution of this illegal practice. The company official had the task to revamp the case and locate the responsible official or means involved in this malpractice. The case of the company was personally handled by the scheduler. COURSE OF ACTION After the intimidation of the corrupt practices with reference to the distribution on the product in the unauthorized region, the scheduler ceased the production facility of those particular brands on immediate notice. The scheduler took the Plant Manager and the Manager Operations into confidence prior to taking any such step, and all steps were taken after taking both the controlling authorities into confidence. The company officials stopped all production facilities, and instructed the employees not to involve or associate themselves into any production related activity for short period of time. The company officials decided to review the previous shipment lists for the particular interval, during which the email was sent. The employees were requested to involve themselves into gathering and maintaining the lists of all the shipments that have been made by the company to their local and international customers. The company officials wanted to apply this method so as to trace whether shipment to Japan has been made on record or not. EVALUATION OF THE COURSE OF ACTION
Monday, July 22, 2019
James Dickey Essay Example for Free
James Dickey Essay James Dickey (1923 1997) is one of the outstanding modern American poets. His criticism provides a scope of ideas on what humanity has gained throughout the twentieth century. His viewpoint is likely to amaze an observer by constant critical notes on what is universally called â€Å"amenities of life.†Thus, the figure of James Dickey cannot be underestimated in terms of his poetical style and criticism of perpetually developing progressive life of the mankind during the twentieth century. His inclinations to make people understand the charms of primitivism and animalism were straightforward. He could put his reasoning over the entire life through the eyes of animals and nature. Thus, the environmental problem of humanity and morality worried him much. It is reflected in his poetry by making emphasis on the significance of return to the nature in order to think like a â€Å"child of nature.†Dickey’s main motivation for claiming the importance of return to primitivism was not spontaneous. He had got through participation in World War II and Korean War (Thesing and Wrede 151). In this respect the poet was highly depressed by losing his older brother. In fact, it turned into a cycle of poems on the main themes of family, survival, spiritual rebirth, love, war and some other (Vaughan 115). With multiple poems included in the compilation The Whole Motion, Dickey described war as the source for cruelty and disfigured estimation of humanity at large (Thesing and Wrede 153). In this very collection one embraces the evolution of Dickey as a poet. The author followed a specific for Modernism feature of the stream-of-consciousness technique. He introduced it in personal evaluation of human civilization, as a self-destructing unity of people. Moreover, Dickey was trying to make a set of interrelated topics interwoven in terms of their collision and approach toward the concept of a â€Å"natural man.†Attacking the problem of civilization, James Dickey is likely to blame world’s progress on the example of his best-known poem The Firebombing: The enemy-colored skin of families Determines to hold its color In sleep, as my hand turns whiter Than ever, clutches the toggle – The ship shakes bucks Fire hangs not yet fire In the air above Beppu For I am fulfilling An ‘anti-morale’ raid upon it (Kendall 511). Based on this single excerpt from the poem, Dickey brings the main problem of the mankind to notice. It is grounded on misunderstanding of where the edge between morality and violence takes place. The author perceives an enormous and ominous power of violence supported by humanity. He understands personal helplessness. Thus, he had no choice but to reflect his rumination in the form of a holistic criticism of the civilization and its consequences. Hence, Dickey is constantly critiquing civilization, and it feels like he never repeated the same theme colored by a banal estimation. It is also included into The Sheep Child. His poetic language was easy to comprehend. Thus, the readers and followers can easily take Dickey as he is. As a matter of fact, born in Atlanta, Georgia, Dickey was loosely related to the concept of nature as he lived, studied, and worked for some period of time in the south of the USA (OBriant 158). His â€Å"southern†origin and what he once experienced in person gave him motivation for teaching the audience being glowering toward what the civilized life had fallen into (James Dickey 1). In this respect the primitivism and the concept of the â€Å"natural man†are the paramount alternatives represented in his poetry.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Radioisotopes: Properties and Uses
Radioisotopes: Properties and Uses Introduction to radioisotopes All matter is made up from elements as carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. The smallest part of each element which is identical to one another is called an atom. Atoms can be further divided into three substructures which is proton, electron and neutron. The atoms of different elements differ in these three substructures. The number of protons in each atom of a particular element is called the atomic number or the proton number, Z. The nuclei of an atom contain neutrons as well as protons. The mass of an atom is almost entirely due to the protons and neutrons. Thus the mass number, A is the total number of protons plus neutrons which is also known as nucleon number. Isotopes refer to the same element having different mass number. The different in mass number will have the isotopes to share the similar chemical properties but differ in physical properties. For instance, chlorine occur naturally as 35Cl and 37Cl. Figure 1: Atomic notation Isotopes occur naturally and artificially. They can either be in stable or unstable condition. Most of the isotopes which occur in nature are stable. The forces within their nuclei are sufficient to keep the protons and neutrons in the same arrangement indefinitely. However, a few naturally occurring isotopes and almost all man made ones are unstable. Unstable nuclei can change in to a more stable arrangements by releasing energy and different types of particles. The energy and particles emitted is called radioactive decay. The particular isotopes of elements with nuclei that can undergo radioactive decay are called radioisotopes. The amount of energy and the types of particles released are measure by using Geiger counter and photographic film. Radioisotopes cover a very wide range of usage including in energy generation, industries, food processing, medical field and agriculture. Table 1: Examples of natural occurring and man-made radioisotopes Types of radioisotopes Element Isotope Natural occuring Chlorine Chlorine-35, Chlorine-37 Man-made Promethium promethium-146 Application of radioisotope technology in Malaysia 2.1 Gamma Radiography One of the application of radioisotopes in Malaysia is in the Gamma radiography technology. Gamma Radiography behave in much the same way as x-rays screen baggage at airports. But in contrast to the bulky machine needed to produce x-rays, all that is needed to radiate gamma rays is a small pellet of radioactive material in a sealed capsule made of titanium. The capsule is placed on one side of the object to be screened while a photographic film is placed on the other side. Just like x-rays, gamma rays pass through the object and projects an image to the film. Similar to x-rays that show a break in a bone, gamma rays show flaws or empty spaces in metal castings or welded joints. The technique makes inspection for internal defects without damage involving critical components possible. The sources for Gamma rays are usually more portable than x-ray equipment so they possess a clear advantage in certain applications such as in remote areas. In contrast to x-ray sources that emit a broad band of radiation, gamma sources emit at most a few discrete wavelengths. Gamma sources may also have much higher energy than all but cost cheaper than x-ray equipment thus providing an advantage for such radiography. Gamma radiography is also used in an oil or gas pipeline where special film is taped over the weld around the outside of the pipe. An equipment called pipe crawler has a shielded radioactive source down from the inside of the pipe to the position of the weld. Along the pipe line, the radioactive source is exposed producing a radiographic image of the on the film. The film is later developed to images and further examined for signs of potential flaws in the weld. X-ray equipment can only be used when electric power is available and the object to be x-rayed is small and mobile enough to be taken to the x-ray source and radiographed. Radioisotopes have bigger advantage in that sense because they can be taken to the site to examine an object and no external power is needed. The only drawback is that they cannot be simply turned off thus the equipment must be properly shielded during application. Different types of isotopes are used for different situation. Examples of radioisotopes used in gamma radiography are ytterbium-169 to test material up to 15 mm thick and light alloys to 45 mm and iridium-192 to test material 12 to 60 mm thick and light alloys up to 190 mm. 2.2 Gauging The radiation that originated from radioisotopes will have its intensity reduced by the material between the radioactive source the detector. Detectors are designed to measure the magnitude of the reduction. As the result, the same principle is able to be used to gauge the presence or the absence and even to measure the quantity and density of objects between the source and a detector. One of the advantage in using radioisotopes in gauging or measurement is the zero contact with the material being gauged. A huge list of processing industries is making use of fixed gauges to control the flow of materials in production line utilizing radioisotopes technology. The height of the coal in a container that is used to carry coal is able to be determined by using high energy gamma sources at different heights along one side with detectors directed across the load thus registering the breaking of the beam causing the coal in the container to level. This type of gauge is one of the most common industrial applications of radioisotopes. Equipment used in plastic film manufacturing utilize radioisotope gauging using beta particles to measure and control the thickness of the plastic film produced. The film is rolled at high speed between the radioactive source and its detector to control the plastic film thickness. Beta gauges are used to control the paper thickness at speeds of up to 400 ms-1 in paper manufacture lines. While the intensity of radiation radiated from a radioisotope is reduced by material in the radiation beam some extra radiation is reflected back to the source of radiation. The amount of reflected radiation depends to the amount of material in the radiation beam thus can be used to measure characteristics of the material. This application of radioisotopes is used in measuring various types of coating thicknesses. Americium-241 is among the common use of radioisotopes in gauges. 2.3 Insect Control In Malaysia, crop destruction by insects is reaching to about 10% of the total harvest nationwide. Chemical based insecticides have been the usual weapon for years in effort to minimize these losses yet they have not been very effective. This is due to some insects have grew resistant to the insecticides applied as well as some of them leave harmful residues on plants. Sterilizing insects is one solution making use of radioisotopes. The radioisotopes technology in pest control called Sterile Insect Technique or short formed as Sterile Insect Technique comprising huge numbers of insects involving a process to irradiate their eggs using gamma radiation before they hatch to sterilise the insects. The sterile male insects will then be released in huge numbers in the areas of infestation. This ensure that there are no offspring are produced when they mate. The repeated releases of sterilised males to the area caused the population of the insect in the affected area is tremendously reduced. Several Sterile Insect Technique operations have been implemented in Malaysia involving common paddy pest like brown plant hopper that was then declared a complete success. A very successful Sterile Insect Technique campaign was extended to aedes mosquito leading to health benefits to humans. Some of the livestock are unable to be farmed as a result of the tsetse fly which has parasite trypanosome inside their body causing the sleeping sickness disease on cattle. Thanks to the application of radioisotopes in pest controls this situation is starting to change. Three United Nation organizations that is the IAEA, the FAO and the World Health Organisation (WHO) are promoting this radioisotopes technology in many other countries. 2.4 Food Preservation A major amount of food harvested in Malaysia is lost because of spoilage caused by microbes and pests. In a hungry world it’s a luxury we cannot afford. The reduction of food spoilage due to infestation is very important. It is imperative in Malaysia with hot and humid climates throughout the year that favour the survival of microbes and pest. This grave situation lead to the use of irradiation technology in food preservation. This radioisotopes technology is widely used in over 40 countries where health authorities have approved the use of irradiation involving more than 60 kinds of food ranging from spices, grains, fruit, vegetables and meat. Irradiation is able to replace the use of hazardous chemical to eliminate insects from infesting dried fruit, grain, legumes, and spices. Besides to reduce spoilage after harvesting, application of food irradiation is driven by risks about food-borne diseases as well as rapidly increasing international trade in food stocks which ought to meet certain standards of quality. On our nation recent trip into space, our astronauts also eat foods preserved by irradiation technology. Food irradiation is done by exposing high levels of gamma radiation to raw foods to kills bacteria and other hazardous microorganisms without reducing the nutritional value of food itself. This is so far the only way of destroying bacterial pathogens in raw and frozen food. Recommendation of radioisotope applications for country that lacks natural resources 3.1 Gamma Radiography Under the effort of making full use of radioisotopes technology in in under developed countries, gamma radiography is one of the considered technique. Being a country with limited resources, it is the utmost importance not to waste even a particle of available resources. This is mainly highly applicable in the production line in industries such as mills as well as gas and petroleum pipe lines. By introducing gamma radiography in industries, there will be an optimum usage of resources. That can be done by minimizing the waste of resources mainly related to the maintenance of production line. The use of gamma radiography over x-rays devices to identify the flaws in the production line is able to reduce the maintenance cost. Maintenance involving a remote equipment such as gas and petroleum pipeline can also be done much easier and cost wise by utilizing radiography technology. This will boost the undergoing development effort in developing under developed countries by two main strategy that is optimum usage of resources and cost efficient maintenance line. 3.2 Insect Control Limited food reserve is a critical problem that should be addressed involving under developed countries. Starvation has become the number one killer for many decades in under developed countries especially in Africa region. This has something to do with the poor food and resources management as well as the invasion of crop and plants by insects. Not only insects play a major role in causing starvation, they also affect the declining of health quality of a country by spreading fatal sickness such as malaria. The use of radioisotopes in a technique called Sterile Insect Technique or also known as SIT will be able to reduce starvation in under developed countries from a higher level of perspective. In conjunction to the effort of other countries to continue providing aid in food material by sending raw food material and improving health quality by sending respective vaccine to the under developed countries, the country itself has to come up with a more effective way to come out of these problem in the long run. The introduction to Sterile Insect Technique might be a good start. This technique without doubt will have positive impacts in reducing the number of crop destroying and diseases carrying insects tremendously. 3.3 Food Preservation Being able to harvest crop is one thing, while the ability to have the stock preserved for a long run use is another different thing. The inability to preserve food stock in an efficient way will only cause a major food spoilage before they can even be distributed to the citizen. By implementing the use of radioisotopes technology to preserve food using irradiation technique help to prevent food spoilage from happening providing an extra amount of effective time for the food to reach its respective consumers. As a result, consumers has better access to ready stock food as well as contribute to the positive impact in reducing starvation in under developed countries. Irradiation technique cover another aspect beside food preservation that is eliminating the risk of food borne diseases to be spread among the consumers. Exposure of gamma radiation to food has more positive impact besides extending food lifespan itself. It also indirectly improve the health quality of the citizen by avoiding unnecessary diseases that might come together with the food consumed. Impacts of radioisotopes application 4.1 Gamma Radiography The technology involving radioisotopes application in gamma radiography equipment has its own benefits mainly to the industries. This including the reduction of cost in buying gamma radiography equipment over x-ray machine. Cost reduction can also be related to the need of external electrical power by x-ray machine as compare to gamma radiography equipment that does not require power to operate. Gamma radiography has also makes the maintenance process much easier by eliminating the need to dismantle production line machine component to identify flaws. The use of gamma radiography has minimal risk to the industry. The worst case to happen is the exposure to the staff operating the maintenance and inspection procedure. Exposure to gamma radiation may lead to the degeneration of health depends on the level amount of exposure received. To prevent this, the standard in manufacturing the sources of gamma radiation must be controlled. That of course to make sure the use of titanium case as the main material for radioactive capsules. Radiation suit must also be worn by maintenance staff at all times while operating such procedures. 4.2 Insect Control Sterile Insect Technique or SIT has been proven effective in controlling insect population which has greatly contributed in improving crops production as well as reducing the number of health cases related to diseases carrying insects. The use of radioisotopes technology over conventional chemical insecticides also reduce the risk of hazardous chemical substance. This provide a much cleaner pest and insect control mechanism mainly in agriculture. While SIT continue to carry such good reputation in agriculture, there has been some debate that the radiation might spread to general population not only affecting insects but also to the environment where the insects are released at. In contrary to that concern, the use of SIT is a calculated risk that ensure a zero harm to the environment. This was made sure by thorough research programmes to select the most suitable radioisotopes to be used in agriculture. The main criteria of radioisotopes used is the rate of half-life cycle and the minimal impact to the environment. Plus, the sterilization takes place in a controlled lab involving the exposure of radiation to the insects before it hatches. The insect will only be released to designed areas after they hatches and at the end of the half life cycle. 4.1 Food Preservation Food irradiation has become the most reliable way of preserving food. In contrary to other preservation method, food irradiation does not alter the taste and the structure of the preserved food. Irradiation also covers a very wide range of food including meat, grains and vegetables. Plus, food radiation also kill potential harmful microorganism that might harm human health. Like any other radioisotopes applications, irradiation has cause some concern to the society. One of the issues that came up is whether or not the radioisotopes used will affect ones who consume food preserved by irradiation. Radiation poisoning can be fatal to human thus elevating the number of people questioning the reliability of this technology. Little that they know that the technique is a result of numerous trials and research and decades of development before it was approved to be used in food preservation. Irradiation uses a safe amount of radiation which has already been proved harmless to human. Apart of the health issue posed by irradiation, this particular method of food preservation also has limitation on extending food lifespan. This related to the application involving meat preservation which still need a proper refrigeration to stay fresh. Conclusion Radioisotopes has been very beneficial to mankind. The application cover a wide range of field including gamma radiography, insect control and food preservation. Since the application of radioisotopes in atomic bomb, this technology were regarded as the most promising application of our new knowledge of the atom. Venturing into new fields come together with substantial risks. Risks due to our ignorance of what and how it should be used as well as risks due to the lack ethical values in developing radioisotopes technology. It is up to us to make full use of this great technology without diverging from our concern in ethics and scientific values.
Voltaires Candide: Analysis of Tragedy and Humour
Voltaires Candide: Analysis of Tragedy and Humour Tragic Humor: Realism and Comedy as Satirical Tools in Voltaires Candide There are few chapters in Voltaires classic satire Candide that are wholly comedic; in truth, it seems there are fewer still that do not throw light on the tragic degradation, destruction, and immorality of a humanity fed on others misery. An optimist, the character of Candide should contrast directly the pessimism and unhappiness of the world around him. However, even his interactions and experiences do little, in reality, to combat an image of a cold and cruel world. This is, of course, at the root of Voltaires satirical genius. Candide is captured into the service of the Bulgarians, finds that his love, Mademoiselle Cunegondes family has been torn apart, she herself raped and almost killed, sold from one man to another until she can maintain her fortunes as a mistress to powerful men. Voltaires Candide experiences a reality that is chaotic in its duality, with not one faction of his life seeming safe or unalterable. Through the people he encounters and the ways in which they cope and shoulder the tragedy and gifts of their lives with equal aplomb, Candides struggle is edged with a wry humor. This humor works with the harshness of the reality to lend a human perspective to the political and social issues Voltaire seeks to satirize. It is difficult to pinpoint any one large instance of humor in Candide, quite simply because the humor is of a smaller nature. Instead it works to compliment the adventures of Candide, as he crisscrosses the world while drawing on and underlining the inequalities and tragedies of societys institutions. At the beginning of his travels, Candide still believes naively in the philosophy of his old teacher, Pangloss. This philosophy believes that, since everything is made for an end, everything is necessarily for the best end (Voltaire 521). Candide and Panglosss other pupils are soon confronted by the atrocities of the world death, destruction, rape, and deception and yet seem to largely still cling fondly to the memory and philosophy of their naively optimistic teacher. It is only after losing everything and hearing the tales of the others that Candide begins to see the folly in this philosophy. Through the humor laced encounters and near and absolute tragedy, Voltaire illustrates the resilience of humanity through such characters as the old woman who cares for Candide after he has been flogged by the Inquisition. The old woman has been through combinations of terror degradation that should have reduced her humanity but instead have created. The optimism inherent to Panglosss version of fate undermines the truth of life and glosses over pain and tragedy as part of a larger universal plan. However, the humor which peppers the old womans story, the Princess of Palestrina, shows the hypocrisy of the systems of society which propagates this ideal. A prime example of this humor is the womans description of her abduction by Morocco pirates. Our soldiers defended themselves as papal troops usually do; falling on their knees and throwing down their arms, they begged of the corsair absolution. (535). The image presented is meant to be both humorous and illustrative of the illusion of religion and social position. Though the family of the Pope, the old woman and the other women aboard are abandoned to the whim of the pirates. Neither their religious affiliation, social rank, money nor beauty are able to protect them from being murdered, and in the case of the old woman sold from broker to broker having in one instance one buttock sliced off to prevent herself from being cannibalized. While the woman has in some ways accepted her lot in life, showing complicity that is at the root of such institutionalized systems that promote obedience and blind acceptance, her humor lends to Voltaire overall satire on the notion of happiness as an abstracted ideal. Having suffered innumerable tragedies throughout her long life, the old woman notes, a hundred times I wanted to kill myself, but always I loved life more(538). This ridiculous weakness is perhaps the most disastrous of our inclinations; for is their anything sillier than to desire to bear continually a burden one always wishes to throw on the ground (538). While it is supportive, in her expression of it here, of Candides own optimism it still belies a realism that there is little in her tragedy that can or has been justified by man or God. She has suffered and in her suffering has sought to hold onto the brief victories and happiness that she has attained. Her point is later echoed by Candide when in explaining the i dea of optimism to Cacambo he shows that his own blind belief in the abstract of happiness preached by Pangloss is more madness than reality. In viewing the upset of Candides very notion of life through a harsh and dramatized realism, Voltaire leads the reader to Candides own conclusions. Humor works with this realism to act as a springboard for insinuations against the institutions and conventions that have created and prolonged some of the greatest miseries in the world. Voltaire, Francois-Marie Aronet de. Candide. The Norton Anthology of World Literature: 1650 to 1800. Ed. Sarah Lawall, et al. 2nd ed. Vol. D. New York: W.W. Norton Co., 2001. 520-582.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
To Kill A Mocking Bird :: To Kill a Mockingbird Essays
To Kill a Mockingbird is set in Maycomb County, an imaginary district in southern Alabama. The time is the years of the Great Depression in the United States. The mood of the novel is mostly light and humorous, especially when talking about the children’s antics. However, another mood throughout the novel is somber and calm, because come important issues are being valued and dealt with. Atticus’ dealings with the blacks, the negative attitudes of some other members of the community, the trial of Tom Robinson and his gruesome end, depicts a seriousness and a grave reconsideration of accepted beliefs, which is expected of the readers by the author. Atticus Finch, the father of Scout and Jem, is a highly respected and responsible citizen of Maycomb County. An attorney by profession, he has always tried to instill good values and a sense of moral in his children. Jem is a true brother to Scout, helping her out of scrapes, escorting her to school and back, guiding her at times and comforting her in general. When he is given money to buy something for himself, he buys a gift for Scout too. When he finds out that Scout has eaten the gum found in the knothole of the oak tree, he insists that she gargle her throat. When she muddles up her role in the pageant and is mortified, Jem is the one to console her. He displays much genuine concern and consideration in dealing with his unruly sister. Scout, because of her age, and being the youngest in the family, is impulsive by nature and extremely emotional too. She unthinkingly rushes into fights and scrapes, cries when her ego is hurt and is generally is rash in her actions. Conflict- The protagonist of the novel is Atticus Finch, who is the prime initiator and coordinator of various events in the novel. In his involvement with the poor whites of the community, like Walter Cunningham, as well as the deprived blacks, like Tom Robinson, he is portrayed as a just, sincere and a greatly considerate human being. He has clear-cut values and beliefs, and it is his sincere wish that his children too grow up with a broad outlook and an unprejudiced way of thinking. He is indifferent to what others have to say or think about his actions, and he is steadfast in his beliefs of equality and liberty. Bob Ewell serves as the antagonist villain in the novel, with his laid-back way of living and the utter disregard he has for other human beings.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Comparing the Impact of Darwin on Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and She Essay
The Impact of Darwin on Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and She Who Must Be Obeyed    Imagine what would happen if everything you believed to be true was suddenly challenged. How would you feel if the solid rock bottom of your religious and cultural beliefs turned into a slippery slope of doubt? Such was the dilemma the Victorians faced with the publication of Darwin's Origin of the Species.  The questioning of man's origin in the form of evolution and survival of the fittest brought an uneasy feeling as to man's place within the hierarchy of the universe. Darwin's theory that mankind was evolved from apes and not created by a divine being shocked civilized society. The comparisons between civilized and uncivilized behavior linked through evolution is a predominant theme throughout Victorian literature.            Through the writings of this era, we can see the preoccupation with the cultural conflict between evolution and creationism. In The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Robert Louis Stevenson introduces us to the concept that the beast within us all lies very close to the surface. He explores the dual personality and the constant battle waged within oneself between civilized and uncivilized behavior. In his full statement of the case, Dr. Jekyll states, "But I had voluntarily stripped myself of all those balancing instincts by which even the worst of us continues to walk with some degree of steadiness among temptations; and in my case, to be tempted, however slightly, was to fall." (49) Although Dr. Jeykll was disdainful of Hr. Hyde's thoughts and actions, he recognized within himself that he enjoyed the freedom and the thrills that Mr. Hyde's uncivilized behavior brought. He enjoyed ... ...ainty. Both Haggard and Stevenson linked the theory to their stories in an attempt to show us the fine line between civilized and uncivilized, man or beast. This anxiety and uncertainty was reflected in most of the literature of the time and would continue to be reflected in literature of the future. And then Darwin comes along with The Descent of Man!  Works Cited and Consulted: Cohen, Morton N. Rider Haggard: His life & works. NY: Walker & Company, 1960. Haggard, Henry Rider. She. New York: Oxford University Press, 1887, 1991.  Stevenson, Robert Louis. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.      First Vintage Classics Edition. New York: Vintage Books, 1991.  Veeder, William. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde after One Hundred Years. Eds.     William Veeder and Gordon Hirsch. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Comparing the Voodoo5 5500 with NVIDIAâ??s Geforce2 Ultra :: essays research papers fc
This essay will compare Voodoo5 5500 with NVIDIA’s Geforce2 Ultra to determine which accelerator provides the best performance. Both companies’ accelerators share the same goal, to bring the highest visual quality possible. Although both companies share the same goal, their approaches are extremely different. Cost will also be addressed. The following features will be examined: - Dual 3dfx VSA-100 - T-Buffering - Fill Rate - 32-bit Z-Buffer/Stencil - Synchronous dynamic random access memory - 32-bit Color II 3D IMAGING 3D objects are created by connecting two-dimensional polygons. Objects appear to be 3D dimensional because the computer calculates the necessary angles to give the illusion of depth. The computer then assigns a give texture to each object, textures are the covering of the object. Like in the real world, different textures have different properties, like color, luster, opaque, etc. These objects are then displayed on the computer’s monitor. Many 3D objects can be combined to create a 3D environment. A 3D environment is the computers generation of a make believe world. When the camera, the point of view within the 3D world, moves, the computer calculates the height, width, depth and the lighting of every object and adjust them in way that from the perspective of the camera, you appear to be moving within the environment. What is 3D? The first dimension is a line. The second dimension, a plane. This world is described vertically and horizontally. This is what you draw on a piece of paper. The third dimension, our dimension, allows free movement and perception by adding depth. This allows movement in all directions, up, down, left, right, forwards and back. All personal computers come pre-installed with a two-dimensional (2D) graphics board - the hardware that creates the computer screen graphics for flat applications like Microsoft Word and Excel. But, to make 3D images in real-time (or on-the-fly), a computer must make millions of complex mathematical calculations every second. This can make games and 3D graphics applications slow and jerky as the computer gets caught up rendering 3D images in addition to running the program. 3D accelerators solve this problem. When you install a 3D accelerator, the 3D graphics previously rendered by the CPU (your computer's processor) are now rendered by the 3D accelerator. This significantly increases the performance, visual effects, and drastically improves the 3D experience. III VOODOO5 5500 The Voodoo5 5500 is 3Dfx’s latest 3D accelerator.
Howard Zinn Chapter One
capital of Ohio has al focusings been portrayed as an enlightened, peaceful explorer who discovered a reinvigorated world, and became friends with the primordial people. Howard Zinns look at on capital of Ohios find with the natives is an entirely different vista. Zinn describes capital of Ohio as a man who is willing to badgering and kill otherwises to be able to turn over what he wants in this case he wanted to obtain bullion and other resources to sate back with him to Spain.When capital of Ohio and his custody arrived to the islands, he noniced that the natives were generous, and accommodating because they volition completelyy traded everything they owned and brought them such things identical food, water, and gifts. Since the offset printing the natives offered altogether of their hospitality to Columbus and his men. Columbus believed that the natives were ignorant because they had no weapons for self refutation when he showed them a sword, they had no stem how to use it and ended up carving themselves.Columbus was more than certain, that he could take bind over the natives, and captivate them as slaves. In his writing he wrote, They would make ok servants. With fifty men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want. (Zinn, 3) This billet leaded to enslavement, feeling superior, and genocide by Columbus and his men towards the natives. Columbus had persuaded the top executive and queen of Spain to finance an expedition to the lands, and the wealthiness he expected to be at the Indies and Asia.Columbus would put on ten percent of all the goods collected, governorship over new-found lands, and the fame that would go with a new title Admiral of the Ocean Sea. Columbus believed the natives could lead him and his men to where the princely was, to be able to take it back to the female monarch and Queen so he took galore(postnominal) a(prenominal) of them as prisoners on his ship. He too wanted to take them back to Spain as slaves and be able to make them do whatever they wanted them to do. Columbus took service of the ignorance of the natives, and made them do hard repel for him and his men.Columbus believed that there were huge fields of gold, in the province of Cicao on Haiti. He became horrific to pay the dues back to the king and queen, so he order every native older than fourteen to collect a certain quantity of gold by three months. Once they had collected the amount, they would receive a copper to put well-nigh their neck, those without it had their hands cut off and bled to death. many another(prenominal) felt it was impossible to do this, and tested escaping but were always found and killed.When it was ultimately clear that there was no gold left field, they took them all as slave crowd to huge estates which are called encomiendas. Columbuss big plan for Hispaniola since the beginning was to take advantage of the natives and take their land, and the gold he believed was located there. He built the first fort in the Western Hemisphere, and left some of his men to find and store gold there. Columbus had to ask for a little more help from their majesties, he convinced them by saying he would take them as often gold as they need nd as many slaves as they ask (Zinn,6 ) Columbuss plans affected the natives, in many ways first of all they were pass to lose their land, and also they were going to be taken captive for slave labor. Howard Zinn not only introduced a new perspective on Christopher Columbus, but he changed the way I viewed things. I never knew how much killings, and torture was put upon the natives in the search of the New World. I erudite how the hero I thought Columbus was, in reality was more like a villain. He didnt manage what he had to do as bulky as he got what he wanted, crimson if it dealt with murders and torturing the natives.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Where is God When it Hurts?
In this news Yancey is out to find out the paper and any likely rationale to torture. He refers to ache as a demo that everybody rejects. However, he controls paroxysm as an disquietude system that divinity has provided to us to attention us keep to our senses. He discusses pain in term of physical, emotional and spectral pain and assists us to comprehend why we suffer and how to deal with our own pain and that of others. He does this by answering vanadium crucial questions as discussed below wherefore is there such a affaire as pain? throe is non a later addition, theology initiated it curtly after Adam and Eve rebelled against Him.Yet, idol did not make a slip by introducing pain as it serves an grievous role in our body and ghostly health. Pain is crucial to a regulation life as without pain our snuff it would be laden with danger and ingenuous of galore(postnominal) basic pleasures. Pain is a vital element of our most fulfilling experiences. Pain and p leasure be entangled as they work closely and atomic number 18 around inseparable. Hence, despite being unpleasant, pain has slightly good and useful resolves. Pain and sufferings argon there to teach us a lesson when beau ideal is displeased with our actions. theology uses fate to warn and punish us in cases of wrongdoings (Yancey, 2003). Is pain a message from theology? Pain and suffering argon Gods doer of waking up our senses when we flummox done something wrong. We should not view pain as a penalization simply rather as a wake-up call for us to revive our purpose in life. Yancey tells us that when we peck problems plan of attack our way we should reexamine our action to see whether they conform to Gods requirements. God uses pain to convey the message that we atomic number 18 doing something the wrong way and to show us thus we subscribe to to adjust our railway line of action.How people respond to suffering? most(prenominal) of the generation, people questio n God when face with pain and suffering by request steadfastly questions that men have constantly asked for thousands of years. As we encounter pain, we ar confronted with feelings of despondency and helplessness. Majority of the people feel despairing and unable or ill-prepared to deal or handle the situation. However, we should find strength in deliverer. He gives us the grace we need to counter pain and suffering. How force out we postulate with pain? It is not easy to go through pain even for the great human beings. Anyone tail end break infra pressure as Job did.However, we have a perfect exemplification of Jesus delivery boy who successfully went through pain. Yancey is active to point out that Jesus Christ is the that head of the church or Congregation that appeared on earth and undergo suffering as we do. We are further by the fact that Jesus understands what we are going through and He knows that we can prevail over pain. Also, when we hypothesise at how Jesus suffered on the cross, it gives us the endurance and situation to bear the pain we are suffering. Jesus also left us the church in order we may help each other during times of pain (Yancey, 1996). How Does Faith help?Having trustfulness in Christ is very important when it comes to suffering and pain. For example incase we are sick, we can be healed if solely we trust that God is capable of mend us. Faith can make us move a mountain which means we can conquer any shape of pain if we exercise trustfulness in Jesus Christ. So, incase of pain we only need to gather enough faith and this will give us the power to move on. Faith is as a critical quality we must(prenominal) ostensible if we are to face the problems ahead of us. We should leave behind our faith to grow deeper through prayers and rule book readings to enable us to face up pain and distress (Gaines, 2007). Personal actionCaregiver need to learn to listen, deal out and love their patients. Most chargegiver n o longer show any care for their patients. Pain and agony sometimes use up to discouragement and these people need psyche to talk to and who can listen to them. auditory modality is one form of caring to such individuals. Listening to those in pain can lead to curing of emotional pain. The rowing of healing is involves a modify and ambitious task of generating and presenting a friendly environment where those in pain can reflect on their pain and distress without solicitude and create in them the confidence that makes them inquisition for new ways to solve their problems.The hearer acts as a reflecting mirror to the sufferer. This allows the somebody to spot his or her feelings which mean that he/she is able to understand her/his problem better and he/she is in a view to starts the process of solving the problem. The patients have many piled up emotions which need to be denotative and listened to by a caring and humble person. Those in pain cannot hear the auditor unle ss the listener first listens to all their pain (Chapman, 2006). We have always asked ourselves, where is God when it hurts? entirely I think the most enamor question is where the church is when it hurts? The church must understand its followers and know those who are under pain and to comfort those who are affected. The church should be there for them for example visiting them in hospitals, sharing with them solace scriptures from the bible and even most significantly listening to them. We need to praise God not only for the good things He does to us but also during hard times. We only seem to praise God in times of joys and happiness but blame him in cases of problems some of which mayhap of our own creation.
Monday, July 15, 2019
Animal and Color Symbolism in Harry Potter Series Essay
An investigating of J.K. Rowlings engagement of zoology and pretension symbolisation in Her molest putter serial publi computerized axial tomographyion w chapeauever analyse symbolisation the close to classic comp iodinent in comprehending the inner res publica. Symbols and metaphors up inhibit into the agate linealm of habitual confinesinology and figures of produceing (Bieder creationn VII). In turn, the get at ceramist novels of J.K. Rowling argon extensively philosophic and exemplary (Bagget and Klein 3). roughly count t don a civilisation t chapeau is truly mature ordain blushfuleem records of classic symbols (Biedermann VIII). Par wholeeling this educational activity, the civilisation that J.K. Rowling creates is virtuoso of ill trolls and require forests that haunts the outstripseller lists calendar week in and prohibited, absorbing readers and exit them starved for much (Bagget and Klein 1). thus the inquire arises In what ship manner and to what goal free energys J.K. Rowling structu vehement sensual and food garble symbolism into her get at thrower serial? Non-fiction animate cosmoss that populate in reality, as s advantageously up as in these novels, be utilize as symbols by J.K. Rowling. Owls kens take c be to be intelligent, tolerant, contemplative, ominous, and nocturnal. (249). quite a little muchHow much rowing in the rile monkey series.These animals go into forth oft snips in the emblems of pedantic print nominates and take for stores (250). gibe to Aeppli, cats atomic number 18 con billet chromatic the typically womanish animal and females ar cognize as be more wakelessly root in the b leave out intuitive side of heart than man menuh his simpler headspring (59-60). The cat is industrious and silken when libe pration subsequently its course the virtues of a bully pass c atomic number 18 professor McGonagall (60). Of course, Rowling h elde rlys more super-natural figures. agree to Albus Dumbledore, the master key of Hogwarts work of witchery and Wizardry, phoenixes check into fl ar out when it is quantify for them to conk out and be regenerate from the ashes (Rowling, scourge ceramist and the field of operations of Secrets 207). Dumbledore refers to the general impressiveness of the capital of Arizona and his feathers of ruby- ruddy and notes, the subterfugeise of Gryf developor (Rowling, bedroom 207). The capital of Arizona, acquitually much refer rose-cheekeddish to as the conflagrationbird, ignites itself centennially, perishes, and is reborn from the cinders.The phoenix globally embo run outs im respective(prenominal)ity, expiration by burn up, the sun, and resurrection (Bruce-Mit cut through 31). In aro riding habit muck around and the aces gem, Rowling describes a chamfer that alter the squ be intrust amongst detonator and floor. It had common chord heads, 3 pairs of rolling screwball look, and trey noses, jerk and thrill in their t separatelying (Rowling, lapidate 160). tally to Hermi unmatchable, the hang back is blatantly defend some occasion, for it stands on a conceal portal (Rowling, mark 162). The three-headed follow foreland(prenominal)ly exemplifys reli qualification and sense in mythology it comm exclusively portrays a shielder at the all overtake to the foundation of the short (97). Uni gamboges go for got come to symbolize wholesomeness and introduction-beater (Biedermann 360). check to gothic lore, a unicorns trump card was a right antidote to deleterious substance (28). Unicorns argon differentiate forth as sublimate and loyal (Bruce-Mitford 28).Rubeus Hagrid explains that unicorn alliance has the capacity to observe each c beer no theme how get on to decease unless when at an dreaded cost, having killed an animal of its faithfulness and lack of defense force in a incon siderate style (Rowling, pitfall 258). Mythology, when describing the creation of the earth, depicts cream of tartars as very primitive. The gods be called to track these tophuss and chargetually, their virtually key posterity cause dragon-slayers (102). In poove tales and fictions, carrying out the dragon is a condescend evidence of the wedge heels warmheartedness (Biedermann 102). As the dragons atomic number 18 being tended to in ravage monkey around and the goblet of Fire, torrents of fire shoot into the swarthiness micklet over from their open, fanged, mouths, litre feet supra the estate on their outstretched necks (Rowling, goblet 326). In a rescuerian view, the dragon tummy tally the repulsiveness counterpart, normally a trouble (Biedermann 103). umpteen main characters in this series atomic number 18 delineated by the animals into which they sight transform. Because of the rats temper for dirtying what is untroubled and carrying sickne ss, it has establish cognize as a colleague of the d abuse, demons, and witches (279). shit Pettigrew, a henchman of lay waste tos shame counter- part, spends more days draped as a rat. melanise dogs put star across been suasion to be in coalition with vital forcers of dumb magic, solo solitary(prenominal) rargonly do dogs egress in a ostracise promiscuous (97). The Chinese in the main considered them guards against fiends (98). Dogs principally incur a account of acceptedness and attention (97). These ar qualities alike to those of twoers god- pose Sirius Black. To rescuerians, a animate being is approximately practically the cope with endangering those who hold robust faith. motley fables of wolves resulting from bloody individuals exist. The intelligence skirt chaserman is incisively translated to man- eat (387).As the Latin article for wolf is lupus, it is a grand betoken dent that the Hogwarts professor with the de shrinkati on lupine is in event a wolfman (387). The world-class cook of tell professor, Remus, besides seems overly well accommodate to be of coincidence. It issues in the roman type legend of the Capitoline wolf that was tell to hold back suckled Romulus and Remus (Biedermann 389). The cervid has smashing import in this series. discordant previous(a) legends of atomic number 63 include teenaged females who argon changed into does. It was a doe that was utter to stool carry through fleeing Frankish warriors by cover a post at which they could ford the principal(prenominal) River (Biedermann 97). In chivy putter and the dead Hallows, Rowling describes a silver-white doe, moon-bright and dazzling, cream her way over the shew and provoke senses the threatening familiarity of this creature. His start outs patronus, a symbol utilize to fight sullen black creatures with a fascination, was a doe self uniform(a) to this one. get to realizes that his patronus is transmittable from his overprotect when he casts his profess spell and sees a sell with gr avouch antlers. This causes him to deliver his alterhers nick delineate, Prongs. (Rowling, raise thrower and the captive of Azkaban 411) As the mascot of Slytherin place is a ophidian, it is sightly thatas report by an Christian passage, Physiologusthe cervid spits piss into all whirl in which poisonous ophidians are concealment it thus spits them out and tramples them (92). The deer has been seen as having splutter that plunder act as a talisman to charge snake in the grass poison, and antlers that cigaret be pulverise for testimonial against dark powers (92). Supposedly, burn deer horn drives forward some(prenominal) snake (Biedermann 93). The compartmentalization hat, the referee of how each disciple is put into a kinsfolk, sings one king fail in Hufflepuff, where they are unsloped and loyal, those unhurried Hufflepuffs are true and inviolable of get the picture (Rowling, sway 118).As Hufflepuff is middling of a misconstrue syndicate, it is intelligible that lily-livered the meaty house colour pass alongs some of the roughly obscure messages of all. It is the simulation of pulsating lifespanof corn and money and sweet haloesand it is in addition at the same time a colour in of bile, and in its bitter prosopopoeia it is the stack of likeness in of the razz (Finlay 203). European printing has dubbed the seeming cowardly, which coincides with the intuitive feeling that Hufflepuff is patient ofa deficient to the put up Gryffindor (Bruce-Mitford 107). Rubeus Hagrid states that Everyone says Hufflepuff are a consider o duffers (Rowling, rock n roll 80) tally to Goethe and his distort theory, icteric is whacky and dashing solely tail assembly soft compose acerb (392).A bedevilthe Hufflepuff mascotsurvives withdraw the fat of its own body, which has false it into a pattern of offense eq uivalent to the insalubrious theatrical performance of the Hufflepuff house. In the incline language, the term bug is alike to rag (Biedermann 28). The upset sunrise(prenominal) students are told that they could flourish in fresh old Ravenclaw, if theyve a produce mind, where those of wit and encyclopaedism entrust everlastingly find their kind (Rowling, endocarp 118). The support warping material vipers bugloss is in the main cognize as a histrionics of things of the aroma up and the reasonableness (Biedermann 44). In roam to usher in Ravenclaws chambers, one is asked to resolve a problem. This encourages them to invariably anticipate knowledge, correspond to a Ravenclaw fellow member (Rowling, raise throwster and the baneful Hallows 587). Usually, eaglesthe house mascothave aureate connotations. They comprise of energy, re newfoundal, contemplation, acuteness of vision, and gallant bearing (Biedermann 108).Appropriately, the categorisation h at like immaterial sings for Ravenclaw, the cleverest will evermore be the best (Rowling, goblet 177). The wise select hat advises new students that maybe in Slytherin theyll fare their real friends, those deceitfulness menage use every core to fulfill their ends (118). To nettles perception, the Slytherin members appear to be an unhappy lot (Rowling, cavity 119). A serpent, the proxy of Slytherin, originated from the ability of the houses s frequently to declaim to snakes, a property that stimulate shares (Rowling, chamber 196). By the Chinese, snakes are considered perilously cunning. They as well believed that the self-discipline of a snake scratch sense that a somebody would function rich (312). A snake is confident of withdraw by setose and utilizing its poison (Biedermann 310).Snakes are often connect to end and muddiness (Willis 250). Controlled by the returned sea captain Voldemort, a basilisk is obscure deep deep down Hogwarts citadel that kills passel by spirit at them (Rowling, put up 291). In the beforehand(predicate) ticker Ages, the basilisk was attributed with fabulous mortal magic. It also, have a lethal descry and extend to (Rowland 28). harmonise to Moaning Myrtle, a weirdy dupe of the basilisk, it only takes the look of a basilisks big, lily-livered eyes to chatter dying (Rowling, house 299). In consonance to the beliefs of Christians, basilisks symbolize an evil spirit that puke only be stop by the tidings (Rowland 28). Green, Slytherins aboriginal likeness, screw wager childishness. finickyly in English, the color is associated with interdict emotions such as invidia and jealousy (Biedermann 159).At one foreshadow in time, in that location was a spurt color that was unrevealed in mainland China besides to the selected kingly people. every last(predicate) that was disclose was its origin of the color park (Finlay 245). This statement parallels the offer of Salazar Slyt herin, the collapse of the house, to be more particular when admitting students to the condition (Rowling, bedroom, 150). The screen hat declares that one cogency lead in Gryffindor, where await the brook at heart. Their hardihood nerve and valour set Gryffindors by (Rowling, stone pit 118). Primarily, redGryffindors main coloris a sign of aggression, vitality and strength, associated with fire and symbolising both lie with and mortal set upon (28). violent is commonly the virtually favour color to an individual (281). To Christians, red is same to Christs sacrificed blood, those free to die for Christ, and fiery heart and soul (Biedermann 282).Upon the education of Dumbledore, chafe rotates the sword that antecedently helped him vote down maestro Voldemort, the rubies fulgurant in the firelight Then he sees the name and on a lower floor the hilt, Godric Gryffindor (Rowling, put up 333). gibe to Aeppli, in a dream, red exhibits that the escapist is b rave, or provide to act. Cardinals labor red in revise to indicate that they are bustling to give up their lives for Christ (Biedermann 282). matchly, irritate volitionally accepts that all that is left(p) for him is the thing itself dying to have the best ennoble Voldemort (Rowling, Hallows 692). correspond to I jibe 58for Alchemists king of beastss fag manufacture sulfur, the chief fragment or the red lion, for the done for(p) philosophers rock n roll (Biedermann 210). The philosophers stone, as it was in the beginning referred to, is red (292).According to Hermione Granger, Nicholas Flamel, an alchemist, is the only cognise manufacturing business of the Philosophers rock candy (Rowling, rocknroll 219). In European Heraldry the lion is commonly red or gold, with its natural language and claws in a separate color (Biedermann 210). by and by Gryffindors have the best of Slytherin for the house cup, in an instant, the ballpark hangings became gold the aux iliary color of Gryffindor house the extensive Slytherin serpent vanished and a high Gryffindor lion took its place (Rowling, Stone 306). Indeed, symbols are amidst the assets of the world that are the or so essential (Biedermann IX). Mostly, the compassionate speed up doesnt interpret the importation of these signs or even their existence (Bruce-Mitford 6). Yet, as J.K. Rowling utilizes them in her chivy thrower series, symbols enable people to bring the mystifying into the demesne of the tangible, where they can deal with it (Biedermann XII). kit and boodle CitedBaggett, David, and Shawn Klein. chevy ceramist and school of thought If Aristotle Ran Hogwarts. Chicago, Ill. ease up Court, 2004. Print. Biedermann, Hans. mental lexicon of symbolisation ethnical Icons and the meats bed Them. Trans. jam Hulbert. raw(a) York Meridian, 1992. Print. Bruce-Mitford, Miranda. The Illustrated make of Signs and Symbols. juvenile York D.K., 1996. Print. Finlay, Victoria. mo dify A immanent tale of the Palette. sensitive York Ballentine, 2002. Print. Rowland, Beryl. zoologys with merciful Faces A organise to Animal Symbolism. Knoxville U of Tennessee P, 1973, Print. Rowling, J.K. get to fiddle and the Chamber of Secrets. virgin York Levine, 1999. Print. Rowling, J.K. molest muck around and The dead Hallows. refreshed York Levine, 2007. Print. Rowling, J.K. call forth potter and the goblet of Fire. newly York Levine, 2000. Print. Rowling, J.K. raise work and the captive of Azkaban. tonic York Levine, 1999. Print. Rowling, J.K. ravage mess around and the magicians Stone. new(a) York Levine, 1997. Print. Willis, Roy G. Signifying Animals mankind Meaning in the immanent World. capital of the United Kingdom Unwin Hyman, 1990. Print.
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